Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 11/18/11

LostPB posted on Nov 19, 2011 at 05:26AM
Randy Orton & Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett & Cody Rhodes

A repeat of The Rock's appearance on Monday's Raw preceded the main event. The match began with Sheamus driving Cody Rhodes into the corner. Rhodes fought out, but Sheamus lifted him up and tossed him across the ring. Rhodes tagged Wade Barrett, who fared better with his low punches and kicks.

Sheamus knocked Barrett down with an elbow and followed with repeated punches to the chest and a back toss. Barrett regained control and stretched Sheamus' arms. Sheamus reached Randy Orton for the tag and Orton hit Barrett with a powerslam, followed by a DDT off the ropes.

Rhodes tried to interfere, but Orton caught him as he leaped from the top rope. Barrett took advantage and knocked Orton down. He continued to dominate after a commercial break as Christian encouraged him from ringside.

Sheamus tagged in and the momentum shifted as he pummeled Rhodes. Barrett ran back in to assist his partner and Sheamus tossed him over the top rope. As he started to set up the Brogue Kick, Christian hit him in the leg with his crutch and the match ended in a disqualification.

Barrett slammed Orton into the barricades after the bell, and he and Rhodes kicked Sheamus repeatedly. As Barrett moved to attack Sheamus with Christian's crutch, Sheamus hit him with a Brogue Kick, took the crutch himself, and rammed Barrett in the stomach. Orton hit the RKO on Barrett and Sheamus took Rhodes out with the Celtic Cross.

Credit: suite101.com

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