Wade Barrett Smackdown Results 10/19/12

LostPB posted on Oct 20, 2012 at 06:12AM
Non-Title Lumberjack Match: Sheamus vs. Wade Barrett

They start brawling right away, trading rights and picking up where they left off as far as delivering a physical match. Wade takes control, lays the boots to Sheamus in the corner and then hits a pump handle slam and covers for 2. Wade with the big boot and Sheamus falls to the floor. He gets tossed backing and Wade covers for 2. They trade rights, more boots by Wade to keep Sheamus down. Knees to the gut by Wade, and then the short-armed clothesline connects. Sheamus battles back with rights, but then gets whipped to the corner, with Sheamus taking the Bret Hart chest bump and Wade covers for 2…

We are back from commercial as Sheamus lands a few clotheslines and then a corner clothesline. Finlay roll connects for Sheamus, and then beats on the chest of Wade as he is trapped in the ropes. White noise connects now, and Sheamus sets for the brogue kick. The heels pull Wade to the floor, and Sheamus then dives off the apron onto them. He tosses Wade back in, and then gets a shoulder block in the corner. Wade back with a clothesline and then a kick to the face, and a cover gets 2. Wade looks for Wasteland, countered and Sheamus misses the brogue kick and is clotheslined to the floor. Wade follows and then gets into it with the lumberjacks. MASSIVE BRAWL now. Wade back into the ring, Sheamus follows. Irish curse by Sheamus, and then Kane's pyro hits and he and Bryan hit the ring and they start kicking ass because they can. In all of the confusion, Sheamus gets the brogue kick on Wade, and that is all.

Winner: Sheamus

Credit: 411mania.com

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