Wade Barrett Raw Results 1/2/12

LostPB posted on Jan 03, 2012 at 04:52AM
Wade Barrett is out next. They show the end of his match with Randy Orton on SmackDown where Orton was thrown down the stairs. Barrett is shown smiling in the ring and cuts a promo and said that he's not going to wish everyone a Happy New Year because he doesn't care. He said the new year is already fantastic because it's one without Orton, and that it was either him or Orton to take the fall down the stairs. Barrett said that Orton is his past, and he's looking to the future winning The Royal Rumble and main eventing WrestleMania. Santino Marella's music hits, and there was some "1/2/12" static during his intro. Santino pranced around the ring doing laps before taking the mic in the ring. Marella noted that he lasted until the end of last year's Rumble, not Barrett. He said he will run over the Barrett Barage with the Santino train.

Santino Marella vs. Wade Barrett

Barrett squashed Marella before pinning him with the "Winds of Change."

Credit: Wrestlinginc.com

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