Wade Barrett Raw Results 10/24/11

LostPB posted on Oct 25, 2011 at 03:46AM
John Morrison vs. Wade Barrett

Back from the break and out comes John Morrison. Out next comes his opponent Wade Barrett from SmackDown.

The bell rings and they go at it. Barrett shoves Morrison back but he comes back with a forearm. They go back and forth trading kicks and punches. Morrison dropkicks Barrett. Morrison runs the ropes but Barrett slides out to the floor. Morrison dives through the ropes and takes Barrett out. They tangle on the floor and Barrett back kicks Morrison. Barrett tosses Morrison into the fan barrier as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is in control of the match in the ring. Barrett levels Morrison with a big boot for a 2 count. Barrett chokes Morrison on the ropes as the referee counts. Barrett with knees to the head now. Barrett charges and hits another big boot, this time knocking Morrison out of the ring.

Barrett brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Barrett puts a knee in Morrison's back. Morrison fights out but Barrett whips him to the corner. Morrison comes out with an elbow to the face and a clothesline. Morrison with a few kicks and a kick to the face. Morrison with the charging knee to the jaw for a 2 count. Morrison ducks a clothesline and rolls Barrett up for 2. Morrison charges but Barrett catches him in a big side slam for 2. Barrett goes for Wasteland but Morrison counters with a side leg sweep. Morrison goes for Starship Pain but lands on his feet as Barrett moves. They fight in the corner and then go to the ropes. Morrison springboards but lands on Barrett's shoulders for a botched Wasteland. Barrett picks up Morrison and nails Wasteland for the win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Credit: PWPIX.net

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