Daniel Radcliffe&Emma Watson Club
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posted by xharmonystx
I know it's been 9 years, but...
[Taken from Esquire Magazine]

And what about all those hormone-fuelled teenagers running around on a film set? "There was a period when we were the only boys and girls any of us knew. And so, you know, we were all unbelievably horny from about the third film to probably about the end of the fifth; then it all settled down. But, God, for a few years..."

Despite an early debilitating crush on a production hair stylist [...] he also denies any on-set transgressions. "There was never anybody I fancied that much in the cast, though the conspiracy theorists always like...
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posted by Pensieve_Seeker
Douglas Booth NY Noah premiere
Douglas Booth NY Noah premiere
In March 2014 were the movie premieres of Noah in NYC and London. This is what is stated about Emma Watson's character Ila-

With Ila having become enamored of Shem...[snip]


Ila and Shem are lovers. Shem was played by Douglas Booth. Here is a pic of Douglas at the NYC Noah premiere-

Note that his outfit is very similar to the one Dan wore for the 26 March NYC DH 1 premiere (black suit with black and white checks/houndstooth). It could be said that this was merely a coincidence.
Then came the London premiere on 31 March. Douglas wore a grey three-piece suit with a white shirt, just like Dan did with the London DH 2 premiere. Now I could see that one time being a coincidence, but twice? Would Douglas have done this on his own or would Emma have asked him to do this?
Dan Radcliffe NY DH1 premiere
Dan Radcliffe NY DH1 premiere
Douglas Booth London Noah premiere
Douglas Booth London Noah premiere
Dan Radcliffe London DH1 premiere
Dan Radcliffe London DH1 premiere
posted by rapunzeleah123
Yes, I do think Daniel and Emma are good for each other.

Know why?

Well, let's review:

They're known each other for 9-10 years. Obviously a budding friendship at least, especially for them both being main characters.

They begin to feel something more than friendship. This isn't wrong and I'm not saying it is! I'm just saying it's natural.

Finally, it becomes a relationship. I have no idea how Rupert is feeling at this point and I honestly don't care.

They begin to flirt in public. People pick up on the signs. Are they going out? people start to wonder.

Then they start sneaking into each others rooms....
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