Soccer Team Rates!

CoreyCarlson posted on Oct 27, 2011 at 10:12PM
Hello people of Soccer! I am Corey Carlson! Pleased to meet you all! Today I am posting something that might be weird but it is worth the while of it. Today you are going to tell me who is your favorite Soccer team! As in: Tottenham Hotspurs, Argentina, and any team that relates to the world cup! 1. Tell me what team you like. 2. Tell me your favorite player. 3. Rate the forum. It is simple. And wait a couple days so that I have everyones team rate figured out. And there will be a prize for you all in about a week if you post now. First one to post their 2 ratings of that soccer team. Will win a cool prize later. Be the first one to know! The first to win, and tell your friends that have fanpop and like this club to go on and check this out.

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