Dark Hold In Aberon Club
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added by amethyst44
posted by amethyst44
I watched her, my blood boiling with hunger, fear, desperation to have her close.
I watched her, my blood boiling with hunger, fear, desperation to have her close.
I never understood why, but what was in front of me that night was quite amusing.
The simple boundary line between the forest and the city was a sidewalk. Too plain, in my opinion. But either way, there was some remarkable air to it that defined the border line in a distinction between the two races; human and vampire. But the person I saw was even more amusing.
The instant I saw her hair, the way her body moved, and the way her green eyes scanned the area, I knew she was a vampire. Her hair was light, fragile, thinner than air and pure dirty-blonde. Back at this time when I saw her, her hair...
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The Coucil consists of nine Dayfaer Guardians.

Each possess the nine Elements known to all Magyk kind:
and Humanity.

When all Guardians are within peaceful serenity will a Cricle be joined.

Balance is key. The sole focus upon daily workers of the Council is to have the Circle active in this state.

If the Circle is bound too strong, all life on Aberon will slowly cease to exist.

If the Circle is bound too weak, the eyes of humans will see the society as is and will cause chaos, even war.

If any Dayfaer can not harmonize with the Circle, the Circle can not be cast until a symphony of peace is formed.

Every millenium, nine new members are chosen to be the Dayfaer Guardians of Aberon.

That time is rapidly coming...
Balance is key.
Balance is key.
posted by amethyst44
In a matter of a few days I became used to the fact that I wasn't supposed to feel the reactions of emotions anymore; actually, I somewhat embraced the feeling of nothing.
In a matter of a few days I became used to the fact that I wasn't supposed to feel the reactions of emotions anymore; actually, I somewhat embraced the feeling of nothing.
That morning, (remember, I'm a vampire, so this would be considered as your night) I managed to withstand a dream that made no sense to me, but scared the living daylights out of me.
In a matter of a few days I became used to the fact that I wasn't supposed to feel the reactions of emotions anymore; actually, I somewhat embraced the feeling of nothing. The 'brotherly' feeling I got from my family was only a prideful aura seeping through my veins, nothing more. Their encouragement made me feel like I belonged even more, but not an ounce of love clouded my vision. There was no need for it anymore....
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this has nothing to really do with Darkhold but I think it was neat. (well i mean yeah it does have to do with Dark Hold but picture wise it doesn't. True Faith is in the Dark Hold playlist.)
posted by amethyst44
For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around.
For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around.
It always starts with darkness. Just like the rumors that vampires were made to sign Satan's book with blood as the registration, it was thought that a vampire's soul was consumed by darkness. For the first couple months, that's what it really feels like; darkness, always there like the puppy you always wished for to follow you around. Sadly, I never had a puppy, so this was all awkwardly new to me.
"That's how it's going to be for a while." Adrian told me one day while I woke up from a deep sleep, facing the sunlight. I had forgotten that we were now affected by that sunlight more than humans....
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posted by amethyst44
You may think that vampires are the most godly creatures on earth, but it takes more than just a bite to be beautiful.
You may think that vampires are the most godly creatures on earth, but it takes more than just a bite to be beautiful.
When those three were together, they represented the family I never had.
Adrian was just Adrian; even though he was astonishingly ragged in appearance, there was something about him that symbolized him being the younger brother. He was dangerous, fast, and cunning with his tongue. I almost thought, that one time I saw him and Marcus battle it out, that Marcus should just give up before he got himself killed. Of course, Marcus knew that already, and they weren't even really fighting to begin with. With what started with growls and ferocious snapping ended up being laughs and pats on the shoulder....
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posted by amethyst44
But I guess this is the price for not agreeing with a vampire.
But I guess this is the price for not agreeing with a vampire.
I woke up to the wailing of birds in the distance and the acrid smell of compost nearby. I couldn't see; it appeared that the night sky blended in with the darkness behind my eyelids when closed. I felt my body plastered against a marble slab that was the same length as my being, and sweat was misted against my skin. Strangely, the only way I could tell this was by leaning my head down to take a peek, realizing my skin was so white that it would be hard to tell if I had any blood at all in my body. My flesh felt numb, and shivering once brought my senses into a lighter view, but only enough...
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posted by amethyst44
My eyes traveled over to the waitress, and underneath the cuff of her uniform I saw a dagger-slash on her wrist, still throbbing with a small smidge of blood.
My eyes traveled over to the waitress, and underneath the cuff of her uniform I saw a dagger-slash on her wrist, still throbbing with a small smidge of blood.
In the place where I lived, there was worry to a person when they saw a nine-year-old crossing the street and looking around in fear. Most people would back off, since that was a common sense habit. But when I was the nine-year-old walking around in fear, there was no way that common sense would be a part of me anymore. I had to use the mature inner self that I refused to shed in the past and make it come to good use, because I would need every ounce of manliness I had.
He left a note beside the cottage when I came back from school, and that scared the hell out of me. I wondered why he didn't...
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posted by amethyst44
I very slightly opened my eyes to peek past my fear, watching those bright blue eyes take hold along my neck, then the silk lips press against my flesh.
I very slightly opened my eyes to peek past my fear, watching those bright blue eyes take hold along my neck, then the silk lips press against my flesh.
I was turned back in a time where I was extremely young, and didn't have the silver locks of hair that I have now. No, then I was a black soul, and even now I don't think there is any emotion in me. I was certain, even when I was human or vampire, that I had a heart, but there was no certainty that I had pure emotions, anything that expressed a positive feeling towards another. Only when I realized those green eyes that resembled a cat's, lithe and ferocious but yet gentle, all at once, did I overcome the mirthing shadows in my heart and defined a brighter side of me, the light. It took me...
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posted by amethyst44
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
"You know... I'm not...the one you love...so...that's why...it's time for me... to leave......" -Zelos
There have been so many things that have happened to me in the past, present, and future, that I have had a hard time remembering them all. For a vampire, that would seem unbearably stupid; I mean, we live forever, so our brains should be more adept at handling the hardcore memories. At times I actually thought I remembered my childhood, or even WWI if I took a deep thought into it. But no, the only thing that came into my mind as clearly as the darkness that surrounds me now is this:
Chloe's eyes.
Chloe Cassalani, the one person I knew from the start upon meeting, was a threat to me. The instant...
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