Wade Barrett Raw Results 9/5/11

LostPB posted on Sep 06, 2011 at 03:19AM
Eight Man Tag Team Elimination Match
John Cena, Sheamus, Alex Riley and John Morrison vs. Jack Swagger, Christian, Dolph Ziggler and Wade Barrett

Morrison is the first one out, tapping to Jack Swagger's ankle lock. Vickie heads to the ring with a smile on her face as we go to commercial. Swagger tagged himself in while Ziggler was working over Ryder. Swagger then eliminated Ryder, again with the ankle lock. Sheamus eliminated Barrett after hitting the Brogue kick. Christian slapped Sheamus and Sheamus chased him around the arena and fought him to the back, causing both to be counted out.

It's now Ziggler and Swagger vs. Cena. Loud dueling "Let's go Cena" / "Cena Sucks" chants. Ziggler and Swagger start arguing and Cena hits the AA on Ziggler, eliminating him from the match.

Swagger immediately locks in the ankle lock on Cena. Cena countered and locked in an STF on Swagger. Swagger promptly tapped, causing Cena to win the match.

Credit: Wrestlinginc.com

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