Wade Barrett Raw Results 10/31/11

LostPB posted on Nov 01, 2011 at 03:56AM
Air Boom vs. Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett

We go to the ring and out come the WWE Tag Team Champions Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston for a non-title match. We go to commercial before their opponents make it out.

Back from the break and Wade Barrett is in the ring with his partner Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. Cody starts out with Bourne. Theyt lock up and go at it. Bourne makes a tag to Kofi for a dropkick. 2 count by Kofi. Kofi dodges Cody in the corner and kicks him in the head. Kofi kicks Barrett to the floor but Cody knocks him out of the air on a springboard. 2 count for Cody. Cody works over Kofi for another 2 count. Barrett gets the tag. Wade comes in and stomps on Kofi and hits a big sideslam off the ropes for a 2 count.

Barrett continues the assault on Kofi for another pin attempt before tagging in Cody. Cody works Kofi over in the corner and stomps away. Cody with a submission now. Barrett comes back in and they double team Kofi. Barrett beats Kofi down in the corner again and Cody gets in some cheap shots as the ref isn’t looking. Cody comes back in on a tag and keeps in control of Kofi. Kofi turns it around and flips Cody into the corner. Bourne comes in as does Barrett. Bourne ducks a clothesline and fires away with kicks. Barrett turns a hurricanrana into the Wasteland but Bourne counters that with a big DDT for a 2 count as Cody breaks it up. Kofi runs over but Cody dumps him out to the floor. Bourne goes for Air Bourne but Cody distracts him. Barrett grabs Bourne off the top rope and nails Wasteland for the win.

[b]Winners: Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes]/b]

- After the match, Kofi comes in to check on Bourne as Barrett and Rhodes pose. Christian comes down and they beat Air Boom up. Sheamus makes the save and cleans house as Christian, Rhodes and Barrett back up the ramp.

Credit: twnpnews.com

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