Wade Barrett Raw Results 11/14/11

LostPB posted on Nov 15, 2011 at 06:02AM
Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

OK, now we get started for real as Orton hits a suplex and a drops a knee for two. Barrett catches him with a side slam though and sends Orton hard into the corner where he stomps away. Barrett grabs a hold to allow the crowd to come back and Orton suplexes out to start his comeback. He adds a powerslam and hits the draping DDT.

Orton looks to finish but Cody Rhodes jumps him from behind and THEY CLUBBERIN’ TONY!! THEY BE CLUBBERIN’! A pier-6 brawl breaks out and the faces send the heels flying towards the locker room. Hunico is the final one left so he takes an RKO before Mason Ryan tosses him to his team.
No Contest

Credit: pwmania.com

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