Wade Barrett Raw Results 6/13/11

LostPB posted on Jun 14, 2011 at 03:52AM
Sin Cara, Ezekiel Jackson and Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Ted Dibiase

If the tag titles really meant anything in WWE, Legacy vs. Cara/Bryan would rock my world, and yours too. Bryan plays vanilla midcarder-in-peril to the heel trio’s offense, including a nice pumphandle slam from Barrett. Zeke takes over on Barrett with his ANGRY OFFENSE, followed by the wringer-of-slams. Zeke backdrops both Legacy members out, because he’s strong. The Zeke presses Bryan onto Legacy, because he’s strong. Cara, surprisingly, pins Barrett with a springboard cross body.

WINNERS: Sin Cara, Ezekiel Jackson, and Daniel Bryan via pinfall (springboard cross body)

Credit: businessinsider.com

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