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Sex and Sexuality Question

This is embarrassing to ask....

Okay, so I'm an 11 year old female virgin, and I've not touched anyone or myself once, but every time I get aroused, I feel pain in my pelvis just a few inches above my vagina. Sometimes a few inches below my lower stomach, and sometimes it shoots up into my stomach (Only when I'm really aroused).

At first I just dismissed as me being a virgin, but now I'm truly curious.

Is it true that it's just due to me being a virgin, and am I the only one who experiences these pains?
 InGENIOUS69 posted over a year ago
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Sex and Sexuality Answers

Sinna_Hime_chan said:
Sweetie, we are NOT doctors here but no, this does NOT sound normal. What is a good and healthy thing to do is to start going to a gynecologist (female doctor, like an OBGYN who specializes in female check-ups). I was a little older than you when my mom took me to my first visit. It may be nothing, but really a physcian would need to tell you this ~ NOT us because none of us know for sure OR know "your" body (most people on here are young, too, and would know nothing about this stuff. There may be some nurses here, but I do not know their history or credentails nor would I trust anything like this to ANY online source or anyone but a doctor), stuff like this is too important.

Each person is different. People also feel and describe pain & sensations differently.

Now... I am going to try to say this as nicely as possible because I am not trying to be mean or insult you/meaning nothing bad to you personally, but an 11 year old should NOT be on Fanpop -and- should not be on this club! [Fanpop's rules-not mine]

-(though your question was a good question & it is exactly the kind of question this club is for) I wish I could tell you. I know muscles contract and things when arousrd, but a female check-up is really what ya need.

[Sorry no one had answered this b4 now & I am not as active as I was] Just ask doctors these questions- pain is never really normal from what I know.
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posted over a year ago 
EgoMouse said:
Hmm, doesn't sound normal. My exes never felt anything like that. You're pretty young for this site, maybe you can ask your parents to take you to a gynecologist.
Does these sound like what you're experiencing?
I can't really help since I'm a guy and this might possibly be only a woman's health issue. From these links, most of them seem related to something being constricted. If you do go to the doctor, I would probably take notes of where your pain is, if there's pain during your period, how long the pain lasts, and the intensity of the pain.
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posted over a year ago 
BabyBlud said:
Sorry for the late reply.

I'm 24 and a mother and i get this sometimes, a feeling of someone slightly touching your insides or electricity shooting up. I've been checked out by my doctor and he can't find anything wrong with me, though i do suggest you go to see a doctor i shouldn't worry too much, every person's body reacts differently and it's not because you're a virgin. When a woman become aroused, the muscles in her vagina/cervix and her stomach can contract with the pressure/pleasure.
Go to your doctors to make sure it's nothing else, but don't worry too much about it until he/she has seen you.
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posted over a year ago 
sieluvzsoul said:
srry 4 such a l8 reply, but sweetie id say, thts more of a conversation u should have with your parents or a doctor im just saying
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posted over a year ago 
JailynnLuv said:
First Why you on here at that age second we ain't doctors and third if you have a problem inbox me
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posted over a year ago 
ravissa said:
Well that is strange, xD.
U should probably see the doctor

btw, with my awesome 15 year old intelect I am able to deduce that this is a rare case of Lady bonner (acctually I got no idea)...
Maybe some sort of very strange devolopment of sexual desire?
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posted over a year ago 
SeeUV3 said:
Has much has I know about sex I honestly don't know the answer to this question im sorry I wish I could be more help maybe see a doctor cause im not sure sorry
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posted over a year ago 
True-Finn-Fan said:
could be your period... just saying... but i don't know... i'm a guy... but it could be growing pain... i mean, woman pelvises have to move and get wider at some age so that later in life they can give birth... maybe something like that is going on... i'm just guessing as if it's not related to Arousal... if it is then i couldn't tell you what it is. like i said, i'm a guy :3
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could be your period... just saying... but i don't know... i'm a guy... but it could be growing pain... i mean, woman pelvises have to move and get wider at some age so that later in life they can give birth... maybe something like that is going on... i'm just guessing as if it's not related to Arousal... if it is then i couldn't tell you what it is. like i said, i'm a guy :3
posted over a year ago 
Tychyng22 said:
I had the same issues. But it always happened when I was about to have my period. I would see a doctor.

I understand that you're 11. But it's fanpop's rule that you MUST be over 13 to join.
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posted over a year ago 
haha, cut the parent crap.
X-Kid posted over a year ago
X-Kid said:
Just ask your doctor of the possibility of ovary cysts.. nothing to be frightened of whatever it is. Just be sure to inform someone.
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posted over a year ago 
boytoy_84 said:
I have never felt any pain like that when I get aroused, having an extreme orgasm or even masturbating. Sometimes I get pains like that when I get my period. I think some people have different pains here and there and some don't. Your doctor/gynecologist might tell you what it is and why you have pains like that since you're not sexually active yet. Some women get pains when they ovulate or when they get their period. You could be getting your period. Just tell your parents to take you to a gynecologist for a check up.
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posted over a year ago 
Hellowittykitty said:
Sweetie , I suggest you ask your parents and/or close relatives about this. And since you are 11 and quite young, I HIGHLY suggest that you shouldn't be on Fanpop. (ESPECIALLY THIS CLUB!) You are too young to know about such things, and even have to be aroused. Are there certain boy's that make you feel this way? This can also be a sign that you are on your period. Side affects include cramps, nausea, and mood swings. Honey, just ask your guardians/parents and say do you have a history of these affects or are you just having your period. I had mine at your age, 11.
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Sweetie , I suggest you ask your parents and/or close relatives about this. And since you are 11 and quite young, I HIGHLY suggest that you shouldn't be on Fanpop. (ESPECIALLY THIS CLUB!) You are too young to know about such things, and even have to be aroused. Are there certain boy's that make you feel this way? This can also be a sign that you are on your period. Side affects include cramps, nausea, and mood swings. Honey, just ask your guardians/parents and say do you have a history of these affects or are you just having your period. I had mine at your age, 11.
posted over a year ago 
amethystpurple said:

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posted over a year ago 
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