Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 12/16/11

LostPB posted on Dec 17, 2011 at 04:47AM
Randy Orton & Zack Ryder vs Dolph Ziggler & Wade Barrett

Ryder and Ziggler start off for their respective teams. Ziggler with a kick to Ryder followed up with an elbow to the back of the head. Side headlock takedown by Ziggler and Ryder turns it into a pin 1….2….Ziggler holds on, Ryder with the pin again 1….Back to their feet, Ryder whips Ziggler into the ropes and Ziggler comes back with a shoulderblock. Ziggler off the ropes, Ryder ducks, leapfrog by Ryder and Ryder with a flapjack to Ziggler 1….2…Ryder holds Ziggler in place reaches out for the tag to Orton. Orton in the corner, measuring Ziggler and hits a kick. Orton holds Ziggler in place and delivers a forearm across the chest and a stomp onto Ziggler’s face. Orton grabs Ziggler’s leg delivers a stomp to the gut and another stomp to the ankle. Orton hooks Ziggler up and hits a suplex 1….2….Orton holding onto Ziggler’s arm, reaches over, makes the tag to Ryder and Ryder delivers a couple of headbutts. Ziggler comes back with a kick and a forerarm to the back. Ziggler hooks Ryder up delivering a series of blows to the back of the neck. Holding Ryder in place, Ziggler makes the tag to Barrett and Barrett kicks Ryder. Barrett stomping on Ryder. Barrett has Ryder in the corner and delivers a series of blows to the body finishing off with a headbutt 1….2….Ryder kicks Barrett and Barrett staggers backwards into the corner. The flying elbow by Ryder into the corner. Armwringer, a tag to Orton and Barrett breaks the hold and exits the ring not wanting any part of Randy Orton. Ziggler tags in and engages Orton in a test of strength but kicks him instead. A straight punch to Orton followed up by an elbow to the back of the head. Ziggler with a kick to Orton and an irish whip into the corner but Orton comes back with a clothesline and Orton takes out Barrett. Ziggler from behind stomping on Orton. A punch by Ziggler, another irish whip, reversed by Orton into a headlock-backbreaker but Ziggler counters and Ryder hits a dropkick and both Ziggler and Barrett retreat to the outside.


Back in the ring Orton has Ziggler in the corner punching away at him. European uppercut by Orton. Orton hits a kneedrop 1….2…Irish whip by Orton, Orton ducks and Ziggler catches him in the face with a boot. Clothesline attempt by Ziggler, Orton ducks as Ziggler slides to the outside. Barrett comes in and hits the big boot. Barrett with mounted punches on Orton. Barrett picks Orton up and delivers a neckbreaker 1….2….Chinlock by Barrett. Orton to his feet delivering punches to Barrett. Orton off the ropes and Barrett catches him with a knee. Barrett with the tag to Ziggler, holding Orton in place as Ziggler stomps on him. Elbowdrop by Ziggler 1…..2….Ziggler with stomps on Orton, choking him out with his boot. Orton pushes Ziggler away and punches and kicks him. Ziggler catches him with a dropkick 1…2…Ziggler has the arm locked, tags out to Barrett. Barrett punching away at Orton. Orton with a back suplex to Barrett. Looking for the tag and he gets it. Ryder’s in, Barrett swings but Ryder ducks and flying elbow by Ryder. Clothesline followed by an irish whip, reversed by Barrett. Barrett charges but Ryder gets the boots up. Barrett down in the corner, Ryder hits The Broski Boot. Ryder looking for the Ruff Ryder, countered by Barrett, Ziggler with the cheap shot from the outside. Barrett tags Ziggler, Ziggler comes in and Ziggler punching away at Ryder. Ryder with the roll up 1….2…Ziggler hanging on, single leg boston crab on Ryder. Ryder reaching for a tag and Ziggler drops the elbow on him. Ziggler pulls Ryder to his corner, making the tag to Barrett and Barrett stomps on him, hooking Ryder up, Barrett hits a suplex 1……2….Chinlock by Barrett and Ryder hits the elbows to Barrett. Ryder off the ropes, Barrett catches him, Ryder reaches for a tag. Barrett goin for Wasteland but Ryder hits the elbow to the head and drops Barrett with a DDT. Ryder crawling over, he makes the tag and Orton’s in as Barrett tags Ziggler. Orton hits the clothesline on Ziggler. Ziggler swings, Orton ducks and catches him with the powerslam. Orton charges in the corner and Ziggler catches him with the elbow. Orton kicks Ziggler, picks him up across his shoulder and drops Ziggler 1…..2….but Barrett breaks up the pin. Barrett swings at Ryder, Ryder ducks and clotheslines Barrett over the top rope. Ryder whips Barrett but Barrett reverses and whips Ryder into the barricade. In the ring, Ziggler rolls Orton up 1….2…kick by Ziggler, off the ropes going for the leg drop across the back of the head, ducked by Orton. Orton hits the RKO 1….2…3

The winners of the match: Zack Ryder & Randy Orton

Credit: wrestlingnewssource.com

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