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the emo kid Question

do you think being emo is really about wearing black, being gloomy, listening to sentimental songs all day long and cutting wrists?

someone i know slit the back of her hands just to get into the basket ball team is this emo?
in what kind of a world are we living if people cut themselves to get onto a basketball team?
kairi13050 posted over a year ago
TeamSongz4eva posted over a year ago
I'm emo and don't do those things at least some of them
Emosrcool posted over a year ago
 snZ_ladysamurai posted over a year ago
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the emo kid Answers

Tokyo_The_Cat said:
Ugh, no that was just made famous by toher people...but now that's a ridicoulous streotype. Being emo is just expession. It could also mean that life has gone tottally wrong, being in the dark ages down in your heart, though everyone has their own opinion of emo. Being emo isn't fun, or "cool". It's a very dark mood, like if you say your "happy" well you can also say your "emo". I hate it, and i hate being called it, but accept it like a son. That enough for you? 'cause i could ramble on and on.
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posted over a year ago 
123YuukiAngel said:

i love this pic so much it rlly describes me and how i am!
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 i love this pic so much it rlly describes me and how i am!
posted over a year ago 
Eve24love said:
No, because I am labeled emo and I listen to rock I'm happy ,And NOT every emo CUTS. Being eko is really about the way you look you can be scene or emo.emo you wear black scene you wear any color
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posted over a year ago 
tool82cry said:
no those are all just ridiculous stereotypes
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posted over a year ago 
hunter51 said:
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posted over a year ago 
LUV_4_BIEBER said:
no, those are ridiculous stereotypes. To me emo is just a way to live, or expressing yourself.
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posted over a year ago 
girlyshadowfan said:
thats being an emo poser! i have to deal with those dumbass at school!
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posted over a year ago 
julialovesMJ said:
no way! thats just the emo steriotype...i don't just listen to emo music...I listen to Michael jackson, and that dont mean im not emo!
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posted over a year ago 
lexington456 said:
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posted over a year ago 
reneemonique said:
no,it isnt. This person seems really keen to get into this basketball team if they did that.
I hate people calling eveyone else posers,there not. Simple,If you change,they'll copy.
Being emo isnt about all that,its mainly what you feel inside that sometimes takes you to extremes.

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posted over a year ago 
bakuargirl729 said:
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posted over a year ago 
emogirl223 said:
look thats a stuped sterotype
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posted over a year ago 
Jace123 said:
uhh no emo has nuthing to do with black being gloomy listening to sentimental songs all day and cutting your wrist. Its all bs you you are emo if you are like emotional and stuff
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posted over a year ago 
kairi13050 said:
you don't have to cut yourself to be emo,you don't have to be emo to cut yourself. : )that's what i always say.

these are not just steeotypes,though.many emo's are like that.not all but many.

i know i only wear black because that's what color most of my anime shirts are.and i know i'm only gloomy when i feel and my friends are a lot of fun to be around,too.(we're all emo)
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posted over a year ago 
I_love_ADAM said:
look,people..."emo" is just some label some dumbass made up! it doesn't matter what you wear or what you wear or what kind of music you like or if you cut!! if anyone cuts themselves,automaticly everyone calls you an emo. it's really stupid!! yeah i cut my wrists but does that make me emo? i mean damn!!SERIOUSLY those kids need to grow up! and yeah,some people only cut themselves just to get attention or to get what they want but what about the people that actually do it for a REAL reason? if anyone could understand those feelings of sadness and hate they wouldn't just cut themselves,they would fucking commit suicide!some people cut to relieve themselves of the pain's like a drug kinda..yeah some people wear all black but wouldn't all black fit into the "goth" category? damn all these labels nowadays make me sick!!you can't go around in a small town with even one thing slightly different about yourself cuz if you dye your hair black you are goth and if you are depressed and cut yourself you are emo! so wtfreak!i don't understand why everyone is so judgemental of anyone different than you can't tell anyone anything anymore!!cuz everyone tells crap and lies then you become something that you're not!!
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posted over a year ago 
BlackCrystal said:
NO!! there is no such thing as emo! since when is emo cutting urself?! never if u cut urself just to feel the pain thn u have problems im sorry i love alot of ppl(friends) who cut themselves but gosh supposadly i ''look''emo n i find no idea how ppl think im emo! i just my hair in a pony tail n long bangs tht sometimes come over my eyeliner...skinny jeans...tank tops or band n red nail polish...gadges..uhmm colorful shoes...n i think thts about it! IM NOT EMO!!!!!>:(
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posted over a year ago 
deidara_art345 said:
i'm emo and i don't cut so there u have living proof!
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posted over a year ago 
ilovekud said: select as best answer
posted over a year ago 
BUR0026 said:
no it's more than that i'm emo if she wanted to do that just cause she thought she would get in that way i hope it works out for her
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posted over a year ago 
Lalilula said:
no, if she did it just to get into the basket ball team, she isn't emo, just weird.. ò.O
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posted over a year ago 
Xemo_loverX said:
hell no! it jus means we are very emotional and we feel emotions more deeply than others.... sadness for ex. if we get too sad, ya some cut themselves. but its not all about "wearing black" and shiz
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posted over a year ago 
aidenishatin said:
Why the hell would anyone WANT to do that? Sure, some of us wear black, die our hair, but cutting and all that crap is overrated stereo type. Only an idiot would think we're like that.
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posted over a year ago 
misguidedme said:
ah no... even though wouldn't call myself emo, i would be considered emo bc i feel like i can't really go into public without wearing black clothes and i like to style my hair emo-ish and i'm into dark (and also light) stuff... i guess you could say i'm a yin yang??? i don't really listen to music and try to be gloomy either...
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posted over a year ago 
emogirlunseen said:
Just so you know, not all emos cut themselves. We don't always wear black, and most of us do not live our lives depressed. Though I don't always wear black, I do cut myself and I am emo. No, not all emos listen to rock music. We don't all wear dark makeup, we don't all worship Satan, and we don't hate the world. We are all just misunderstood, and all it does is add to our pain.
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Just so you know, not all emos cut themselves. We don't always wear black, and most of us do not live our lives depressed. Though I don't always wear black, I do cut myself and I am emo. No, not all emos listen to rock music. We don't all wear dark makeup, we don't all worship Satan, and we don't hate the world. We are all just misunderstood, and all it does is add to our pain.
posted over a year ago 
sadgirlsorelle said:
No, because sometimes emo's never really cut if they don't want to. And yea, they sometimes wear black. And they maybe just listen to FOB, BVB, SWS, PTV ect.
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posted over a year ago 
nic_smith said:
I'm Emo but it doesn't mean I'm like that all the time somtime it's just the way you feel on the inside and not stereotypes and more of your own personal desistion
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posted over a year ago 
jazzy3361 said:
no that wouldnt make her emo just cause u cut does not make u emo but she might need to consider talking to someone
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posted over a year ago 
Imahuman2008 said:
Well I'm emo and I don't do any of those things lol I wear black cuz it's my fav color and blue lol
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posted over a year ago 
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