The Worst Generation [The Worst Generation: Hippies, Life, Rave and...Magic?!]

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:19PM
1. talk wildly or incoherently, as if one were delirious or insane.
2. speak or write about someone or something with great enthusiasm or admiration.

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

1. the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
"the origins of life"
2. the existence of an individual human being or animal.
3. a particular type or aspect of people's existence
4. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
5. vitality, vigor, or energy.
6. (in art) the depiction of a subject from a real model, rather than from an artist's imagination.

1. the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
2. mysterious tricks, such as making things disappear and appear again, performed as entertainment.
3. a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.
4. something that has a delightfully unusual quality.
1. used in magic or working by magic; having or apparently having supernatural powers.


~Plot Stuff~
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, there existed an otherworldly arcane essence that existed by the name of Magic/Magick. This essence was a variety of things. Lush and in great abundance, full of life and a energy that science had become a pale reflection of in the years that followed. However, it was also an essence that harbored a wicked face as well, bound to attract misfortune and death to all who were able to understand and or obtain it if not tamed properly. The secrets of this essence falling into the wrong hands would bring nothing but catastrophe.

And catastrophe it brought, those hundreds a years ago. One that thrust magic into an era in which it had began to fade and a new form of energy created at the hands of man became the new. The world in which magic had come from became a myth, magic itself became a myth as time progressed and left it to fade and never be seen again.

Or perhaps....what isn't seen isn't truly gone. And perhaps...the world thought to be myth is much more than just so. But what is certain is that what has lurked in the veils of shadows within the darkness, behind illusions of people, places and things. Forces that had managed to slip into the ages of the new world. Those of good. Those of evil and malice. Those of...magic. And perhaps...hope. But...will the newest of generations derived from those hundreds of years be able to face what comes?

And so we fly ahead in time to the present, where villages have become cities of tall structures, and dreams of flight have become a reality.


~TWG Terminology and Lore~




Sangeon Park
last edited on Mar 11, 2020 at 02:27PM

The Worst Generation 9440 replies

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over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy watched as Katherin' rushed in before coming back out, turning her head curiously as she took notice of the beer and asked, "You and your other selves really run each other around, don't they, Katherin?"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"You have no idea," Katherine replied, scratching her head with the back end of a pen. "Considering that all sixty-four of us have our wants and needs it's still work in progress, but we've gotten our system down packed enough so far that things work out. Well, not all of the time, but enough for us to to be comfortable and for things not to be complicated 365 days a year. Just 24/7 with a couple of days off." She marked the last few items off of the list before storing it in the middle compartment.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeah, I hear ya" Sammy said with a nod as she looked forward through the window, but she turned her head back to Katherin after she pondered what she was saying and asked, "Wait, what? Did you just say sixty four of you? As in sixty four personalities?"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Yes. Trust me, its just as "full of variety" as "Katherin with a K without the E at the End" likes to put it as it sounds. And by full of variety, I mean insane." Katherin pulled her seatbelt across her chest and into its buckle and the car was back in motion in the next moment. "It's kind of similar to that movie Split if it were amplified and given the option to legitimately split."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, I think I saw that movie" Sammy gave a nod as she looked forward again, but then she remembered the more aggressive ending of that movie as she replied, "All of your personalities are passive, right? No inhumanly strong psychopaths in the bunch?"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"...See, what had happen was–" Katherin began, trying to find a different way to explain it other than the harsh reality that she had come to know it as. "Yeah, there are a couple within the bunch that are a bit..unhinged. You've unfortunately already met one of them, but she's the lesser evils of the bunch. As for the inhumanly strong bit," she shrugged. "Demetrius is into lifting weights, but I don' know how much that would count for in this case."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy gave a slow, hard to understand nod at Katherin's answer, not really sure herself what to make of the answer. As she thought about it a bit more, she turned back to Katherin and asked, "And of these other ones that are the not so lesser evils, should Mason and I be concerned? Is there a time or method that summons them? Because the last thing we need is to have to fight off another magical entity of some kind"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"You two won't have to worry about anything," Katherin said. "There was a time when you most definitely would have. They used to try to gain dominance and hold the seat while I slept, but now the others and I have a way to keep them in check by keeping ourselves on a cycle. Stress triggers Lincoln since he's the most reliable. If I were to fall asleep, then Sam would be prepared to take the seat while I rest. If I'm not awake at a certain time in the morning, Auntie B will be the one seated. Certain sounds will wake Jasper up and sometimes music will get Penny into the chair. And on it goes. The only time the more dangerous ones have a chance of gaining the seat is when the others that help me keep balance is are split into their own physical selves. That's why Katherin with a K without the E was who you met in the hospital. She's the one that's left after we split enough."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh... exciting" Sammy aid, though now with a bit of discomfort in her voice before she continued, "And you're not worried that if, let's say, another monster shows up and you need all the help you can get from your other halves, and one of them happens to come out. Wouldn't that be really bad?"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Depending on who it is, yes. It could end up being extremely troublesome. But that's what the others are for. To help contain the less stable ones. It helps ease some of the worry." In actuality though, it just barely did so. She was always afraid that one of the others would somehow slip passed their safety measures. However there was only one that she worried about, only one that they all–including the worse ones–kept secluded from the rest, locked away in the deepest parts to never be freed.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
So this is Split over a year ago
Windwakerguy430 commented…
So I'm excited to see what this one's like once it's inevitably freed XD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy gave a nod of understanding, looking forward at the road in front of them as she replied, "Well, as long as you're sure, then I guess I don't gotta worry about it". She gave a nod looking back at Mason, who was completely lost in his own thoughts having not heard much aside from a few bits of personalities and such, but mostly was ignoring the whole conversation
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana had ignored Galiah throughout the entire ride. It was clear by her face that she currently had a lot on her mind. By the time she was done showering in her small apartment, that expression had changed into one of serenity of thoughtfulness. Her cheeks held a rosy hue to them thanks to the sun despite her multiple layers of sunblock. She had changed from her blue one-piece bathing suit to an oversized t-shirt and some comfy shorts. In addition, her hair was still wrapped in the green towel for she was currently wearing a coconut hair mask since her curls tended to break with too much heat and saltiness from the ocean. She stepped out of the bathroom, which led to the very small living room Galiah was in observing the canvas. Alana was perturbed enough by it and didn't really want to address the topic. In fact, she didn't think she'd be returning them anytime soon and thought it was best to toss them away later.

"Couch is expandable." Alana informed Galiah about her bed. She placed the thick blankets she had in her hands on the edge of it. "Umm..." She scratched her neck. "There's food in the fridge, you can help yourself to whatever you like."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, no need to worry about me, Alana" Galiah replied as she set the paintings down, knowing that they would only further upset Alana as she added, "The other townsfolk sent me off with plenty of rations for the trip... Which I ended up eating before I arrived to the shoreline". At the mention of this, Alana could finally smell the strong ocean smell on Galiah. It was faint before, but was now far more noticeable in her home
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Soon the car was pulling up next to a gated community of apartments and Katherin was rolling down her window some to get a better look at the area that they were in. "Huh...wish somebody would pay for me a place out here," she said, a little envious. "Yeah, this looks like the place." She made the turn towards the the gate and drove up some to where she could see the number pad was awaiting them on her side of the car.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason poked his head out to look at the apartments, already a bit shocked before he sat back down and replied, "Uh, Katherin. I think you made a wrong turn. There's no way this can be the place where Jackie wants us to live"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"This is the address she gave," Katherin said, still looking out the window. "But I suppose there's only one way to find out." She drove up to the gate and reached out to the number pad. It took her a few seconds to get the memory of what Jackie had told Lincoln, but when it came her fingers moved on their own accord to type in the code.


Katherin's brows raised some when the gate started opening for them to enter. "And there's our answer. According to Lincoln, Jackline had said that this place was free of charge too. Wow, you guys must've hit the lottery or something." Once the gate was open all the way, she drove on through.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"W-W-Wait!" Mason replied, now feeling more uncomfortable about the situation than before. As his eyes moved around rapidly to observe all the apartments around him, he added, "T-This has to be a mistake. We were living in a van just yesterday. And these apartments are.... nice.... like, really nice. Like.... Too nice!" Mason said, almost shocked and, not sure how to accept this
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"Living in a van?!" Katherin's head turned quickly in his direction with a look of surprise. "Really? That explains a lot more then. If that's the case then I bet you two will be happy to swan dive onto a real bed. I know I would!" She said, turning her head to look for a specific apartment building. "We're looking for apartment building C and apartment number 234."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason was not sure how to accept this. He was never one to not accept a gift, but he was also one to be comfortable with the bare necessities, and having to overdo it with a large ,fancy apartment was almost disturbing to him. He replied, "Look, Katherin, while I appreciate the help, I think it would be-"
"There it is! Building C!" Sammy shouted, far more excited for their new residence than Mason was
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Katherin looked over just a few seconds to late and they passed the building, leaving her with having to loop back around and avoid hitting some of the parked cars. Instead of pulling into the parking lot though, she drove up closer to the apartment's opening. "Alright you two, this is it. The keys are in the light shade right next to the apartment. Oh and Sammy, don't forget about your things in the bags. And Lincoln says see you later and to "hold it down", whatever that means."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"I will" Sammy said with charisma as she stepped out of the car "I will hold it down... whatever that means" And with that, she closed the door and pulled her things out of the back, leaving the uncomfortable Mason to slowly climb out of the car and close the door behind him
over a year ago afewseconds said…
"It was nice having you two to keep me company. And you know...not completely go screaming in the other direction," Katherin spoke to them through the passenger's window. She did feel guilty about Katherin With A K, Without The E At The End possibly making things a lot harder than they should've been. She was grateful that the two had even considered holding a conversation with her for as long as they did. "Thanks for that. Hopefully this won't be "goodbye", and just a see you "around", maybe."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"No problem" Sammy said in place of Mason, who was staring up at the apartment in a state of utter shock. She continued, "And thank you for helping answer some bizarre questions to make our confusing situation less confusing. If you ever need to hang out or something like that or if you have important stuff, you know where to find us". Sammy gave a nod before following up "I'd prefer it to be the first one, honestly"
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Katherine chuckled a little. "I think we can all agree that we would prefer the first one. Well its been fun, but I'm going to make sure I'm getting paid and heading on to the next thing on the list. Stay safe, you two." She smiled some and waved before making a U turn and heading off towards the exit gate.
"Did you...did we just make a friend? FRIENDS?"
"Yeah, and it's aaall thanks to me! They loved my singing!"
"Kathy with and E you CAN'T SING!"
"Whateva, your just mad cuz your white!"
"Speak for yourself small man, for I hail from Mother Russia!"
"You look like a Mother Russia, Borya,"
"Watch mouth or I kill you like I kill bear. With BARE hands."
"Hey hey hey, now," Katherin said, but before she could get to making a point one of the others that they called Lark butted in to make a joke.
"It's Faaaaat Albert!"
"That timing though!"

Katherin sighed and shook her head. "Please don't let this be ruined..."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy and Mason looked up, with Sammy giving a nod to Mason as she replied with a grin, "Well let's go up"
Before Mason could reply, Sammy was quickly making her way up the steps. Mason just gave a sigh as he pulled out his phone, seeing that at least two hours had passed since they had arrived. He put his phone to his ear, having dialed Jackie's number once again to inform her where they were, slowly lumbering his way up the stairs
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Once they got up the stairs and came across the apartment that was supposed to be theirs for the taking, the black door labeled 236 was there to greet them. Right beside the door was the wall lamp that could be turned on and off from the inside, and at the moment it was off. It would seem pointless to have a wall lamp since the apartment building was already lit by he default lights in ceiling.

Meanwhile, Mason's phone would ring and ring until he was met with a automated voice that was advertising life insurance of all things.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Mason was taken aback when he heard the voice message "What the..." He thought to himself, looking over the number again, assuming he dialed the wrong number. But when he saw it was right, he was more worried than before. But it was short lived as Sammy proclaimed, "Come on, Mason. Let's go inside". Taking the key from the spot that Katherin mentioned, Sammy placed it into the door and unlocked it, opening the door slowly
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
It wasn't until Alana approached Galiah to give her a pillow did she sniff the ocean smell of her. She didn't grimace in disgust like others would have, mainly due to the fact that her nostrils had become used to the smell. However, it did bother her knowing the consequences Galiah would face later if she didn't change right now. "It's funny how 'beach scented' candles smell nothing like the beach." She began. "If you stay in those rags you're going to get a yeast infection. Dry, cracked skin. Damaged hair. A flaky scalp." Alana informed her since she fell victim to all of those as an amateur, which is why she took her body care so seriously after a long day at work. "There's some towels in the cabinets in the bathroom. My shampoo isn't really made for dyed hair but I'm sure it won't cause any harm."
over a year ago afewseconds said…
Upon opening the door and of course flipping the light switch, a moderately vast space was there for Sammy and Mason to see. The apartment wasn't luxury, but it was well beyond what would be considered as average. The carpet was a soft vanilla color that went good with the cream colored walls.

Entering the apartment, there was a section to the left that was undoubtedly a dining room, for it was there that a circular glass-top table was positioned. There was a mini chandelier above it who's lights resembled candles. A few feet away from the table was a serving counter that was a part of the kitchen.

There were no hallways that separated things, and so immediately across from the doorway that belonged to the kitchen was the living room, which looked as if it had just been furnished due to the plastic still being on the furniture, though surprisingly with how much of an upgrade this was from their van, there wasn't a television. On the wall next to the sliding glass door that would lead out to a small balcony was the thermostat, which was a simple white rectangle that displayed a dim green light from its screen.

There were, luckily, two rooms thanks to Jackie's belief that it was essential for a woman to have their own personal space. Ironically though, both rooms were connected by a joint bathroom.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Yeast? Like the food?" Galiah replied as she added onto it, "Though you do have a point. It would be bad for an elf's skin to get chapped and dry. I shall take your offer and take a hot bath at once." Galiah replied as she started to unbutton her leather uniform. Not even moving forward, but right there, in front of Alana, already three buttons undone starting from the top

"Holy shit" Sammy replied as she slowly stepped in, her eyes glazing over the apartment, doing a spin to get a good view of the entire place, a look of total amazement on her face.
Mason, on the other hand, felt it was far too much for them, starting off by saying, "This is..."
"Fucking awesome!" Sammy replied as she went to her bedroom, looking over it in astonishment, "Holy shit, this is so much better than sleeping in a trailer"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana blinked, quickly catching onto what Galiah was doing and stopping her by placing her hands on her wrist before she could get too far in undressing. "Remember what I told you about personal space and privacy? This is one of them. You can do so in the bathroom." She released her with a perplexed expression on her face at her interpretation of yeast. "Huh? No, not that yeast. You know, the excessive dampness on the skin, especially the vaginal canal causing incredible itchiness and inflamation." She informed her. "No woman would want to experience that, not even an eLf." She said mockingly. "Now, go on and take a SHOWER. Not a bath. I only take ice baths when needed, or else my water bill is way too high. Quite a waste of water if I do say so myself." Alana yawned, rubbing at her neck. "I'll make you something to eat for when you come out. And then, STRAIGHT TO BED. Okay?" She looked her into her eyes to make sure she understood her rules.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah turned her head in total confusion, "What, no baths? This world truly is madness" The elf shook her head in confusion before she added, "And what is this shower, anyway? I've never heard of a thing like that. Sounds vastly inferior." Assuming she would figure it out at some point, Galiah stood up and made her way to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and observing the many different trinkets that lined up the sink and bathtub, from a hair brush, toothbrush, a bar of soap, and many other things in there that got her curious. She looked over it all before she looked over the shower, turning a knob curiously only to be splashed in the face with water, a faint shout of surprise being heard from outside in the living room
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana released a sigh when she heard Galiah's yelp from the outside. But a small part of her felt satisfaction for this small act being a petty revenge for what happened today. And as Galiah showered, she made her way to the kitchen–little to no plastic visible anywhere. A lot of what would usually come in a bag was found in her glass containers. And more than anything, she held an abundance of fruits and vegetables there. Her only guilty pleasure would be found within the freezer, where a tub of vegan vanilla ice cream was stored for the hotter months.

Although Alana could've easily tossed in a frozen bean burrito into the microwave, she decided to treat Galiah with something more nutritious and filling since a part of her still pitied the young woman, and she was going to eat something similar herself. And with that in mind, she fetched two bowls and filled them with a salad mix of lettuce, cabbage, kale, and spinach. For toppings, she cut up thin slices of carrots, broccoli, radish, corn, and even black beans for protein. She held off the dressings for Galiah to choose which one she would want for herself: either the chipotle dressing or the avocado and garlic sauce. She took the green sauce for herself, already starting to munch on her dinner while serving her and her guest something to drink. Considering Galiah seemed dehydrated when she first found her, there was no doubt in serving her just cold water with ice. As for herself, she gulped down some coconut water.
Windwakerguy430 commented…
Coconut Water!? Alana is a monster in disguise. Hard confirm. No human drinks coconut water and likes it XD over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
coconut water is my favorite drink, what the heck are you talking about xD it's delicious! over a year ago
cosmic_fusions commented…
everything tastes like gasoline, wind xD over a year ago
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
After what was close to an hour in the shower, the steam easing out from the cracks in the door, Galiah stepped out finally, drying her hair, which was still pink, despite her not only holding it under water for the entire time, but wiping a towel through it. No dye left on the towel or anything. It was still the same color as when she walked in. Her leather clothes were folded on the rack in the bathroom, leaving Galiah in a towel, remembering that Alana was not comfortable with her completely bare body, as she stepped out, her hood being removed giving Alana more of a visible angle to observe her hair
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"I put some of my pajamas on the couch for you." Alana informed her while bringing her bowl of food to the small table in front of her couch which was now Galiah's bed. The clothes consisted of a large AC/DC tie-dye shirt and a pair of flannel PJ pants. "They may be a little big on you but I'm sure it'll work for now." She gave an effort of a very small smile. "This should be enough to hold you through the night." Alana placed the bowl of salad in front of her, along with both options of dressing and a tall glass of water. "Here." She handed her a fork. "And please try not to make a mess, that couch is part of the apartment I'm renting and the landowner would kill me."
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Galiah gave a nod of understanding and replied, "Not to worry, Alana. If this lord of the land shows up, I'll set him on fire and make sure he ain't gettin' back up. Ya ain't gotta worry about dyin' while I'm 'round" Galiah gave Alana a genuine smile, though it was clear she was serious about what she said as she picked up the bowl of salad, giving a polite bow of her head before she started to eat it from the bowl like a starved rabbit would munch on food
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"uuuuuuhhhhh...." Alana wasn't sure how to respond. On one side she knew she was joking–or at least, she hoped. But on the bigger side she knew that Galiah was capable of following through with her promise considering what she witnessed earlier. "No, you're not going to do any of that." She shook her head in disapproval as she watched her eat like a rabbit. "What I said about my landlord was a hyperbole, I suppose. No killing will be involved." But then she blinked. "B-Besides, you can't just go setting people on fire as you please! What kind of world does that?!"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"A world where your family and friends come first." Galiah answered truthfully, "If a being comes to your kin with a drawn blade, you have the right to set them ablaze as long as you can prove they had intend to kill you. Isn't it the same in this world? Where if harm would come to your loved ones, you'd end the life of the scum that was doing it?"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"What the--NO!" Alana exclaimed, being careful not to choke on a piece of carrot she was munching on. "That is NOT the norm around here, and neither should it be wherever you're from!" At this point, Alana was sure Galiah was from Russia. "And friends and family always come first, of course, but that doesn't mean you burn everyone to crisp! You'll be arrested and fined and most likely put on death row!" She sighed, rubbing at her temples. "As long as you're staying with me here, you WILL not scare or torment anyone with your.... magic or whatever like you did today with that poor painter man!" She exclaimed, returning to finishing her large portion of salad since after a long day, her hunger had only grown stronger.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh, I never said burn them, though that's my preferred method" Galiah said with a shrug as she bit into the dressing-less salad, adding onto it, "Stab 'em, cut 'em, bludgeon 'em, slice off their limbs, make 'em regret ever harming yer own" Galiah replied, "Besides, I think the norms of your land are strange, tho I don't tell ya how ya should act. Your norms are yer own. I'd respect it if ya allowed me ta have me own and not tell me how things should be. But I was told that humans had this whole "superiority" mentality 'bout them, so I guess it's expected" Galiah replied, munching down on more before adding more onto her statement, "Don't worry, I won't kill anyone. But if they do come with intent ta harm, can I break a bone er two?"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"NO!" Alana cut in before she could even finish her last statement. "--W-Well, not unless it's self defense---but that's what the police are for!" She found herself puzzled when Galiah started talking about the human race as if she wasn't a part of it. Her brows furrowed slightly. "No matter what country you're from you're still human, so that would mean you're selfish too." She pinpointed. She couldn't help but admit that if she were to go to the police station to track someone's records down, Galiah wouldn't appear on them. And that left her with the problem of what the heck was she going to do with a pink-haired 'elf'. "Where are you from exactly? And how old are you?" She suddenly asked her, concerned that perhaps she was a minor that had escaped.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"Hmm" Galiah gave it some thought about the time it was in this world before she answered, "I guess by your worlds standards, I'd be 20, which I'm told is not old enough for a drink here. Disappointin' really". She shook her head and replied, "And I already told you, I'm from tha other world. A world that is, ta an extent, like a mirror of this world, but with it's own society, it's own rules, creatures, beliefs, and so on. Ta tell ya the ins and outs of where I come from would take all night, and I'm sure ya don't have the time to get into the details right now"
afewseconds commented…
Alright stab her, burn her, drown her, run her over with a car XD We're doing a next-day timeskip. over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Galiah was right, Alana didn't have time for all the details, and she rather not listen to a whole story of lies and fantasies when she could just easily watch Twilight as much as it pained her. But, considering she was 20, it did ease her worries to know she wasn't a minor. However that also meant she couldn't necessarily force her to do anything since she was basically an adult, so if she wanted to live in a magical world of lies–there wasn't much she could do to stop her. With this in mind, all she could do was let out a tired and frustrated sigh. She hoped that by tomorrow Galiah's delusions would be over, but quite frankly they didn't look like they would leave anytime soon. "Look, how about you finish eating and get some rest for tonight, okay? No snooping around or sneaking out or random fireballs, got that?"
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
"I will try" Galiah said, having already finished her bowl of food as Alana was talking, already climbing under the covers to rest her head on the pillow with a faint, "Good night" from her, faint snoring being heard as she fell asleep almost instantly, like she was waiting all day to get rested up
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
Alana muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes when she saw that Galiah was snoring. Guess in her world chores don't exist either. She told herself, picking up after Galiah's dinner. She retrieved the dirty dishes and brought them to the kitchen to wash. And when she was done, she dried her counter and made sure everything was squeaky clean. Her organized personality had always existed since she was a young girl.

She did the favor to wash Galiah's clothes she came in and hang them on the curtains near the shower window for them to dry by morning. But quite honestly she didn't think she'd be wearing them anytime soon. When she was done, she proceeded to double check that the doors were locked, making her way back to Galiah to give her one final look. Another sigh inevitably escaped from her, but this one was one of pity that made her pull over the blankets some more on Galiah so that she'd be comfortable. Alana found herself yawning now, flipping the light switch while dragging her tired feet into her room. But before she could get too cozy, she reminded herself to brush her teeth. And only then when she was finally able to complete all parts of her routine, she finally laid her body to rest.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
[The Next Morning]

Mason and Sammy, mostly Mason since he had been the one who spoke to Jackie, would come to realize by the time it had started getting late that Jackline wouldn't be showing up. Any other time that Mason had called or texted, her replies would be quick and the phone would be answered with urgency. But now if the large man would attempt to do so, he would get the same voice messages about Gerber Baby and life support greeting him instead of her.

In fact, the voluptuous 6 ft 5 wielder of magic wouldn't arrive until late in the morning of the next day.


It was early the next morning that Edgar was peeping through the window of his miniature mobile house, ensuring that the coast was clear before bringing his painting tools out with him along with the small cooler of mineral waters that he had bought from the store. He adjusted his beach hat, making sure that the orange shades that were resting on them didn't fall while he was making sure that he had everything. Which he didn't until he grabbed the half cigarette that he had put out last night.

He spent the entirety of the night still trying to make sense of what exactly it was that he had seen and why it was so familiar. It was like when you had a word or song on the tip of your tongue but can quite pinpoint what it is exactly. It made his brain itch. Eventually though, he ended up throwing in the towel and going back to square one, which was a performer doing tricks that looked real. It's what helped him take his mind off of it and enjoy the episodes of Shameless that he had fallen asleep watching. He honestly didn't know how he had even gotten around to watching it to began with, but it helped.

He sighed out a quick breath and made his way to the beach. But this time he made sure to set his things up further down the shoreline just in case, though it did put him further away from the parking lot than before.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
By 5:00AM sharp, Alana was up and ready for the new day. Her morning routine was effortless, only consisting of washing her face, brushing her teeth, and moisturizing her face and arms after layering sunblock on them. Despite the sun not being out yet, she already had her red cap on labeled "Miami Beach", along with a red one-piece bathing suit on. Of course, she covered up for now by wearing her college sweater and some flowy shorts for easier removal later in the day.

She exited her room with her bag of necessities she'd use in her tower, making her way to the kitchen to fill up her 64 oz hydroflask with cold water. As she was doing so, she glanced at Galiah who still seemed to be on the couch. "Rise and shine, Pinkie." She nicknamed her. "I have a shift this morning and you're either coming or staying." While waiting for the huge container to fill up, she took some time to pack her breakfast, along with several granola bars and fruits for later.
over a year ago afewseconds said…
The legs of the woody brown stand stretched out before burying into the sand so that it wouldn't randomly just fall over while its owner was working away. It was accompanied by long sheets of white and this time a couple of black ones as well that were place at the front.

Edgar started off with stretching for the time being so that he didn't catch cramps while he standing like he had done last week when he didn't go through his usual process of doing things. He usually had some idea of how long he would be standing depending on how he felt when he woke up, and so how long he stretched depended on that. His morning shower had loosened some of the tension lingering in his body, and the blast of ice cold water that came afterwards had woken him up completely. It was his replacement for coffee after he had fallen out of love with the caffeine packed beverage, and boy did it do exactly what he had read it would.

After he was finished with his leg and back stretches, he grabbed some chalk dust from the clear plastic container that he had brought along and rubbed a grey piece between the palms of his hands and started stretching his fingers to prepare for his work. Today he was going to do finger paintings and chalk art, something he did frequently to keep the variety that came with the art he loved so much. And after his palms were caked with thick chalk dust, he started with what he liked to call his "Pre-Paintings", which was usually what he did to stir his imagination awake.
over a year ago Windwakerguy430 said…
Sammy was already up the next morning, exploring her new apartment with glee, enjoying the feeling of a new bed. Mason, on the otherhand, barely got a wink of sleep, groaning a bit from his four hours of rest, constantly worrying about Jackline and Raven and what was happening with them, finding more questions for every answer he got, and just suffering from more confusion. He saw at the breakfast table as Sammy continued to explore in childlike curiosity, his head resting on the table

"Uuuuugh" Galiah replied as she had groaned, having wrapped herself in her large blanket like a large ball. She rolled a bit hoping to roll where her face was exposed to talk, but ended up falling the other way, falling onto the floor with a hard thud, though her face was exposed in the ball of the blanket, her eyes looking up as she gave a cough from the fall, looking up at Alana as she replied, "Mornin"
over a year ago cosmic_fusions said…
"Come on now, if you're truly an elf then aren't you supposed to be up early morning watering plants and making flowers bloom or somethin'?" Alana joked, which was ironic for her to say since she was now spritzing some plants she had inside her apartment with water. "Are you feeling better from yesterday's events?" She asked, hoping some sleep had knocked some sense to her, or if she was intoxicated then it would be gone by now. "I'll give you five minutes to get ready if your coming. The current stops for no one." Alana said in reference to her job at the beach.