Wade Barrett Elimination Chamber Results 2/19/12

LostPB posted on Feb 20, 2012 at 06:21AM
Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Title: The Great Khali vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Wade Barrett vs. Santino Marella vs. Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring and out first comes The Great Khali. WWE Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes is out next and he's also put into a pod. Santino Marella is out next.

Out next comes the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan and he's put into the last empty pod. Wade Barrett is out next followed by Big Show and they will be starting the match.

Show and Barrett og at it to start the match. Show beats Barrett around and hits him with a big chop while taunting Bryan. Barrett makes a comeback but Show runs over him with a big shoulder. Barrett manages to take out Show's knee and kick him in the head several times. Barrett with a kick to the gut and a 1 count. Barrett goes back to kicking Show around. Show goes to the steel and Barrett follows. Barrett slams Show's head into the chains twice. Show goes down on the steel. Barrett stomps him back into the ring. Show kicks Barrett off and gets back to his feet. Barrett kicks the knee out again and Show goes right back to the mat. Barrett continues working on Show's knee here.

Show kicks Barrett out to the steel and suplexes him back into the ring. Show with a big headbutt now. Show with a big chop in the corner. Show tosses Barrett back to the steel and stands on him. Show continues the offense as the timer counts down and the next man in is Cody Rhodes. Cody comes in but Show takes him down. Show keeps eying Daniel Bryan. Cody fights Show with kicks and punches but can't whip him off the ropes. Show tosses Cody out to the steel. Barrett comes over but Show tosses him into the chains. Cody goes to the top but Show stops him and throws him up high into the chains.

Show grabs Barrett for a chokeslam but he slides out. Barrett takes out Show's knee and goes back to work on it. Show breaks out of a hold. Barrett ducks a clothesline and tags down Show with the help of Cody. Cody stomps away on Show now and covers him for 2. Barrett clotheslines Cody to the steel and follows him. Barrett tosses Cody into the steel three times. Barrett throws Rhodes into Santino's pod before whipping him into the ring post. Cody turns it around and rams Barrett into the chains. Cody unloads on Barrett and beats him down as the timer goes off. The next man in is Santino Marella.

Santino comes in with right hands on Barrett. Santino ducks a clothesline and hip tosses Barrett. Santino with a headbutt. Santino turns around and Big Show is there. Santino powers up but Show blocks the right hand. Show takes Santino to the corner and unloads on him. Cody comes in and takes out Show's leg from behind. Cody stomps away on Show and covers for a 2 count. Cody gets chopped to the mat. Barrett comes in but Show drops him also. Show tosses Cody out to the steel and then does the same with Barrett. Show points at Daniel Bryan and wants him in the match. Show goes to the steel and calls for a chokeslam. He grabs Cody and Barrett at the same time but they fight him off. They double suplex Show out on the steel. Barrett and Cody try to get Show back in the ring for a pin but he's out cold. Bryan screams at them to pin Show. Cody and Barrett start fighting now. Cody goes for a moonsault and nails it for a 2 count on Barrett.

Show goes back to Bryan's pod to taunt him. Show tries reaching down the top of Bryan's pod and grab him but can't reach down far enough inside the pod. Show starts breaking the chains on the top of Bryan's pod so he can break into it. Show breaks into Bryan's pod and Bryan fights him. They brawl inside the pod and Show beats him down. Show continues the assault inside the pod with headbutts and a boot to the throat. The timer goes off and Daniel Bryan is now legal but he's already involved. Bryan escapes the pod but Show throws him through another pod. Bryan goes crashing through everything and lands hard. Show tosses Bryan into the ring and drops Barrett with a headbutt.

Show continues the attack on Bryan and splashes him in the corner. Show runs over Bryan again and calls for the chokeslam. Show chokeslams Bryan hard but Barrett drops Show with a big boot. Barrett hits Show with knees to the head. Barrett with another running boot to Show's face. Santino comes in and rolls Barrett up for 2. Barrett clobbers Santino with a clothesline and dumps him to the steel. Cody comes up and his Beautiful Disaster on Show. Cody climbs the chains and hits another Disaster kick on Show. Show stumbles into the ring and Cody drops him with a DDT. Barrett hits an elbow from the top on Show. Cody covers Show for the pin. Big Show is eliminated.

Cody is celebrating after eliminating Show. Santino comes up from behind and rolls Cody up. Cody Rhodes is eliminated. Santino and Cody have words on his way out. Cody drops Santino. Barrett takes advantage and covers Santino but he kicks out at 2. Barrett tosses Santino out to the steel and throws him into the chains. The crowd chants for Santino as Barrett continues the attack. Barrett locks Santino's arms in the chains and works him over with knees to the head and right hands. Barrett with a big boot. Barrett goes to Bryan in the ring now and they go at it. Bryan botches a move in the corner. They trade holds and pin attempts. Bryan goes for the LaBell Lock but Barrett fights it off. Bryan kicks Barrett off and hits him with a series of kicks in the corner.

Bryan climbs up top with Barrett. Barrett pushes him off and the top rope lands between his legs. Barrett runs and clotheslines Bryan off the rope. Barrett goes to the steel with Bryan. Barrett powerbombs Bryan into the chains and he hits the back of his head on the steel. Barrett slams Bryan into a pod now. Barrett closes a pod door on Bryan's neck and slams it. Bryan goes down and we get a replay. Bryan still manages to kick out at 2. Santino comes over but Barrett drops him with a right hand. Barrett goes for Wasteland on Santino but Santino avoids it. Santino ends up laying over the top rope. Barrett big boots him hard onto the steel. Santino gets thrown into the chains and hit in the kidneys by Barrett twice. Barrett turns around to a flying knee from the top from Bryan. Bryan unloads on Barrett now and throws him into the pods. Bryan goes up top but Barrett knocks him off. Barrett knocks Bryan back into the already busted pod. Barrett goes to the second rope for a hue Wasteland on Bryan but Santino breaks it up.

Santino takes Barrett to the top for a superplex but Barrett fights him off and to the mat. Barrett climbs up for the big elbow drop but Santino moves out of the way. Bryan goes to the top and hits a big headbutt on Barrett. Santino covers Barrett and eliminates him. The match is now down to Bryan and Santino.

Bryan sees Santino and starts laughing. Santino hulks up and goes to work on Bryan. Bryan dropkicks him in the corner. Bryan takes Santino back down and kicks him in the back. Santino sits up and Bryan kicks him in the chest. Santino gets up again and Santino kicks him in the chest again. Santino up again, kicked in the chest again. Santno keeps getting up but Bryan knocks him down winth a kick to the head. Bryan covers but Santino kicks out at 2. Bryan charges int he corner but Santino moves. Santino with a roll up for 2. Bryan suplexes Santino and goes to the top. Santino moves and Bryan misses the headbutt. Santino pulls out the Cobra. He hits Bryan with it and covers for a 2 count.

Bryan gets the LaBell Lock applied but Santino starts to power out of it as the crowd cheers. Bryan tightens the hold and Santino finally taps out to end the match.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

Credit: NODQ.com

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