Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 2/3/12

LostPB posted on Feb 05, 2012 at 08:42AM
Match Number Four: Wade Barrett versus Randy Orton in a No Disqualification Match

They circle each other and then Barrett tries to punch Orton but Orton blocks it. Orton and Barrett exchange punches. Orton with a kick and European uppercuts. Barrett with an Irish whip into the corner but you don’t do that to Orton. Randy with a clothesline out of the corner followed by a suplex. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Barrett.

Orton looks at the Wrestlemania sign and Orton throws Barrett over the top rope to the floor. Orton sends Barrett into the ring steps. Orton sends Barrett into the ringside barrier on each side of the ring.

Orton stomps on Barrett’s head after it is placed on the ring steps. Orton with a boot to the midsection and then he hits a belly-to-back suplex onto the ringside barrier. Orton rolls Barrett back into the ring and then he looks under the ring. Orton finds a table and he pulls it out from under the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and the table has been set up in the ring and Orton tries to superplex Barrett through the table. Barrett head butts Orton off the turnbuckles and pushes Orton through the table. Barrett gets a near fall. Barrett with kicks to the injured back. Barrett continues the barrage on Orton’s back.

Barrett with a hard Irish whip and Orton falls to the mat. Barrett with a bow and arrow using the ring post. Barrett runs Orton into the apron and Barrett is happy with what he has done so far. Orton is rolled back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Barrett puts Orton in the ropes and chokes him. Barrett with a series of knees to the chest and then he hits a running boot that sends Orton to the floor.

Barrett tries to send Orton into the ringside barrier but Orton blocks it and he sends Barrett into the crowd. Orton follows after Barrett and the battle continues into the crowd. Orton with a European uppercut and punch. Orton clotheslines Barrett back into the ringside area. Orton with an elbow to the head and then he goes onto the barrier for a double sledge.

Barrett reverses an Irish whip and sends Orton shoulder first into the ring steps. Orton is returned to the ring and Barrett gets a chair and hits Orton in the back and the midsection with it. Barrett continues to alternate body parts. Barrett tries for Wasteland onto the chair but Orton with elbows to get free and he clotheslines Barrett twice. Orton avoids a clothesline and hits a power slam.

Orton grabs the chair and he hits Barrett in the back twice and then the ribs before going to the back one more time. Orton has recovered and he wedges the chair into the turnbuckles. Orton with an Irish whip that sends Barrett shoulder first into the chair.

Orton with a standing drop kick and he looks at the announce table and he sends Barrett over the announce table. Orton sends Barrett back in and he sets for the IEDDT and hits it. Orton twists into the push ups but Barrett avoids the RKO and hits the Winds of Change and Orton gets his foot on the ropes.

Barrett gets another chair and he hits Orton in the spine. Barrett sets for a pump handle slam onto the chair but Orton escapes and hits the RKO and then Orton pounds the mat again and he checks on Wade. Orton moves the chair and he picks up Barrett and hits an RKO onto the chair. Orton moves the chair out of the way and gets the three count.

Winner: Randy Orton

Credit: prowrestling.com

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