Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 7/15/11

LostPB posted on Jul 16, 2011 at 05:53AM
Match Number Three: Sheamus versus Sin Cara

Sheamus sends Cara into the corner and then he punches Cara. Cara with a springboard heas scissors. Sheamus misses a splash into the corner followed by kicks from Cara. Cara with a drop kick and kick to Sheamus’ head. Cara with a wrist hold and then Sheamus kicks Cara and puts him on the turnbuckels. Cara kicks Sheamus and he uses the ropes for an arm drag. Sheamus with a running double sledge followed by a uranage back breaker for a near fall.

Sheamus with a front face lock followed by an Irish whip but Cara with a head scissors. Sheamus with a clothesline and he puts Cara in the ropes and he connects with forearms across the chest. Sheamus with repeated forearms across the chest before he goes to the apron and he hits a running knee lift.

Sheamus points to the briefcase before returning to the ring. Sheamus with a cravate to Cara. Cara with punches but Sheamus with a forearm and back elbow. Sheamus punches Cara as he continues to toy with Cara. Sheamus with a snap mare and he returns to the cravate. Cara with punches but they have no effect. Sheamus with a knee and he tries for a power slam but Cara escapes the hold. Sheamus misses a Brogue kick and he gets caught in the ropes and he goes to the floor and appears to have hurt his knee.

Cara with a drop kick to the leg and he gets a near fall. Cara with an enzuigiri and he tries for a springboard cross body but Sheamus catches Cara and he runs Cara into the turnbuckles and then hits a fallaway slam. Sheamus points to the case again and then he goes for the Outsider’s Edge but Cara counters with a rana and gets the three count.

Winner: Sin Cara

After the match, Wade Barrett decides to leave the announce table and Barrett hits Sheamus with a big boot and then he hits Wasteland. Barrett points at the briefcase.

Credit: PWInsider.com

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