Theater Updates

a photo was added: Acting over a year ago by NeoNightclaw19
a video was added: Blood Blockade Battlefront Stage Play over a year ago by MisterH
an article was added: Actor-Playwright Eric Lockley Offers Inspiration to Young Urban Audiences over a year ago by HollyWoodBigFan
an article was added: Actress Ruthy Otero Returns to NYC with "Dancing with My Demons" over a year ago by HollyWoodBigFan
a poll was added: Do you have any rituals you do before a show? over a year ago by DramaQueen1020
an article was added: Actress CHERYL FRANCIS HARRINGTON Debuts "I MET SOMEONE!" over a year ago by HollyWoodBigFan
an article was added: A Fresh Take On “TAPE” Opens at The Little Modern Theatre on June 4, 2012 over a year ago by HollyWoodBigFan
an article was added: TIFFANY ANNE PRICE Exposed in Solo Show "CONFESSIONS OF A CAT LADY" over a year ago by HollyWoodBigFan
a comment was made to the poll: Musicals or Pantomime? over a year ago by phantommusic
a comment was made to the poll: Have you ever seen/heard of "Honk!" the musical? over a year ago by phantommusic
a link was added: SILENCE! The Musical Website over a year ago by DanRisner
an article was added: Discount offer for SILENCE! The Musical over a year ago by DanRisner
an icon was added: SILENCE over a year ago by DanRisner
a reply was made to the forum post: What do you think of when you think of the theatre? over a year ago by Samantha1297
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite theater show? over a year ago by Samantha1297
a link was added: The Judy Show: My Life as a Sitcom over a year ago by OneDayBway
a comment was made to the poll: Watching or Preforming? over a year ago by MichaelxxRupert
a question was added: Have you ever been in a play/musical? over a year ago by Sprinter23
a comment was made to the poll: When it comes to theater, are you primarily... over a year ago by Sprinter23
a screencap was added: JUSTINE WADDELL over a year ago by dorrit
a poll was added: Which aspect of theatre do you partake in? over a year ago by roryanddean16