Tamar20 Please Talk To Me

AquaRhapsody posted on Feb 05, 2013 at 02:30PM
Tamar I know I've been such an annoying bitch lately but please I didn't mean to do all the stuff I did and to upset you, please, you're my only friend left, I don't want to lose you, please forgive me, I promise I won't do it again, I just don't know what's wrong with me, I can't control myself T_T but please believe me, everything I've said was true .... why don't you believe me?

Tamar20 89 replies

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over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Will you stop? And no, I don't believe you. Because BlindBandit92 is my friend, and I trust him, STOP calling him names and saying horrible stuff about him that aren't true. It's fucking rude and impolite. And why are you trying so hard by making him look bad in my eyes? You want me to hate him. For what? Just because he unfriended you? You know what I don't blame him. You did some stupid shit to him, you acted like an annoying stalker bitch most of the time. And now you dislike him for stupid reasons. And now you made me furious because of your actions with him and me. I just don't know what to do with you. I guess it's the end of the line. I put up too much shit from you. I don't think I can anymore. All I want is for you to STFU. Seriously. This time I'm serious. I thought you learned something from the last time, but you didn't learn shit. And after forgiving you, there you are, you did it again after a very short while, when I told you not to. You're unbelievable!
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
you want me to stop what? not trying to get my friend back? no i will never give up, and aren't i your friend too? did you ever think that maybe i'm telling the truth? i'm not lying and i don't hate him tbh, i'm trying to protect you from him, he treated me like shit and he will do the same to you, he's a jerk, duh!

ok i'll stop, i guess there's nothing i can do. if i stopped will you forgive me and become my friend again? please
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Quit the drama please. I'm so tired of arguing with you. I said all I need to say. I don't need someone to protect me by the way. I can take care of myself. If anyone ever treated me like that, they will surely regret it.
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
Yeah don't worry about Tamara i'll protect her :P
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
I was an ass to you because you were an ass to me and others repeatedly if you wasn't an ass to me and others I would have been nicer but you still don't see that. And you're still trying to do this and you say you'll never give up? That's your biggest problem you never know when to stop. You never have. This is what happened when you screw over friends over and over again. Some of them will never take you back. Tamara have never treated me as bad as you've treated me. She may have gotten mad at me and cussed me out a few times but sometimes friends do that. I know I've done the same to others yet I still cared about them. You're saying you're telling the truth. Emily I have the same records as you do and I could show it if asked. If by some insignificant chance I did something that was out of line. (I am pretty sure I didn't considering you deserved that and more.) I have no problem showing the good and bad points of that argument. I have no problem showing all the arguments that we have ever had. But the thing is Tamara trusts me. And I trust her. If I was such a douche why didn't try to prevent Tamara from being friends with you by using childish antics this time around. But your the one really set on vengeance and being a backstabber. Honestly I would rather you had no friends because honestly you don't deserve them. You never listen to what they truly want. Sure you may help them out sometimes but there's alot of times where you don't truly understand them. As Tamara just said in no certain words. Are you hard-headedly stupid that you didn't get the lesson last time? I didn't necessarily need the lesson. Because I forgive people alot if they deserve it. You only the other hand holds grudges to others for stupid reasons. I almost want to know alot of the lies you told Tamara but honestly that's not even necessarily. Are you so stupid that you cannot see the change? She and I are very tired of your pettiness,childness,stupidity among other things, It's pathetic. Pleading and begging will not do you any more good. Yes I cussed you out Emily BECAUSE you deserve it. You really are an infant who doesn't know when to shut up. The absolute most ironic thing is.: You once told me you never want to lose friends because of the fact you did some stupid things and you lost one of your friends in irl. And you admitted those stupid things yet you don't try to change. You told me everything about her changed when she was talking and dealing with you and you didn't want that. I remember all of those times when you pleaded and begged me or Tamara to be friends with you over and over again. When you do stupid things over and over again when your friends are trying to get you to see it is wrong. You'll lose more friends that way. I have no problem saying I am jerk at times. Just like everyone is a jerk at times. Everyone has their bad moods. I am not such a jerk that I cannot admit my mistakes and try to fix them. You don't hate me? You honestly could have fooled me. 99% of the problems with our relationship as friends came from you Emily. I admit sometimes I shouldn't have yelled at you but the crap you did. It's hard someone not to argue and/or yell at you. Stop pointing the blame at others and look in the goddamn mirror Emily.I forgave you. I actually did. And you know what I still highly despise you because you are possibility 90% of what I dislike in a person and wow did you exceed my expectations. Heartisalone told you to stop being an idiot. Many other people told you to stop being an idiot. My sister whom you was friends with told you to stop being an idiot several times. And my other friend Katy told you to stop being an idiot. Every time I asked for advice from a decent amount of people as to what to do with you. Every time they told me you were in the wrong, Every time. If so many intelligent people told you to stop being an idiot. Don't you think it's time you got the fucking message? I stopped being friends with you because every time I friend you back you do the same thing I told or asked you not too. Every time you highly aggravate and completely piss me off and then you are so stupid. You act like nothing has happened when I told you alot of times before. I didn't want to friend you because I was literally tired of your bullshit but you probably think if someone forgives you they should automatically be your friend again. I literally hate your idea of favoritism to others especially to Tamara. And now the one person whom you favored above everyone even me doesn't even want to be your friend any more. How ironic is that?. You told me that she gave you more when I actually forgave your sorry ass so many times and did alot of other things. We both helped you when you really didn't deserve it. I hate picking favorites out of my friends. That isn't right. You may be closer to someone but picking favs isn't right. And what I possibility hate the most about you is that you are a kiss ass at times. To be honest alot of this is no different than what I told you privately but I figured I tell you again.


AND FOR your FUCKING information EMILY. I try my best not to piss my friends off if I can help it. So me treating Tamara bad is a very slim possibility if it happens at all.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
^ so there's a possibility that you'll treat tamar like that? SEE, what did i tell you?!!!!

you know none of this ever happened if you became my friend again, and yeah you didn't understand me either, you never knew how i felt or how i feel hated and insecure when you keep telling i'm stupid for every thing i say. and that i was ugly......... and yes i don't hate you (even tho i did say it but i was angry) ppl say hurtful stuff when they're angry and, i'm not backstabbing you, i still want to be friends with you, i'm just doing this out of anger, and i don't pick favorites, i don't even have much friends so i can pick favs @Tamar idk if saying sorry will get you to forgive me, but my only hope is that i'll REALLY try my best to change this time, i'm sorry for everything. i can't control myself, i just hate myself, everything about me is just horrible, sorry for ruining everything, i can't believe how stupid i am
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^NO there isn't a possibility. You are an idiot that is very true. You'll only change that when you learn to understand people but you never do. I understand more about people than you do at this moment. AND IF YOU fucking read. I WILL NOT treat her like that. YOU are an idiot. I SAID there's a slim possibility if it happens at all. MEANING it won't happen. Oh really you felt hated? That's exactly the dish you served to other people. You just got what you deserved.

Look you're doing this out of anger? I understand you are doing this out of anger. But fucking regardless it isn't right. HOW would feel if you broke up a good friendship due to your anger. You'll feel even worse. You can't control yourself? Then why do you say you'll change when you know you won't? I cannot be friends with someone like you. I really can't. Every time I try to help you spit in my face figuratively. I don't feel appreciated at all. I don't understand you? I understand more than you think I do.

I have a saying I always use to describe things I don't like yet I know it is inevitable. "Just because you know a volcano erupts that doesn't mean you have to like it." And I say that to everyone who tells me "I know something yet they think I shouldn't complain about it.

Look you are not helpless nor do you need to feel that way. YOU CAN CHANGE but first you need to ask yourself do you really want to change. You need to understand the feelings of others. You need to find ways to fix your own depression and anger whatever you have going on.

I may stopped being friends with you. But here's the thing. There's a reason I became friends with you in the first places. You can be a good people and not everything about is horrible. If you were truly that horrible I would have NEVER became friends with you in the first place. But I did didn't I?


That will NOT work. I feel lied to every time you told me you changed yet you didn't. I am being honest it takes alot of patience to deal with someone like you.

I get your feeling depressed,lonely,helpless and other things and that is unfortunate but insulting others. STARTING fights and being a clingy stalker isn't going to help. ALL you are doing is pushing people away from you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…

"None of this will ever happen if you became my friend again" So what you are saying is I am innocent but you're lying on me and tormenting me and Tamara so I can be your friend again? That's pathetically low. None of this will ever happen if you grew a brain.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
ANOTHER THING. I NEVER TOLD YOU WAS UGLY. I NEVER was really attracted to you and even if I was slightly attracted to you at the beginning. Your personality turned me off quicker than the way you look. Saying I am not attracted to you DOES NOT FUCKING MEAN I thought you were ugly. You know what I HATE girls like you. You always assume everything I say and not just assume you take it to extreme levels. YOU always have. I tell you one thing you say something completely different. I NEVER SAID YOU were ugly. YOU ARE NOT MY TYPE in personality or beauty. YOU ARE NOT my type. You one time you told me you had a crush on me. And then you said you didn't. I think you did have a crush on me because alot of shit you did was of a jealous girlfriend. And in case you didn't get the message. I HATE jealous girlfriends. Especially when they are jealous for stupid reasons. I NEVER told you you were ugly.

I should have never shown you anything I like or the girls I like. Because it seems you got jealous off the girls I like because I liked them other than that you wouldn't have insulted them. I DO NOT LIKE people like you. You think you know everything and you fucking whine when people are upset with you.

I have my ideal woman and you are not her. And I would fucking appreciate it if you stop acting like an asshole or everyone in your life will shun you.

You know what? I finally fucking realize why you love Taylor Swift because from what it seems you and her have similar personalities and upon learning that I can't stand her now. You slut shame and so did she. You think because a guy is unattainable you get jealous of the girl he's with or whatever. JUST LIKE her. You and her are very similar people. Taylor Swift is actually one of my least favorite celebs due to everything that has happened. The songs she sings you would do most of the actions in them and you'd whine about a boy dating a popular one. And you supposedly hate girls who sleep around because you think you are not attractive enough to sleep around with. The biggest thing turning people off from you is your personality.

I do not appreciate hypocritical,ignorant,annoying,immature,je­alo­us,­sta­lke­ris­h people. NOT AT ALL.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
what makes you think that I wanna be your ideal woman? wtf? i just wanted to be your friend, talk about anime n stuff like we used to and yes I want to change and I will even if it took me forever to realize things, and answer this, when did I ever insulted or got jealous or hated a girl that you liked?! huh? please don't hate me, I did cared for you, I still do. but I did try to kill myself, it wasn't a blackmail. I just wanted to know that if you cared for me..... I know I said I can't control myself but that doesn't mean I can't change, I'll try and try and try until I find myself and ohhhh? I made ppl feel hated? what? no, how? I didn't mean to do it on purpose. and do you know why I never give up on you and Tamar is cause I need ppl like you in my life, ohh
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
this is directed to both of you... if I ever changed my personality, would you ever be my friend again?!
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^IMBECILE I never said you did want to be my ideal woman but the way you acted towards me it seems like you wanted to be my girlfriend and plus even if that isn't the case. You "claim" you want to be my friend. YOU aren't my ideal friend either.

And as for the question: NO. Because you have already said that tons of the times. NO. N-O NOOOOO

Btw YES you did get jealous. YOU told me yourself you were jealous and I have the proof where you hated on girls I like and other things. I have every conversation we ever had in my inbox. You got jealous because I was friends with Train and you got jealous with alot of things. Including girls.

You need people like us in your life? YOU do not deserve us. I am sick of assholes and I am sick of immature idiots. NO I DO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND AT ALL.

over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
ALSO yea that was blackmail. YOU used your attempted suicide to get me to become your friend. LOOK in a dictionary. The only reason I am speaking to you now is that I want you to shut the hell up and stop being so pathetic.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
Tamara just block her. She will never get the hint. Ever.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
i literally mean it this time, i will change myself, i'll try, i know cuz i hate me too, what i've done isn't something to get easily forgiven by but i just want support that Tamaar and you believe in me that i can change, i'm not asking to be friends again or forgivness now, i just want you to see that i will change and believe in me and that i can do it, i will get help
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
i admit to what i did, it was a huge mistake and i'm sorry everybody deserves a 2nd chance, your friendship was reaally special to me and if i didn't care i wouldnt be apologizing to you guys, this is directed to both of you, i'm not perfect, please can you please unblock me both of you? you don't have to forgive me i just want to apologize to you, a sincere apology, i really want to, and then i will leave you alone, i promise, btw BB, Tamar already blocked me, that's why i made this forum, i just don't want you to be angry with me
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
I literally gave you about 50 tries or more. NO YOU are not welcome to be in my friends circle. I do not want to be your friend. I am sick and tired of your bullshit. And you know what? I don't think I will reply any longer.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
And you didn't want me to be angry? How fucking long have you known me? I do not want to be friends with you. I was thinking about it last time but my gut said no and I guess my gut was correct. Good bye Emily.
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Okay everybody just chill. And @BlindBandit92: I totally agree. @Emily: if you know you can change why didn't do it from your third or even tenth fucking time? I'm starting to think that it was all my fault, I have given you so many chances, that was a mistake, but the last time you really crossed the line. I don't think I wanna talk to you again, if I give you a chance, it means I will give you a chance to do it again. I don't think so. I don't trust you or care about you and what you say to me again. And there's nothing you can say that will change my mind. There's millions of people in here that I'm sure they want to be your friend. And I don't think Bandit is a jerk, but you should know that even the nicest people have their limits, for what you did, everyone would have stopped being your friend. I do hope that you really mean it this time, but I'm not going to be a part of it anymore. So good luck.
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
I'm chill :P
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
NO NO, Tamar please don't give up on me, please, that was a lie, i never got jealous of anyone that he liked, i swear, believe me, he is just assuming, please i wanna talk to you, please just unblock me, i know you are much nicer than BB, I know you have said so many times that sorry doesn't cut it.. but I really don't want to lose you over something so ridiculous and immature that I did and I need you to understand that I mean everything that I am saying. you mean so much to me and you have been an amazing friend towards me and I don't want to completely ruin it. I'll do anything!
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
I DON'T CARE. I don't care whether you got jealous or not. That is between you and him. IDGAF. The only thing I care about is I don't know why you wanted to break my friendship with Bandit...! I mean he doesn't want to be your friend so you got angry. I don't know what is that have to do with me! If you didn't got me involved. We would have been still friends now. But you are so fucking stupid, you don't think before you do something. And you know what? Sometimes I hate being a girl because of girls like you. And what most girls do. Whine about every fucking thing in their lives, and never quit whining. Ugh, now don't fucking talk to me again, now you got me in a REALLY bad mood. And I really fucking mean it too. I don't want to talk to you again.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
I FUCKING HATE YOU. I DON'T KNOW WHY BB LIKED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE OR WHAT DID HE SEE IN YOU, I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN TOO, I fucking hate BB too cuz it seems he brainwashed you or something, FUCK YOU BOTH, I'm outta here
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
YOU BITCH, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out, first, you'll never be half as awesome as Tamara [inside and out] so that's why you're so fucking jealous obviously, second, if you talk like that about Tamara in her own club then you're gonna get me and all of her other friends on your ass, so don't even think about doing it again you little miserable bitch, do you hear me? How dare you, I was thinking maybe Tamara was being hard on you but it seems not, you deserve every word she said to you and worse, fuck off and never talk to her again like she said, and certainly not like that. Apparently you don't even deserve her or forgiveness, go back from whatever shit hole you came from and never come back you worm.

Tamara ignore this spoiled brat, she's not worth your breathe.

......and I wanted to be civil -_-
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^You can never be civil around Emily. She will sooner or later cause you to be upset with her. @Emily The absolute funny thing is I told you Tamara didn't want to be involved with our squabble several times and you think I brainwashed her? I told you several times not to involve her but you didn't listen you whine and begged her every time. I have my fucking reasons why DO not want to be your friend. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who is your friend. Tamara and I do not fucking care any longer so leave us alone. YOU told me yourself that you were a jealous bitch right? Look stop involving people in everyone else's affairs and the funny thing is you told me I didn't deserve her friendship? I want you to fucking shut the hell up and actually fucking your brain but that's hopeless. DO NOT ever talk to me again. Do not ever talk to Tamara again. As much you say you hate us. EVERY FUCKING TIME you say you hate us you turn around saying you do not hate us because you want so desperately to be our friend. YOU told me last time you didn't want to be my friend but I guess that was a lie. Do yourself a favor and GTFO this club do not talk to us FUCKING ever again.
last edited over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
"And actually fucking get a BRAIN" excuse me. xDDD over a year ago
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
"Fucking your brain" LOL
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^MY GOD. Typo alert. Oh well it sounds better in an unusual way. xD
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
It does huh? But the most funny part is that you brainwashed Tamara's brain, lol dude, don't brainwash me too xD
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
I won't. xDDD
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
It seems that you two have a history with this chick. She doesn't think or speak any fucking sense. Someone needs to put some sense in her brain.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^Too much history if you ask me. And believe me I've tried. Over and over again. Tamara has too. We both put so much effort into helping her understand the stuff she was doing was wrong but every time she does something incredibly wrong we tell her off but it's like talking to a wall. I even tried being "nice" and that didn't work. Honestly even though she was my ex-friend. It feels as though she was an ex-girlfriend due to some of the crazy things she did.
over a year ago DrAlzheimer said…
That's messed up. I feel bad for you & Tamara honestly.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
Tamar get a loads of this, BB had a huge crush on badass, can you believe it? and people say I'm the fuking hypocrite !! pft, I bet he even liked her more than he liked you
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^In the beginning I did like her honestly. For some reason it was amusing to argue with her. Usui-Takumi also gave me reasons why not to dislike 8adass. I would never admit that to her ever. And I honestly think she wasn't that bad of a person. Usui-Takumi and I have both talked to her. She isn't that bad in imho. But that was in the very beginning to a little later. And no Emily for your information I did not like her better than Tamara. And like Tamara I grew out of that crush. I dunno why but some bitchy women I find hot. >.> Mainly because of hatesex. Blame my fetishes. DO not ask me why but I hated her and liked her a little bit all at the same time but now we are just frenemies. Didn't you already read that Tamara didn't want to talk to you or even be involved in our dispute? Btw real mature what you did. I could report you for harassing me. And no I am not really a hypocrite but I figured that was my personal business. You know Emily for someone who claimed they may change it seems it is all words and no action. If you truly will change you wouldn't resort to childish and petty insults just because you didn't get what you want. And also you just got through cussing out Tamara and me now you're kissing her ass. Tamara doesn't care about you anymore. Learn to realize that. But you probably will never will. You are so bipolar. One minute you hate her and now you are kissing her ass. Sad really.

Btw I did not have a huge crush on 8adass and might I mention that Tamara doesn't care about our feud? She has said so repeatedly. Tamara and I agreed to mutually just be friends and whether you call me a coward or not is none of your business. I knew I should have never told you anything yet you kept bugging me.

And now I am going to report you.
last edited over a year ago
^In the beginning I did like her honestly. For some reason it was amusing to argue with her. Usui-Tak
BlindBandit92 commented…
So yea instead of arguing with you. I think I just report you. over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
And get other people to report you as well. over a year ago
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
Fine I'll shut up just don't report me, I apologize, I just thought Tamar deserves to know, this time I will leave you alone, how low to think about reporting me, I mean really?
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^I already did it. I won't get anyone else to report you. How lowly do I think of you? Very lowly and reporting you isn't as bad as the crap you put me through. I am just done playing nice with you. ANYONE else other than you I would have reported them a long time ago. But no you constantly cause me to be very irritated with you and guess what NO Tamara didn't necessarily need to know. It is a personal thing that if I want to share I would I do not need your stupidity at all. Tamara knows about alot of my fetishes and she won't judge me like I won't judge her. You should have shut up a long time ago but you constantly fail to realize when you should shut up. Tamara DOES NOT care about our dispute. I do not know how any times I need to stress that but you constantly think she does.

ALL YOU did what supposedly throw my business out in public to get revenge at me. Not just to let Tamara know anything. You just thought you backstabbed me along with letting Tamara know. EVEN IF I ever be friends with you. And that is SLIM close to no chance at all. I wouldn't tell you anything about me ever again due to crap like this. I do not like people who toss my business in the air.

I haven't told everyone ALL about your shit. You want me to? Because I have no AIRING ALL of your dirty laundry out for the whole club to see and Random club to see. Every time you start shit against me I gain ammo against you. You apologize? You should have shut up from the beginning.

Emily the wisest thing for you to do is SHUT the HELL UP and leave me the FUCK alone.

I repeat REPORTING you is NOWHERE NEAR the crap you put me through. I almost want to torture you just so you can feel how I feel. If you are smart don't do shit like that ever again with me. Good bye Emily.

last edited over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
If you decide to be an asshole further with me. I will report you some more until your account is gone and every time you make an account that account will be gone. DO NOT mess with me. DO not think I am playing and DO NOT toy with me. I am dead serious. I am done playing with kid gloves with you. I was going to just leave you alone but your mouth is probably one of the things I hate most about you. You don't know when to shut the hell up. over a year ago
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
^ Come on, don't stress yourself over this, it's nothing. And true, I don't deserve to know it's none of my business. And I don't care honestly. I feel so awkward, you make us sound like we're partners or something. Stop it, don't you hate me Emily? Why do you care if I deserve to know or not? Leave me alone. And by the way, he's not a coward, it's called doing the honorable thing, and respecting your friends decisions, and that's rare to find in people. That's what friends do, but I doubt you'll understand what I mean. Did I piss you off? I don't care, I doubt you'll change anyway.
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Emily, I'm not going to report you, but I'll report this forum. And if you make one again after this one is gone, I'm going to get everyone on your ass to report you. I'm not replying to you anymore.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^I consider my friends and anyone I like to be dear to me. Very dear to me so things like this will bother me. Tamara it irks me how much of a hypocrite Emily is. More and more she surprises me. Honestly Tamara you know me well. There's alot of things that won't bother me but some like this take the cake and the bakery in one shot.

Tamara it's not that you didn't deserve to know. It's more like I was fucking embarrassed and I am sorry to make you embarrassed. Wasn't my intention. We might as well be partners. You're my friend and that means alot to me. Enough where I won't constantly backstab for stupid reasons........

Tamara she has a one track mind. The one thing I figured out about Emily is. No matter what if she wants something she'll do whatever to obtain it even by dirty tactics. I've known that since the first incident between her and I. And honestly I should have stopped it there. So "honor" or any other things she wouldn't understand or she'll have a twisted version of the concept.

You know Tamara lol sometimes you are very nice. I didn't even think about reporting this forum. I was going straight to the source of the problem.

@Emily like Tamara I am not replying to you anymore. You have literally lost any slim chance of getting us back with your words and your actions. You have no idea how much I cannot stand people like you.

over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Even so, don't be so upset. I hate to see you like that. And I know, exactly, she will do anything to get what she wants, but she's not getting it, and she's definitely doing it the wrong way! Oh, me very nice? I don't think so, I'm just tired, and wanna get this over with. Might as well be partners? I feel weird, help me shake off this feeling...
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^Alright I will try not to be upset because you want me to. And I am sorry I won't use partners as a way to describe us then. lol I hope you knew what I mean.

*gets rid of weirdness feeling* ^^ Honestly the only way we will stop this problem is we have to report Emily nothing more and nothing less.

over a year ago Tamar20 said…
Well, what did you mean? And I don't know, I kinda feel sorry for her. I really thought she was an awesome person before... It's sad.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
@BB, how would you feel if Tamar had a crush on one of the trolls you despise? huh? >_> @Tamar I don't hate you and thank you for not reporting me....... I just think that ... I might have a ... split personality T_T my sister told me, and I think I need to go to the doctor.. I say stuff I don't mean... I'll leave you alone now
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
@Tamara Well I certainly didn't mean partners in a romantic way. More like buddies. You know partner in crime? @Aqua That would be her business and not mine even if I disagreed. You need to shut the hell up and not meddle with people's affairs. IT WAS MY PERSONAL THING and I will never tell you anything about me ever again.

You might have a split personality? How do we know this isn't a lie. I really don't believe you. I honestly don't. Honestly if you did have a split personality. I still wouldn't be your friend.
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
Also if you truly did have a split personality why didn't you tell us that when you fucked up the first few hundred times Emily? If you are sick you should have been on medication a LONG time ago.
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
I just found out that about be, I'm not lying, what if I got better in the future.. would you become my friend? TAMAR, BB? you know there are some ppl have like these voices in their head, I think I do
over a year ago AquaRhapsody said…
and hey you didn't tell me I figured it out by myself
over a year ago BlindBandit92 said…
^So pretty much you are crazy. In every sense of the word. And if you got better? Who's to say you won't revert back to it. Plus to be honest both of your so-called personalities irk me and I never said I told you that. Read what I type down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Tamar20 said…
LMFAO Emily. You're so full of shit. And thank god you didn't mean it in a romantic way. It didn't bother me when you described us as partners as long as you don't mean it the other way. I like it actually.