Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 11/11/11

LostPB posted on Nov 12, 2011 at 04:54AM
After a brief Veteran's Day tribute to the armed forces, the Nov. 11, 2011 episode of SmackDown began with Randy Orton cutting a promo about his role as a team captain at Survivor Series. He was interrupted by the captain of the opposing team, Wade Barrett.

As they stared each other down, Christian walked out wearing a neck brace. He claimed he "politely declined" the captain position due to his health concerns. Barrett and Christian ganged up on Orton, and Sheamus came to his defense. General manager Theodore Long emerged and said Christian would face Sheamus next, while Barrett would meet Orton in the main event.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

Orton and Barrett locked up to start the main event, and Orton forced Barrett into the corner. Barrett did the same during a second lockup, then kicked Orton and put him in a headlock. Orton came back with a dropkick and a headlock of his own. He punched Barrett repeatedly, flattened him with a clothesline, and stomped him.

Barrett hit Orton with a flying elbow drop from the top rope and Orton rolled out of the ring. He tried to throw Barrett into the steel steps, but Barrett jumped over them and returned to hurl Orton into the steps instead. He maintained control after a commercial break, stretching Orton's arms and slamming him to the mat.

Barrett forced Orton into the ropes and kicked him to the apron. He rammed Orton into the side of the ring and went for another headlock. Orton struggled to his feet but fell victim to another slam. He regained control when he superplexed Barrett off the top rope.

He followed with kicks, clotheslines, and a DDT off the ropes. He missed the RKO attempt and Barrett landed a thumb to the eye, rolling Orton up to win the match.

Credit: Suite101.com

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