Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 9/9/11

LostPB posted on Sep 10, 2011 at 02:18AM
Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

Christian's latest demand for another title shot was interrupted by Sheamus. He compared Christian to a mangry, scruffy dog and told him to leave the ring. Christian departed, glaring sullenly at Wade Barrett as he walked down the ramp.

Sheamus gained an early advantage, pushing Barrett into the corner and taking him down twice. Barrett fought back with punches and a headbutt, but Sheamus kicked him and landed a powerful clothesline. Barrett left the ring to regroup, but failed to halt Sheamus' momentum.

He finally launched Sheamus into the turnbuckle and hit him with an elbow drop. He continued his attack after a commercial break, tossing Sheamus to the mat and kicking him on the ropes. Sheamus recovered with a series of headbutts and clotheslines, concluding with a slam and his trademark shots to the chest along the ropes.

After Sheamus landed a flying leap, Christian attacked him and the match ended in a disqualification. Sheamus fought both men off, and Christian barely escaped his High Cross attempt.

Credit: suite101.com

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