Wade Barrett Over the Limit Results 5/22/11

LostPB posted on May 23, 2011 at 03:40AM
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Jackson got the first major offense of the match, and worked Barrett over with power moves like forearms and punches. Jackson continued to dominate Barrett with his power and strength.

After dominating for several minutes, Barrett complained to the referee about being injured. As the ref checked on Barrett, he charged in on Jackson. Barrett then rammed Jackson shoulder first into the corner several times and went for the cover, but only got two. Barrett hit an elbow from the second rope for another two count.

Barrett stayed in control for the next several minutes. Jackson managed to land some punches to regain the advantage. Jackson nailed Barrett with several shoulder blocks and several body slams. Jackson continued to hit the body slams, landing five or six. He then got Barrett up in the torture rack, but the Corre hit the ring to end the match. Jackson was able to fight the Corre off for a bit until Barrett ambushed him with a clothesline. They beat him down for awhile and left him laying. Decent match with some sloppy moments until the crappy ending.

Ezekiel Jackson defeated Wade Barrett via disqualification.

Credit: Wrestlinginc.com

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