Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 6/17/11

LostPB posted on Jun 18, 2011 at 05:42PM

Cody’s bag men were a little more casually dressed this week. Big beal out of the corner on DiBiase by Jackson. Cara tagged in, and he may be thrown off by the lack of his special lighting used during this match. Cara sent DiBiase to the outside, where he attempted to re-group. They went to break 1:00 in.

[Commercial Break]

Back at 5:15 of the match, with DiBiase in control of Cara. Rhodes quickly tagged in and did some damage as well. Cara fired back with kicks and completed a springboard take-down. However, Rhodes connected on a springboard of his own, the springboard kick, and that registered a near-fall. Barrett tagged in and suplexed Cara. Frequent tags by the heels. Cara dodged a pump-handle slam, but Barrett came back with it anyway. It was a mistake, as Cara turned it into a spinning DDT at 8:47. Both men needed to make tags. Bryan and DiBiase came in and Bryan did his running kick on DiBiase in the corner, among other things. That was enough to pick up the unexpected win though, as it looked like DiBiase was late in kicking out. Actually, upon replay, it looked like he barely kicked out in time, but referee Rod Zapata’s hand hit the mat anyway, so he called for the bell.

WINNERS: Bryan, Cara and Jackson, at 9:34. The other way you could tell it wasn’t the original finish: they didn’t do their trademark tag team finish were everyone gets involved at the end.

Credit: pwtorch.com

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