Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 9/23/11

LostPB posted on Sep 24, 2011 at 03:44AM
Match Number Two: Wade Barrett versus Justin Gabriel

Gabriel tries to work on the arm but Barrett pulls Gabriel to the mat by the hair. Barrett with forearms in the corner but Gabriel with a chop. Barrett puts Gabriel in the ropes and Barrett connects with a series of knees and then he hits a running boot that sends Gabriel to the floor. Barrett goes to the floor to check on Gabriel and he rolls him back into the ring to get a near fall. Barrett with an Irish whip but Gabriel floats over and then he sends Barrett to the floor with a head scissors. Gabriel with a plancha onto Barrett.

Gabriel sends Barrett back into the ring and Gabriel hits a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Gabriel with kicks to Barrett and he tries for the STO but Barrett blocks it. Gabriel is able to hit an STO and then he goes to the apron but he takes too long and Barrett with a boot to the head and Barrett hits Wasteland for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Credit: PWInsider

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