Wade Barrett Raw Results 9/19/11

LostPB posted on Sep 20, 2011 at 03:19AM
David Otunga, Wade Barrett, Christian and Michael McGillicutty vs. Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne and Justin Gabriel

Back from the break and the match starts. It comes down to Bourne and McGillicutty. Bourne gets a 2 count. McGillicutty comes back and slams him hard with a big sideslam. Stomps from McGillicutty and a tag to Otunga for some double teaming. Barrett comes in and continues the attack on Bourne with another pin attempt. Christian comes in and drops Bourne with a right hand. Christian continues until Bourne takes him out with a high knee.

Otunga gets the tag and works Bourne over until he tags in Sheamus. Sheamus goes at it with Otunga and taunts his partners on the apron. Sheamus hits the big backbreaker on Otunga for a 2 count. Everyone starts brawling in the ring. Kofi leaps off the top with a cross body on Barrett. Sheamus boots Christian and he flees the ring. Sheamus hits a Brogue kick on Otunga. Sheamus hits the Celtic Cross on Otunga and pins him for the win.

Winners: Sheamus, Air Boom and Justin Gabriel

Credit: twnpnews.com

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