Wade Barrett Tribute to the Troops Results 12/13/11

LostPB posted on Dec 14, 2011 at 04:58AM
Match 1: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
Lockup to start! Wade takes Orton to the corner and Orton fights back with some rights. He slams Wade's gace in the corner then gets a gut check before sending Barrett to the opposite corner. Wade reverses and Orton comes out of the corner with a clothesline. Orton stomps the leg then the arm, then drops a knee to the face of Wade. Pin for 1...2...NO. Orton sends Wade to the ropes but Wade fires back with a back elbow. Orton with a suplex then a pin for 1...2...no! Orton with a whip then bends down only for Wade to kick the chest then hit a boot and a pin for 1...2..NO! Wade mounts Orton and gets some rights. The crowd boos him as he chokes Orton up on the ropes. Wade tosses some knees to the face of Orton then gives him a big boot again! Wade pulls Orton in and pins for 1...2..NO! Wade with a cravat from behind. Wade breaks it quickly though with a back suplex, Wade with a back kick and goes for a pumphandle slam. He hits it! Cover 1...2..NO!!! Wade goes to the second rope, but Orton is up and starts in on him with some rights. Orton looks to be setting Wade up for something, possibly a superplex. He dedicates it to the troops and hits the Superplex!! A pin for 1...2..NO!! They trade rights but Orton gets the best of it. A whip, reverse, Orton gets the best of it and starts with the clothesline. Scoop Slam! Orton's smiling! He's "going to that place" according to Cole. Back breaker by Orton. The crowd wants it and Orton is looking to give it to them! He is about to RKO, but Barret leaves the ring! Orton goes for the DDT but Barret goes to the outside! Orton follows and hits the elevated DDT using the apron, but Barrett counters and slams Orton into the barricade!!! Orton pulls at Wade as he tries to get in the ring, then Barrett does the same and they are brawling!!!

Winner: Double Countout

They fight near the announce table and Wade sends Orton to the stairs! Wade goes under the ring, he's lookin for a table. He tosses one in the ring then sends Orton in after it. But here is Orton with a dropkick! He sets the table up and is looking to powerbomb Wade, but here is David Otunga to break it all up! He's in jeans, a sweater and a bow tie so you know he is serious!! Otunga is looking to put Orton into the table, but Orton gets out and hits an RKO! He sets up Otunga for a powerbomb and slams him right into the table!

We are back and Josh Mathews asks Wade if he feels that what happened to Otunga is a sign of what will happen to him this Sunday. Wade says Otunga deserved what happened to him and he has a psychological advantage over Orton. He is going to win.

Credit: 411mania.com

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