Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 9/16/11

LostPB posted on Sep 17, 2011 at 04:29AM
Match Number Three: Wade Barrett and Christian versus Sheamus and Justin Gabriel

Barrett and Gabriel start things off and Gabriel tries for a drop toe hold but Barrett stays on his feet. Barrett with a punch but he misses an elbow drop and Gabriel with a successful drop toe hold. Gabriel with an arm bar and Barrett tries for a hip toss but Gabriel lands on his feet and he takes Barrett down with a leg sweep and he gets a near fall.

Gabriel works on the wrist but Barrett with punches. Barrett sends Gabriel to the apron and Gabriel fights off Barrett and he keeps Christian at bay. Gabriel leaps over Barrett but Barrett with the Blackpool Slam for a near fall. Christian tags in and he kicks Gabriel and he punches him.

Christian with more punches to Gabriel and the referee warns him. Christian chokes Gabriel with his boot and he tries for a suplex but Gabriel blocks it and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Christian with a clothesline and he gets a near fall.

Barrett tags in and he kicks Gabriel and he tries for another suplex and Gabriel with another inside cradle for a near fall. Barrett with a clothesline for a near fall. Barrett with a rear chin lock and then he turns it into a reverse chin lock. Gabriel gets to his feet and Gabriel with a punch and kicks. Barrett avoids a spin kick and he tosses Gabriel high into the air and gets a near fall.

Christian tags back in and he punches Gabriel. Gabriel with kicks to Christian but Christian with a kick and punch that stops Gabriel. Christian with a hard Irish whip and then Christian draws Sheamus into the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and Barrett kicks Gabriel and then Barrett with an Irish whip and back breaker for a near fall. Barrett punches Gabriel and the referee warns him. Barrett with a kick to the head and Christian is tagged back in. Christian with a kick to the midsection followed by an Irish whip but Christian misses a charge into the corner. Gabriel with an STO and both men are down.

Sheamus and Barrett are tagged back in and Sheamus with a running double sledge to Barrett. Sheamus runs into boots from Barrett in the corner but Sheamus with a power slam. Sheamus follows that with a running knee lift. Sheamus goes up top but Christian distracts Sheamus long enough to stop his progress. Sheamus head butts Barrett off the turnbuckles and Sheamus hits the flying shoulder tackle on Barrett. Christian tries to interfere and Sheamus has things under control and tries for the Celtic Cross but Christian gets away. Sheamus clotheslines Christian over the top rope to the floor.

Barrett gets Sheamus up for Wasteland but Sheamus gets out of the hold and he hits a Brogue Kick. Sheamus tags in Gabriel and he hits the 450 Splash for the three count.

Winners: Sheamus and Justin Gabriel

Credit: PWInsider.com

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