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Alyas Batman En Robin was a film that was made in the late 1980's as a parody of Batman. The film was made in the Philippines and was going to be released in 1989, but that was the same year as Tim Burton's first Batman film. Because of this, Alyas Batman En Robin was considered to be a knockoff film that wanted to cash off the success of Tim Burton's film rather than be a parody of the 60's Batman television series. The film's release was delayed until the year 1991.

The film got a decent amount of attention in the Philippines, but remained obscure to people from other countries. However, Emer...
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There are several Batman films and there a few that can get pretty weird. The classic 1966 film is known for the absurdity of Shark-Repellent Bat Spray and the 1997 film, Batman and Robin, is known for the ice-pun antics of Mr. Freeze. However, Batman has had even weirder adventures.

Quite possibly the weirdest Batman film and one of the weirdest superhero films, in general, came out in 1991 and was made in the Philippines. The film is called Alyas Batman en Robin.

Alyas Batman en Robin isn't necessarily an official Batman film, because it's somewhat of a parody. Also, the film doesn't star...
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Several actors have played Batman. There have been over five live action versions of Batman as well as various voice actors. People often discuss about which Batman actor is the best. I think that the best is Adam West.

1. Adam West stood out more than any other Batman actor

Adam West got to play Batman in a show that lasted over 100 episodes. That gave him plenty of time for his version of Batman to be memorable. Later on he got to voice Batman in cartoons which gave him a chance to play various versions of Batman. All of his performances as Batman are a memorable treat.

The other live action...
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posted by luthorlex
Scooby-Doo Meets Batman is a 2002 DVD that has the 2 episodes of Scooby-Doo that have Batman. The episodes were made in the 1970s.

The Plots

The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair has Scooby-Doo and his friends meeting Batman and Robin. They try to stop a crime involving a mysterious and new villain who has a money scheme. The episode also the Joker and Penguin who cause the heroes trouble in their Fun House.

The Caped Crusader Caper has Scooby-Doo and his friends teaming up with Batman and Robin again. The Joker and the Penguin plan on stealing Professor Flakey's flying suit.

I love the 2 episodes....
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The Dark Night has Been Nominated by the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, for for favorite Movie. If your as much as a fan as I, you would follow this link to post the widget on your myspace, google account facebook or whatever social network, you may have. I happen to know that you may vote daily. I honestly would like to see The Dark Knight rise to the top of Gotham ( the World Wide Web) and to see once again batman prevails. This widget is on link and I suggest you post this widget everywhere.
posted by arrowone
Captain Stacy: Hi I'm a Marvel
Gordon: ...Hey what are you doing here at Commissioner Loeb's funeral?
Stacy: I'm coordinating it! Alright, first things first. The Joker threatened to kill our beloved mayor, so for the funeral, I think it's best to have it in a location with an obscene amounts of windows.
Gordon: ...but what about sharpshooters?
Stacy: Please. We're doing our job.
Gordon: No you're not doing your job. At DC, we get to the bottom of the matter. Like detectives. We're not here to let people off with a warning in order to set good examples for children
Stacy: Yes clearly from watching...
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posted by GabrielleMN
Batman made his first appearance as a comic book superhero in DC Comics “Detective Comics No. 27, May 1939”. Bob Kane has been credited with the original creation of Batman. Kane was a twenty-two year old comic book artist creating fill-in cartoons about dogs and cats for DC Comics when he was selected to create a hero as powerful and appealing as Superman, DC Comic’s year old phenomenal success. Kane’s inspiration for Batman reportedly came from three sources—a Leonardo da Vinci sketch of a man trying to fly with attached bat-like wings, a 1930’s silent mystery movie...
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William Dozier is the man responsible for bringing the 1960's Batman television series to life, as well as being the person who narrated the show. Over the past fifty years, several people have made their own versions of Batman. While there have been lots of outstanding things done with the Batman franchise, the 1960's still remains Batman's best decade. There are so many things that make the 1966 television series and movie so great. For this article, I'd like to focus on the main elements that made the 1960's such a special time for Batman.

The show closely resembled Bill Finger's comics,...
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Bill Finger used to be unknown, but nowadays, he is known as the co-creator of Batman. Bill Finger wrote the earliest Batman comics in 1939. He continued writing Batman comics throughout the 40's and 50's. While Bob Kane came up with the initial ideas for Batman, I believe that Bill Finger is the one who gave Batman his moral integrity and unique charm.

Bill Finger wasn't created for his work in comics, but he was created for his television work. Bill Finger had the honor of getting to write a two-part adventure for the 60's Batman television series. He co-wrote the episodes "The Clock King's...
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Hi there! We are the Batman: Anarchy team, and we are looking to increase funding on our non-profit, original Dark Knight film. The film stands as a continuation to the amazingly successful and compelling Dark Knight Trilogy created by talented film director, Christopher Nolan.


Batman: Anarchy is quite unique because it isn't just another Bruce Wayne story. Instead, we venture into the unknown, picking up where Nolan left off, with John Blake inheriting the Bat-cave and taking on the mantle of the caped crusader. Naturally, he won't be perfect at this as he lacks the discipline and...
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posted by whatsupbugs
When people think about actors that have played Batman, a lot of names are bound to come up with. However, there's a certain actor that hasn't gotten as much attention for playing Batman as he deserves.

Joey de Leon is a Filipino comedian that has a big fanbase in the Philippines. In addition to being a comedian, he is also an actor. He has starred in several films that are parodies. The focus of this article is the Batman film that Joey de Leon starred in.

Alyas Batman en Robin is a 1991 film that serves as a parody of Batman. It takes heavy inspiration from the classic series that starred...
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When people hear the name Dr. Strange, they think of Marvel's Doctor Stephen Strange. Some people might even think of Dr. Strangelove. However, Batman has his own Dr. Strange. This article is about Doctor Hugo Strange.

Even though Hugo Strange isn't as iconic as a lot of Batman's other enemies, he has been around since 1940. In fact, he appeared in a Batman story before the Joker did. Hugo Strange was another one of Bill Finger and Bob Kane's brilliant creations. In the early stories, Hugo Strange was a mad scientist. He often created monsters that Batman would have to fight. However, Hugo...
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posted by whatsupbugs
Batman vs. Two-Face is an animated film that came out in 2017. It is a sequel to 2016's Batman: Return of the Caped of the Caped Crusaders. Both films serve as a reunion for the cast of the 1960's live-action Batman TV show and movie. Both films have Adam West, Burt Ward and Julie Newmar returning to their classic roles. Return of the Caped Crusaders was a really good tribute to the classic Batman show, while being unique and clever enough to feel like something fresh. In my opinion, Batman vs. Two-Face is an even better film. While Batman vs. Two-Face might just seem like one of many direct-to-DVD...
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Ever since 2015, the year where Bill Finger was given patrial credit for creating Batman, the once unknown Bill Finger has been given more attention and respect than ever before. There was even a Hulu documentary about him, called Batman and Bill, that explained the true story behind Batman's creation.

Batman was created in 1939. Between the years 1939 and 2015, full credit to Batman's creation was given to Bob Kane, an artist who had the initial idea to have a superhero called Batman. It can't be denied that Bob Kane was an essential part to getting Batman made. However, the Batman we know...
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In 1991, the world was gifted with the release of Alyas Batman en Robin, a Batman parody from the Philippines. The film has gotten very little attention and love in America, but I've fallen in love with it. In the past thirty years, we've gotten far more superhero films than there's ever previously been. While lots of people adore the serious, sophisticated and dark films we've been getting, I desperately crave the eccentric appeal of the campy superheroes. I know that Alyas Batman en Robin isn't a serious film with a deep story, but there's nothing wrong with that. Films are classified as...
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When Batman fans discuss their favorite Batman films, Tim Burton and Christopher Nolan's films are brought up. However, it's rare to see that level of admiration for the two Batman films directed by Joel Schumacher. For a long time, I've considered both of his films to be underrated.

The Backstory and Reception of Batman Forever:

Joel Schumacher's first Batman film was Batman Forever. The film came out in 1995. It was only three years after Tim Burton's second Batman film, Batman Returns. Tim Burton wanted to direct a 3rd Batman film, but due to the controversy surrounding Batman Returns' adult...
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It's common for things to be popular for a while and eventually go out of style. However, Batman has remained a pop-culture icon for decades. There has been several Batman shows. Despite all the advanced storytelling and technology that has come in recent decades, my favorite version of Batman is the original one from 1966. It was the most entertaining show of the 1960's, in addition to being one of the greatest superhero shows of all time. A lot of Batman fans scoff at this show, because they think it's an outdated joke of the past. However, I believe there's more to this show than just silliness....
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Over the years, there have been so many great Batman toys. They have made a countless number of Batman toys. Batman's sidekicks and enemies have also gotten a large number of toys. They've even started making toys of some of the lesser-known villains. I'm impressed by the wonderful variety of figures. However, there are still some characters that I like that have yet to get a toy.

Professor Bubbles

Professor Bubbles was the main antagonist of an episode from 1977's The New Adventures of Batman. He's a personal favorite of mine for his over-the-top personality, voice and design.

Carmine Falcone...
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Who is my favorite comics writer of all time? That would be Bill Finger. Bill Finger is responsible for creating Batman and his large selection of supporting characters and rogues. For decades, Bill went above and beyond in creating creative, colorful, unique adventures for Gotham's superhero to go on. To this day, Bill's Batman stories remain amongst the most memorable and influential comics of all time.

In my opinion, Bill Finger deserves as much love, admiration and respect as people like Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. However, Bill never received that sort of treatment during his lifetime. In...
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Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast just had an awesome interview with the one and only Adam West! In this podcast Adam shares his memories of everyone from Gary Cooper to Jackie Gleason. Don’t miss as Adam jokes about some of his more challenging gigs & reveals why he had to turn down the part of James Bond!

You can check out this podcast here: