Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 7/1/11

LostPB posted on Jul 02, 2011 at 03:31AM
Match Number Five: Kane versus Wade Barrett

They lock up and Kane with a clean break. Barrett with a kick and punches to Kane but Kane with an uppercut that drops Barrett to the mat. Kane with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Kane with an arm bar and wrist lock. Kane sends Barrett into the corner but he misses a splash. Barrett with a clothesline for a near fall. Barrett with a front face lock but Kane with a boot to the head. Kane with a snap mare and Barrett goes to the floor when he sees Kane try for the drop kick. Kane follows after Barrett and he sends Wade into the apron.

Barrett with a running boot that knocks Kane off the apron and Kane goes into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett with a reverse chin lock but Kane with a belly-to-back suplex. Barrett with a back elbow and kicks. Barrett with a running boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Barrett with a kick to the midsection. Barrett with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Barrett chokes Kane in the ropes and he adds some knees to the head. Barrett with a clothesline to Kane while he is in the ropes and Barrett gets a near fall.

Barrett with a rear chin lock. Barrett with kicks to Kane in the corner but Kane with uppercuts that knock Barrett down. Barrett with a DDT to Kane and he gets a near fall. Barrett goes to the turnbuckles but he misses an elbow drop when Kane moves out of the way. Kane with punches to Barrett followed by a cross body for a near fall. Kane with a snap mare followed by a drop kick for a near fall.

Barrett punches Kane but Kane with a boot to the head for a near fall. Kane with an Irish whip and running clothesline into the corner followed by a side slam for a near fall. Kane goes up top for the clothesline and he hits it. Kane signals for the choke slam and Barrett escapes. Kane tries for a Tombstone but Barrett with the Boss Man Slam for a near fall. Barrett tries to get Kane up for Wasteland but Kane goes to the apron. Barrett tries for a big boot but he gets crotched. Kane with a punch followed by a choke slam and he gets the three count.

Winner: Kane

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