Zhuge Liang Updates

a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Which year did Zhuge Liang die? over a year ago by Sepira
fan art was added: Zhuge liang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago by KattyOst
a pop quiz question was added: Which year did Zhuge Liang die? over a year ago by KattyOst
a poll was added: when did the first time you see Zhuge Liang? over a year ago by KattyOst
a comment was made to the article: Zhuge liang life over a year ago by KattyOst
an article was added: Zhuge liang life over a year ago by KattyOst
an article was added: Zhuge liang life over a year ago by KattyOst