Wade Barrett Raw Results 9/24/12

LostPB posted on Sep 25, 2012 at 05:16AM
Wade Barrett vs. Tyson Kidd

We go to the ring and out comes Wade Barrett. His opponent Tyson Kidd is already waiting in the ring.

Kidd starts the match with a dropkick and then ducks a clothesline. Kidd unloads on Barrett and covers for an early 2 count. Barrett stops Kidd with a big back kick to the gut and then runs him over with a clothesline. Barrett with knees to the head now. Barrett charges with a big kick and sends Kidd out to the floor. Barrett follows and slams Kidd back into the apron. Barrett brings Kidd back in the ring but runs his mouth to the fans. Barrett comes in but Kidd fights him. Kidd with a roll up for 2. Kidd charges but Barrett catches him in a big sidewalk slam. Barrett pulls Kidd back and nails The Souvenir elbow for the win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Credit: wrestlinginc.com

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