Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 10/7/11

LostPB posted on Oct 09, 2011 at 05:18PM
Vickie Guerrero is in the ring with the Disgruntled Six and she throws out a few excuse mes. Christian steps in and he welcomes everyone to the beginning of what historians will call ‘The Walkout’. This started because he had the courage to stand up to Triple H and tell him that he was not happy with the way that Hunter ran Raw. He questioned his motives, his blatant lack of respect for others, and called him out on everything. Because of his actions, it has inspired this entire uprising.

Dolph Ziggler takes the mic and he says that the truth is that this walk out is due to everyone banding together because of Triple H’s leadership skills being inefficient. On Monday night, nearly every Raw superstar joined them and made the smartest decision when they walked out of Raw. Why are they on Smackdown? He will leave it to their legal counsel David Otunga.

David says that Triple H’s actions have fostered an unsafe working environment on Raw. Therefore in their interest, they walked out until Triple H ceases with the running of the day to day operations. The fact that Triple H has abdicated his authority on Smackdown to Teddy Long is a nice first step. If Triple H does not step down Monday night, they will walk out of Smackdown, live events, and pay per views as well.

Wade says that in all honesty it doesn’t have to come to that. Triple H needs to take a long hard look at himself in the mirror. All of the chaos and controversy that has gripped Raw since he took over is really his own fault. Once he realizes that, he will do the right thing and relinquish control of Raw.

Cody says that everyone has disrespected his colleagues enough and he tells everyone to shut up. For weeks, they have endured the reign of Triple H, a lacking leader whose head got so large that no paper bag could hold it. Cody typically stands alone but a united front was warranted and now there is hope. Hope for true change and he says that they couldn’t have done it without one man.

Jack takes the mic and he tells everyone to show some respect. He tells everyone to show respect for the WWE Champion, Alberto Del Rio.

Alberto makes his way to the ring and while he walks to the ring, Booker and Cole talk about the problems that exist on Raw and Josh Mathews says that he wants to know why they walked away from the announce table on Monday.

Alberto reminds everyone that when the WWE Champion talks, you shut up and listen. He says that despite Triple H’s sick and twisted games, he survived at Hell in a Cell and he is the WWE Champion. Because of his influence, he inspired every member of Raw to walk out. They will never ever go back to Raw until Triple H steps down. The question is why is the WWE Champion on Smackdown. It is because he is here to compete and show to the entire world what they are going to miss on Raw.

Teddy Long comes out and he says that if the playas in the ring are just going to come out and blab and blab, the next people to walk out will be the audience. Teddy tells Christian and Cody that they should be getting ready for tonight’s main event against Sheamus and Randy Orton.

Teddy tells Alberto that he appreciates him gracing everyone with his presence, his match is next. Teddy says that Alberto requested his opponent and he agrees with Alberto. Alberto will face the Mexican Sensation Sin Cara.

Alberto yells at Teddy and says that there is only one Mexican Sensation and he is better than any American. His name is Alberto Del Rio.

Credit: wrestleheat.com

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