Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 10/28/11

LostPB posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 03:47AM
Wade Barrett vs. Trent Barreta

Wade Barrett comes out and we throw to video of comments from Barrett recorded earlier in the day. Barrett says last week was just the beginning. When he steps in the ring it becomes his trench. The arena, his battlefield. His opponents, casualties of war. Tonight the devastation. The Barrett Barrage continues.

Back to the ring, and Barrett with a kick to Barreta and a forearm across the back. Irish whip, Barreta slides between Barrett’s legs and a hurricanrana takes Barrett down. Barreta charges, and Barrett hits the sideslam 1….2…A knee to the back by Barrett and a submission hold as he presses the knee into Barreta’s back. Barreta fighting to his feet and a series of punches to Barrett. Trent off the ropes, and Barrett with a huge kneelift. Barreta crawls to the corner and slides under the ropes and Barrett picks him up as Barreta on the apron and drives a series of knees into Barreta’s head. Barrett off the ropes and a huge boot knocks Barreta off the apron to the floor. Barrett follows and hits Barreta with a clothesline. Barrett tosses him back into the ring 1…..2….Barreta with a knife edge chop and a punch. Barrett swings, Barreta ducks and Barrett catches him with a back kick. A knee to Barreta, irish whip into the corner. Barrett charges and Trent gets the boots up. Barreta looking to take Wade Barrett down with another hurricanrana but Barrett catches him, reverses it into The Wasteland 1….2….3

The winner of the match by pinfall: Wade Barrett!!!!

Credit: wrestlingnewssource.com
last edited on Oct 29, 2011 at 04:46AM

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