Tweens Updates

a comment was made to the photo: Tween Tween 20 days ago by flamingo625
a photo was added: Tween Tween 20 days ago by flamingo625
a question was added: Have you had a boy/girl friend over a year ago by beiberhater1
a comment was made to the poll: What book/movie is better? over a year ago by unibear
a comment was made to the poll: do you ever have trouble picking media?? movies , books, because your right in the middle of teen and kid!!?? over a year ago by unibear
a comment was made to the poll: Do you think that too many adults consider us tweens as little kids? over a year ago by unibear
a comment was made to the poll: What age are you? over a year ago by unibear
a poll was added: What book/movie is better? over a year ago by unibear
a poll was added: do you ever have trouble picking media?? movies , books, because your right in the middle of teen and kid!!?? over a year ago by 0647980
an answer was added to this question: Why does EVERY adult think girls who like to listen to justin biebers music is obsessed w/ him and kisses his posters and crap? over a year ago by Snowy16
an answer was added to this question: Why does EVERY adult think girls who like to listen to justin biebers music is obsessed w/ him and kisses his posters and crap? over a year ago by moonglow123
a question was added: Why does EVERY adult think girls who like to listen to justin biebers music is obsessed w/ him and kisses his posters and crap? over a year ago by LUV_4_BIEBER