Emma and Sheriff Graham Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 125

FlightofFantasy said …
All this Swanfire vs. CaptainSwan has made me realize how much I miss Emma/Graham. Posted over a year ago
sherlocked88 commented…
Yeah, I miss them together too! I'm a Swanfire shipper, but more a Gremma shipper. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Jamie was seen in Vancouver! YES!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
They are such an amazing couple. I'm never giving up. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Me neither! After all "once you find something worth fighting for, you never give up." over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack said …
I'm so disappointed with the writers about Graham. After dropping hints that he will come back, they decided to killed him permanently. Like seriously, WTF ? What happened to "greatest obstacle is death" ? I've been holding on to this for so long, guys, COME ON !!! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know! I choose to believe that either they are lying about not bringing him back or that they will change their minds. over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
I'm so angry when I read that interview. Angry and disappointed. over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack said …
Happy New Year ! Posted over a year ago
big smile
ReibyKathBlack said …
Hey, does somebody know any great Gremma fanfictions ? I think I already read all of the fanfictions in fanfiction.net , so if anyone here know please tell me Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Here's one that was just posted today: link over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
Thanks :D over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
Merry Christmas! Posted over a year ago
nstrtjlover said …
I just saw that the writers said that jamie Dornan/Huntsman/Sheriff Graham is going to return at the season 2 finale. He will be HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF. He's just recovering from some injury. I hope this is true :)
source: link Posted over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
Hungry like the wolf ... I think he will only return as the Huntsman :'( I'm not giving up though, I refuse to give up over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
*sigh* It's fine if people don't ship it, it's not like it'll hurt me if they don't, but when people try to tell us that the ship is sunk and we need to move on, or that it wasn't meant to be, I get really upset and defensive. I've got plenty of opinions about ships but I don't usually voice them or tell others to get over it. That's just rude. So to watch people continually tell us that it's just super annoying. No one jabs at the Regina/Daniel fans as far as I've seen. So why Gremma? Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I don't get it either. If Rumple were to die, I seriously doubt anyone would be telling Rumbelle shippers to move. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I don't think people would be going /near/ Rumbellers. We'd be too angry at the writers to even listen to anyone XD That aside, I completely agree. No one would ever move on! So...what's their problem with us? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
No idea, but it is very hypocritical of them. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Whenever people make fan images with a Hook ship and they pretend that Phillip is Hook with Aurora, I laugh, but whenever it's Graham they try to pretend isn't Graham, I get ridiculously offended. I may be biased just a little. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Same here. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
The synopsis for the next episode says, "When Regina is accused of a beloved fairytale character, Emma thinks she is innocent." Part of me is hoping that people are finalizing Regina killed Graham, but I don't want Emma to think she's innocent! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I know, that's how I feel! over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
It won't hurt to hope that they will finally remember Graham, right ? Wait, actually it will :( over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Now that Emma knows about taking hearts, I have my fingers crossed that she will realize that Regina killed Graham. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
And she's reunited with a) the two people saved by him b) the one who knew how he died c) the one who killed him. If that added with her knowing about hearts, and just the curse being broken and everyone realizing things in general, and also how Gold seemed to force that jacket onto her (I love that so much), if he doesn't get mentioned soon and if Emma doesn't realize who killed him I'm going to find those writers and end them. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
You thought you could fool me?
afirewiel commented…
Indeed! Stop stealing from Gremma! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I see stuff like that all the time and it makes me want to burn things no matter how much I love Hook. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
No idea, either...but it looks nice. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Jamie Dornan is coming back! Posted over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god, I am so happy right now!!!!! At the moment I don't even care how he comes back (I'll probably speculate later though) because we're going to see him again!!!!!! I think Emma has missed him just as much as we have, I can't wait! over a year ago
eris88 commented…
OMG! WHAT?! I'm sorry guys I don't watch it anymore. Tell me something about it, please! I'm so happy! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
All we know is that he will be back before the end of the season. We have yet to hear exactly when or whether he'll be back as just the Huntsman or if Graham will be somehow resurrected. over a year ago
eris88 commented…
Thank you! I'm really hopeful about this. :) over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I was listening to a song by Sons of Jim (Jamie's old band) called "Don't Throw Your Love Away" and I kept picturing Graham's ghost singing it to Emma. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I would listen to it but just the title is giving me feels and hearing Graham actually /sing/ that would /KILL/ me. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Apparently in something called Dawson's Creek, there is the "definition of a soulmate", and it reminded me of Emma and Graham:
Well, it’s like a best friend, but more. It’s the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It’s someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don’t make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone who you carry with you forever. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
It’s the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you’ll always love her. Nothing can ever change that. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Sound so right...so them! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
...It's a really pretty graphic and all, but...that's a Gremma quote! I was beginning to hope that now that they finally had foundation for their ship they would keep away from our things. *mentally crying*
link Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Why do people keep doing that!? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I mean, the quote could fit Emma's relationship with almost anyone, but it was specifically designed for her and Graham. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Mentally sobbing because Emma/Hook makes so much sense but my shipper heart only accepts that Graham is the one. I love Hook, and it looks like we're both at this awkward sort of multi-shipping...block-thing, but I don't think anyone would treat her in the same way Graham did and that's what bugs me. She deserves the best, and he's what she needs. They can heal each other by her helping give what she can of a heart and he can break down her walls. Posted over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Aww! I haven't met Hook yet, season two of Once is starting this week in Aus, I'm so excited! I agree, I don't think that anyone would be as good for her as Graham was, they are perfect <3 over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
People keep saying "well, they didn't really have time to love each other" or "they didn't really have chemistry", but when you think about the possibilities, it could have been beautiful. ;-; over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Gremma is my OTP, but I can honestly say that I won't be too upset if Emma ends up with Hook...but only if Graham doesn't return. I don't want Graham to return and have Emma still end up with Hook. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Same here. That's exactly how I feel. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
That moment when you're watching a OUaT multi-couple video for "You'll Be In My Heart" and Emma and Graham show up all throughout the first chorus. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I've seen that video...and I love it! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've seen it before, I really do love it. I just now noticed that he showed up at that point though. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I'm dying of curiosity to know who Jennifer Morrison ships Emma with...but I am equally afraid of asking her for fear that it won't be Graham. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh, I know, right? I heard somewhere that she thought it would be cool if Henry's father were Robin Hood or something...so I really don't know what to think about this anymore, lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I think we can be sure that Jamie Dornan is a Gremma shipper...I'd be worried if he isn't. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Haha, considering his character has pretty much no other characters to even be with I'd be a bit concerned if he didn't approve. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Some of the promo pics for 2x08 are making people worry that Hook's heart will be ripped out, but their main concern seems to be that the writers might pull what they're calling "a Gremma 2.0" and I don't know whether to be happy that the fandom is acknowledging Graham again or sad that people have so little hope in Graham's return that they've hopped aboard other ships so quickly. (Also the fact that they're comparing Gremma with the new Emma ship makes me sad.) Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Some people gave up on Graham the moment he died...which is totally tragic. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I know...*sigh* Sometimes people on tumblr just flat-out try to tell the Gremma shippers that he's dead as if they want us on their ship and need us to believe he's actually gone to do it or something...I mean, really!? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Besides, you can't have any Gremma without the Graham. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
So, this world between life and death that Henry and Aurora go to when they sleep...am I the only thinking that that might be the key to bringing Graham back?? Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Ooooh! Interesting! I hope that Henry tells them that it's a world between life and death, and it makes Emma think about Graham. I think we'd hear if Jamie had been on set, but maybe Graham will be brought up? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Hopefully. And even though we haven't heard of Jamie being on set, that doesn't mean he isn't coming back. After all Jen and the rest of the cast have been unable to confirm or deny Graham's return. Which obviously means something is up. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh, yes! I love that they haven't been able to say anything, and that the writers just avoid conversation about him altogether. It means they have something planned. It gives me hope that maybe our ship wasn't doomed from the start after all. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Exactly. Why would the writers intentially create a doomed ship? over a year ago
afirewiel said …
*sigh* The season anniversary of Graham's death and not a single mention... :( Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I wish they'd at least acknowledge that he saved Snow, or that he died. Just some reminder of his existence. I like to watch people liveblog on tumblr while they watch Once and when they get to the finale, some of them forgot that Graham existed. It's just sad. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Wow. That is sad! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Pretty much. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
It seems that Celestial Dream has left us :( Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've noticed :( Hope everything's alright. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Well, she did say that she'd stop watching if Graham didn't return...so I'm guessing she's not coming back until that happens :( over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh, good point, I didn't think about that. Now I want Graham back even more than I did before! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I'm hoping that in upcoming episodes, Hook will do stuff to make me go "That's it! I'm not shipping him with Emma anymore!" Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Me too. Instead of the opposite like he did in Tallahassee. The problem is, Meghan Ory said in an interview that in season 2, we "find out more about the romance between Emma and Hook". ...well...that's just great... over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Seeing as how this next episode will mark the one season anniversary of Graham's death, I'm hoping that they'll (finally) mention him. But with our luck...I doubt they will. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
What makes it worse is that on the season-anniversary for his death, there's another death, and this episode has a lot to do with wolves. Bring on the crying, folks. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I hate when I can make a simple fangirly post about my awkward shipping of both Gremma and Captain Swan and then someone takes it so seriously and responds so forcefully (not to mention with that same old "Graham's not coming back!" statement.) Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Why can't people just let us have our hope while it lasts? Why do they feel they have to crush it? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I don't know. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Note to self: until such time that Graham returns watching his death scene will only make you miserable. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Sometimes I watch 1x07 and I don't know why because it only makes me sad...it's a stupid idea 'cause it just hurts. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I think we keep watching it because it is the only Gremma centric episode we have (so far). over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
...I didn't even think about it that way. I guess that's the only reason though, because I don't exactly enjoy watching him die. (Although sometimes I pause it on the still of them about to kiss, a split second before he dies so that it doesn't happen and I just pretend it ends there, haha.) over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Someone told me in bolded, all capital letters, "GRAHAM IS DEAD." Now my shipper heart is offended. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Dear doubters: when/if Graham does comes back, I will greatly enjoying laughing in your face. Sincerly, A die hard Gremma shipper. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ ROFL! Indeed! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Someone on tumblr made a very good point: the writers keeping referring to Emma's "suitors" this season. The term "suitor" only implies a man's interest in a woman...not hers in him. So...just because Hook and other might be interested in Emma, it doesn't mean they feelings will be reciprocated. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Well, at least that gives me a little hope. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
I was randomly flicking through the channels and they're playing reruns of Once in Aus at the moment. It just happened to be episode 7. I miss Graham so much..... Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Me too ;-; over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Belive me, you aren't alone! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
"Graham is dead. Deal with it!" I'm sick and tired of people saying that! I get attached to fictional characters just as easily as I do to real people. So, Graham dying was like losing a friend! I can't just get over it, so quite asking me to! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Ugh! Exactly! I'm seeing that all over tumblr and I hate it. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Telling me to get over Graham is like telling Rumple to stop looking for Baelfire...it just ain't gonna happen! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Lol! Now THAT'S a comparison. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Every time I feel down and think that Graham won't return, I remind myself of his letter to Emma and think "Why did they release that if they aren't planning on bringing him back?" Then, I get hopeful again. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
So do I. But dang it, Hook is getting to me a little... over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Same here! I guess it's the Irish thing, since both Jamie and Colin are Irish. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yeah, it helps to put Gremma around the house so you don't forget, lol. I'm definitely not giving up hope for Graham and he's most certainly the best choice for Emma that there ever will be, but considering our other choices at the moment, Hook is kind of the best one there is. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Unfortunately, we can probably add Henry's father (Neal) back onto the list of Emma's potential suitors. I just hope that she'll be too mad at him even after learning the truth. Speaking of truth, I think we can kiss August's chances with Emma goodbye! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Agreed. I liked Neal, but that's the problem because I was expecting Henry's dad to be some dirtbag, not some nice guy. And lol, if August ever had any chances with her to begin with, they're gone! But oh my goodness, I have to say when August showed up on screen I screamed and started crying a bit because I've missed him so much (even if it wasn't present day August). over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
His appearance confused me, though. Cause in season 1 didn't he say that he was on the other side of the world when she arrived in Storybrooke? So, why was he keeping an eye on her 11 years ago and then suddenly stop? It doesn't really make sense to me. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yeah...but he tried to fix his mistakes, so I'm not mad at him. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Emma, I don't like you right now. You told Hook you were in love once and I am more than sure you meant Henry's father. Screw this episode. *sobs in a corner* Sorry for the feels attack guys but I'm emotionally ruined because there was the PERFECT opportunity to mention Graham and they didn't take it. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
When Emma first told him that she had never been in love, my heart broke! But then she told him she had! I like to think that she meant Graham in addition to Neal...especially since she had just learned the woman Hook had loved died. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yeah, I was expecting her to say no, but still, my shipper heart was shattered. I've been pretending she meant Graham when she said she had been in love once. I mean, you could argue that what she had with Graham wasn't love yet, but their kiss broke his curse and Jennifer Morrison said that she loved him, so that cancels that out. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Jennifer basically confirmed Captain Swan or whatever the ship name is.
Someone hold me.
I do not like this. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Oh, dear...my Gremma heart is breaking! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
And someone else confirmed it, too. *sob* I an't believe they're sinking the S.S. Gremma. Hopefully it's just temporarily... over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^I know! I did the same thing when I came across that article. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Words cannot describe my feelings right now:

link Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Seriously!? Why would someone do this!? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I don't know! I mean, using that for August was as bad enough as it was, but Captain Hook? I despise Captain Swan more than Swan Booth by a long shot. And I don't understand why people can't keep their own ship's quotes. I seriously feel like my ship's been violated. And it sounds ridiculous but my Halloween has been a bit ruined because I'm still in a rage over this. It's a pretty graphic and all but...gah! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I'd reply but all I can say about both of your guys' posts is "THIS". over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Read an article in which the writers of OUAT stated that they hadn't counted on Graham's popularity. To which someone commented:

"Didn't count on his popularity? Cast a hottie with an accent and then have him be the first person to remember Fairy Tale Land PLUS you kill him off right after he becomes the main characters first love interest...and they expected him not to be popular? Real smart."

LOL! So true! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh my goodness, lol! I still can't believe they didn't expect him to be popular. They do all that, and they didn't expect it? I don't get it. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
So, even the Regina/Daniel shippers have now had more than one episode...why can't they give us Gremma shippers more? Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I agree. I would like some more Stable Queen simply because I think it's adorable but I need my poor neglected Gremma even more. We can't keep going like this. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Emma and Graham were at the end of my dream last night, and they killed me with their cuteness. Their level of precious was too much to take. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
We're almost caught up to the Rumpel and Belle spot in fans! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Glad to hear it! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I started a "You know you're a Gremma shipper when..." forum thread: link
Please, join in! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I recently noticed that of all the OUAT couples vids I've seen, only one had August/Emma...the rest all had Gremma! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Woohoo! Here's to the Gremma ship! over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
I babysat our neighbours little boy today and we were playing with his toy cars. Had to stop myself making a half whimper-half chuckle when I saw the car marked "Sheriff". I then claimed it while we were playing with the cars haha. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Aww haha. Yeah, whenever I see the word 'sheriff' I kind of flinch. over a year ago
big smile
laurik2007 said …
Guys I'm curious ...do you also ship Emma with Jefferson ? I do *starts dodging rocks* Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I don't. No multi shipping here. I only ship Emma with Graham. To be brutally honest, I'm not a fan of character who drugs, kidnaps and threaten to kill the other character being in a relationship together, even if the actors have chemistry. I really don't see how you can trust someone after they do that to you. *Shurgs* over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
I think that they have chemistry but I don't ship them, pretty much for te same reasons that Celestial said. I do love Sebastian Stan's portrayal of the Hatter though, he nailed it. You're entitled to like however many characters and ships you want, please don't feel like we're going to get angry at you for having an opinion :) over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I love Jefferson. He's one of my top five favorites (maybe even second, only to Graham.) But not with Emma at all. I can totally accept that people ship them. That's not a problem as long as they don't bash our ship while they're at it (I mean, I don't get it, but it's fine.) I agree with Celestial. No matter how much I love Jefferson, Emma is not going to be very forgiving. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Q: Is there ever a chance for romance between Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and August (Eion Bailey)?
Kitsis: I would say that Emma is definitely going to have some interesting suitors this year, but August has, so far, been such a big brother to her that I'm not sure that those two are meant to be. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
YES! Isn't that what we've been saying? They do, however, go on to say that it is a TV show and you never know what might happen and that we haven't seen the last of them together on the show, but I think this proves that August isn't going to be Emma's love interest this season, otherwise their answer would have been much different! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Am I the only one who thinks it's strange to ship characters together when they haven't even interacted yet? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
No. I think it's weird too. But people started shipping Hook with everyone the second they found out there was a Hook on the show. Even a pairing as obscure as Hook/Aurora. And there's already Hook/Ariel and Ariel hasn't been cast and I don't think her episode's even been written yet... over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I can't believe this! They had up three (count 'em, THREE!) great opportunities to reference Graham in that last episode, but did they take them? NO! What is wrong with them!? Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Either the writers are taking some sick joy in screwing with us, or they have something bigger planned up there sleeve. Here's hoping it's the latter. It's as if they are deliberatley ignoring his character. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Gold has always said magic in Storybrooke doesn't follow the same rules at FTL. So since Graham's heart was crushed in Storybrooke maybe it didn't follow the traditional route of killing him and maybe Gold knows something about it. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Maybe! Here's to hoping! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
You know Mary Margaret's line where she tells Emma that "You're just protecting yourself...with that wall you built up"? Well, someone made a vid using that line...an Emma/August vid! That just seems so wrong! Mary Margaret and Emma were talking about the latter's feelings for Graham! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
...I feel like someone just violated my ship. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Ugh I know, I saw that awhile back. I was like "Seriously? WTF?" You don't take couple quotes from an opposing ship in the same series. That's just wrong. We only have like 7 episodes worth of material, don't steal what little we have! That's just not cool. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^ Mhm. General quotes about love are fine, like "True love can break any curse." or whatever are up for grabs because it's a general statement. But to use a live from a rival ship just seems like a slap in the face. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
If Graham does return, we should get a new banner...and a new motto. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I've got no problem revamping the club if he comes back and we finally get some new material. The question is when will we get that material? lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Had another Gremma dream last night :D Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Do tell! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yes, please do. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I can't quite remember all of it, but Graham came back, and then he and Emma were taking down these monsters or something, and then at the end they were holding hands, and then it stopped. I'm pretty sure I've dreamed that before, because it felt familiar. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
*sigh* I miss my Gremma...:( Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Me too :( The more I come to this spot, the more I remember how much I ship them and how much I missed them </3 over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
If I don't get new Gremma material soon, I might just go crazy! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I agree! I don't want that to be the case! That wasn't a good enough reaction. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I had a Gremma centered dream last night! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Oh, do tell. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yes! Yes, do tell! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Lol. Well there's always a chance to have one. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
Loving all the icons! They're all so gorgeous <3 Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Aren't they? All so beautiful! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
They really are. If only there were more scene sof them to make icons from. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
You know, in addition to Graham returning and Emma finding out that Regina killed him, I also want to see the look on Regina's face if he did come back. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Oh yes! That would be beyond hillarious. She'd probably be speechless with her jaw dropped. :O over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Right? I can just imagine her saying something like, "But you died!" and him responding with "You should know." over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Lol! I need this now! over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Agreed, that would be amazing!! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Sometimes this ship seems so small and cut off from the rest of the fandom that it feels like we're some secret society. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. You know, your kinda right. It's rather cool though in a sense. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
It's actually in a video, but I relistened to that part and wrote it down. Here it is: Q: Clear up some of the rules here. Can we assume that anybody that we’ve seen in Storybrooke and their counterpart doesn’t exist in this saved part of Fairytale Land? For example, you won’t be crossing paths with the Huntsman? A: Um, no, because he went through to Storybrooke. So, um, the Huntsman, uh, could be seen in a Fairytale flash back, but wouldn’t be seen in present sort of post-apocalyptic Fairytale Land. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Ah okay. Much thanks for writing it down! Did she really say "um" that often? How interesting, seems like she knows something but can't quite talk about it. Atleast that's my opinion anywa. Atleast the interviewer asked about the Huntsman, always a good sign he's still well remembered. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
As disappointed as I am that we Gremma shippers got nothing from the premiere, I’m still hopeful. Besides, (on the upside) the August/Emma shippers didn’t get anything either! Though I bet the Regina/Emma shippers are having a field day with Emma helping to save Regina’s life. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Haha, right? Also considering Emma's been booted off to FTL, I think the writer's have realized that relationship was far to brother and sister like, so I don't really see that going anywhere else. Maybe they'll finally go the Ruby & August route now? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^Same here! Graham's story can't be over! Of all the characters in the show, he's the one that most deserves a happy ending! Besides, I seriously doubt they would release a letter like Graham's just to torment us. He has to come back! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
...I would like to give an intelligent response here but all I can say is that I agree with you guys fully. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Sorry I've been gone, guys! I've been bombarded with homework and new fandoms and trying to actually have somewhat of a life inbetween, so this page wasn't really high on my priorities...sorry! I'm back now, though, I'll probably be sticking around at least a little more, too. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Welcome back! We've missed you. Have you gotten a chance to read Graham's Letter yet in the photo section? Oh the feels! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Yes, you must read it if you haven't already! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
<3 over a year ago
afirewiel said …
All this information being released about season 2 and the only information I want to hear is the only info we haven't heard! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Right? So frustrating. The only thing I've heard which might possibley be related to Gremma was this teaser from ScreenSpy.com: “Whatever your ship, you’ll probably want to bring a tissue for those tears.” I'm hoping we're included in that as well. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know! I saw that before too and I was hoping they were including Gremma shippers in that statement. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^Could be! Also, since magic in our world is different, maybe the dead can be brought back. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Is it just my imagination or has there been a sudden increase in Gremma/Graham activity lately? Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I've noticed that a bit too. The number of fans have gone up in both sections, which is always great to see. over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
I so can not wait until Emma finally puts the pieces together about Graham. I really hope it happens early into the season! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Me too! She needs to know everything about him. I will be greatly disappointed if they don't show her finding out. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I really hope she figures it out in the premiere. I'm wondering if seeing Graham's jacket in the office after everything will be the thing that makes her start to realize. Either way I can't wait for to see her realize. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I just realized that "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" is both my favorite and my least favorite episode. It is my favorite because it is the only Graham/Gremma centric episodes (so far, at least! hopefully we'll have more!), but it is also my least favorite because he dies at the end! Anyone else feel like that? Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yeah I understand how you feel. Darn thos elast 30 seconds for tainting the episode. Lol. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
I feel the same way. Such a bittersweet ending to a fantastic episode over a year ago
laurik2007 said …
Hey Guys I'm new here ....I just love them so much! they are my favorite ouat couple...

here a part of the Tv Interview they did with Jennifer Morrison and it looks like good news:

'Speaking of emotions: Somewhere amidst all the mayhem, might Emma in Season 2 find time for romance? Morrison “can’t say” if Jamie Dornan will or will not be back as the Huntsman/Sheriff Graham, but asserts, “There’s definitely romance coming” for the former bail bondswoman.' Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Welcome! It's always nice to get some more Emma and Graham fans in the club. The fact that they atleast bring up Graham when discussing Emma's love life is a good sign that there's still hope for them. So hoping he comes back soon. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Definitely! And they fact that they haven't come out and stated that he isn't coming back is a good sign too! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Exactly. He's still a huge fan favorite so that's always helpful as well. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
After reading Graham's letter to Emma, I'm nearly in tears! They have to bring him back now! They can't just have that and then not ever show him again. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
If you read the letter outloud it'll make you eve more emotional, believe me. And that letter, especially the last paragraph, was just... what's the word...amazing, heartbreaking, epic? Yes he must come back! They are ment to be! over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
how did I not know about the letter !!! omg it's perfect ...I just wanna curl up in a ball and cry now :( over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^I know, right!? But at least it give me hope...hope that they'll bring him back, because honestly, how could they not after giving us that? over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Less than a week until the deleted Emma and Graham scene from the Pilot comes out! Eeep! I'm so excited to finally get a new scene between them. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
You and me both! I've been going through Gremma withdrawal for too long! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Right? Do you know we haven't gotten a new scene with them together since December of last year!? I'm gonna have that scene on repeat for like a whole week lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
YES!!! *psychotic giggling* over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
No video as of this comment, but I did find a partial gif set of the scene! Still waiting on the video, over a year ago
afirewiel said …
You know, not only do I want Emma to find out that Regina killed Graham, but I also want her to find out that it wasn't Graham's fault that he slept with her. I want her to know about all the emotional abuse Regina put him through. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Oh yeah, you're right. I never really thought about that part. I think she came to understand it was a bad relationship, but for her to actually learn the real reasons behind that situation will definitely be interesting to see. I think it'll come to a shock to her. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Me too, she needs to know the truth. I'm looking foward to seeing her reaction when she does over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Exactly. That scene has been a long time coming and I'm really hoping the wait was worth it. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I start to listen to A Thousand Years, then come to this page out of habit, then look at the newest gif, then realize I've done it AGAIN. XD Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. Them and that song just go together. Oh, never listen to the song "Last Day On Earth" while looking at Gremma stuff. The lyrics fit them so well. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Aww, some songs just remind me of my favourite couples. Love Song Requiem is one that reminds me of these two every time I hear it <3 over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^No problem! Glad I could help. over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Ugh, I want some Graham and/or Gremma scoop so bad. I'm so tempted to email flood Kristin's Spoiler Chat on E or Ask Ausiello on TVLine asking for a scoop. Between the two of them Kristin would be most likely to provide one, given her love for the "Hot Hipster Sheriff" lol. Someone's gotta have some scoop on the matter. Emma's gotta figure out sooner or later Regina killed Graham. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Do it! Do it! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^So far I sent an email to Kristin last night. If any of you guys what to try asking for scoops too (because the more people writing about it the better chances of them picking on of ours) here's the email for Kristin to try asking for scoops: tvdiva@eonline.com and here's Ausiello's: askausiello@tvline.com over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Sent emails to both! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^That's great! Here's hoping that we'll get some scoops on the matter. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
We lost a fan! We were at 180, now we're back down to 179! Oh, ye of little faith! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
It always makes me sad when the fan number goes down. But I like to think that maybe that person just decided to deleted their account or something and not Gremma related. Lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^True! I hadn't thought of that... over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard at "Oh ye of little faith!" XD I'm still giggling a good bit over here, lol. And I agree with Celestial. I really hope someone just deleted their account or something, because otherwise I'll feel like the ship is breaking further. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Just read that there will be a scene (I think they said in the first episode of season 2) with Snow and Emma and water. I'm hoping by 'water' they mean 'magical well water that could bring Graham back so he and Emma can be together.' Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
If they felt the need to mention water I would assume there would have to be more to it then just plain water. Here's hoping it means something good for us. Thanks for the tidbit. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I just pre-ordered it today, but since I'm getting it from amazon, it won't get here until several days after it's released...so someone may already have the deleted scenes up by then. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Either way is fine. It's always good to know atleast someone will if they don't. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Come on, writers/producers! Please, give us some assurance that he'll be back! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
If you don't we can still riot! over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Gah I know, me too! Only on episode 13 over here and I miss Graham so much already!! Not the same when he's gone. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
He has to come back! After all the hinting/teasing they've given us, it would just be wrong if he didn't! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Okay, these new Gremma gifs are killing my heart <3 Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I know right? Those song lyrics on them don't help either lol. Speaking of, I was reading a Gremma fanfic recently set after 1x07 and it totally broke my heart. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Unless it turns out to be inappropriate in which case I leave, /all/ Gremma fanfiction breaks my heart xD over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^ I'm a notorious fluff writter lol, especially when it comes to Emma and Graham. They didn't get enough fluff in the show so I like to make up for it. Though for some reason when I write solo Graham/Huntsman fics they always turn out angsty, go figure. Yeah, I agree I don't get it either. That would be the most messed up family tree ever! over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
This is such a Graham and Emma quote <3 I think it's safe to say I'm well and truely obsessed with them lol
"I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I’ll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what it’s trying to whisper, “You’re the reason why I’m beating.” Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. Emma and Graham are one of those couple you get hooked to. Aw that quote is so sweet, and it totally fits them. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
Okay, watching 1x10 at the moment......should I be worried about Emma and this new guy? As much as I love snow and charming, this is distracting me haha Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Not exactly, nothing romantic actually happens between them (The writers seemed like they were maybe gonna head that way but backed off as the episodes progressed.) He is around her quite a bit however. I personally started to get a brother & sister vibe from them as the show went on though. I kinda want him to get with Ruby to be honest lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Nah. Nothing to be afraid of. I was scared for a while, too, but after episode 20 (I know, a long way) I definitely got a brother/sister vibe, and looking back on older episodes, I feel it there now, too. No need to worry. But agreeing with what Celestial said, he is around her a lot. Let me see *counts* episode 10, episode 13, episode 18, episode 20, and I'm sure there's more, but those are the ones that stuck out to me. He also spends some time with Henry, so that's always fun. Plus it distracts from any conflicted Emma/the Stranger (you learn his name in ep. 13) shippings. For me at least. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Ugh, no kidding. But it was probably worse for you, I was at a camp for a week and when I came back there was already spoilers for 1x08, even though throughout that week most of what I thought about was Graham xD over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
I love that in the Singlebrooke dating video, for ideal dates that Graham said: "Movies" and Emma said "A snack and a DVD." I can picture an adorable Gremma movie date lol. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Awww x) I think I just died from that image. Andlol, during the video, when Graham first showed up I'm like, "Graham! What are you doing here? You have Emma!" And somehow I didn't question Mary Margaret or David being there... over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
that is so cute! graham and emma movie date <3 I think my day has just been made :) over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Definatly, I love reading cute fanfics :) Oh my gosh that is so cute! love Jamie and Jen even more now haha<3 over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I've noticed that often when Graham will make a joke, Emma makes this weird sort of smile (weird because she tries to hide it so it ends up a bit distorted). And then I realized, "Hey, that's the same expression I make when I don't want someone to know I like them." So judging by personal connections, I'd say Emma's liked him since longer than The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (but that may just be me and my weird quirks.) Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Oh, I think she's liked him since The Thing You Love the Most. They were certainly giving each other looks when he was giving her her mugshot! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I agree, she was definetly interested in him before The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. Otherwise she wouldn't have reacted the way she did in The Shepherd. I think by The Price Of Gold that's when we really saw her starting to get emotionally attached to him beyond just the playful flirting. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Definatly, as they got to know each other it turned from playful flirting,which started pretty much from the moment they met, to genuine affection. I love Grahams jokes :) over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Me to. He tries so hard to make her laugh, it's adorable. I miss Graham's silly humor. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
So, I was thinking about the movie "The Princess Bride" today when a line Westley says sprang to my mind: "Even death cannot stop true love" and instantly thought of Graham! Funny how even lines from other things can give you hope. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
That's awesome! The only time I ever saw that movie is when I was extremely young so I can't remember anything but a prince and a princess running...I think. And some swords. But that over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
*But that's it. (Stupid Fanpop, cutting off my comment >.>) over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Oh wow! Yeah, they totally do. Nice find! That move trailer would work really good for Emma & Graham actually. I think I was talking to someone who was attempting to do that, but I don't think they ever finished. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I finally went back to the end of The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, I heard Emma saying his name one more time right at the very end. I'd heard it before but I didn't hear 'Graham', I thought it was part of a sob. Thanks for pointing it out, Celestial. Posted over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
seconded, I always thought it was "no" for some reason (not sure how I got no out of graham lol) but the fact that its his name....even more heartbreaking. I love all the beautiful Emma and Graham icons and fanart here by the way,I love having somewhere to obsess about Graham and Emma :) and when season two starts in the US, don't worry about putting spoilers here because I will want to know whats happening haha, I'll be searching youtube for scenes. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Haha, okay. If there's anything Gremma related you'll be the first to know. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
No problem. I always love pointing out or having others point out little things people might have missed before, it's amazing what people notice. It's so nice to finally have some other Emma & Graham fans to talk to. For the longest time I felt like it was just me here with the occasional posted every once in awhile. So you guys rock :) lol over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Gosh. The song I'm listening to (I Run To You by Lady Antebellum) doesn't even make sense for them but it's fun to look at pictures of them while listening. :P

I like how I start listening to love songs then without thinking about it somehow find my way over here... Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. It's amazing how Emma & Graham brings on all the feelings. I ate a bear claw for the first time the other day and was like :O "Gremma!" over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I want to try one. They look good anyway but Gremma gave it a push, lol. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
Haha love it! I don't think we have bear claws in Aus, but I'll try. And I do that with songs too, I'll just randomly start thinking of a TV couple that I love when I'm listening to music over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Oh my goodness. Finally back from camp. Now I can Gremma craze again. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Welcome back! Yep, get your Gremma on! lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
That sounds like a solid plan, lol. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I get all giddy just thinking about a possible Graham return/Gremma reunion! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Me too! Assuming it happens (because it has to happen) it's just going to be so epic! I'll probably watch that scene over and over when that happens. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
You're not alone on that! I can't tell you how many time I've rewatched his scenes in the finale....and every time I feel as giddy as the first time I saw them. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
"Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing." <3 Mary Margaret said it for me. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
Okay, I must be a machoist because I can't stop watching Grahams death scene. It makes me want to give Emma the biggest hug, her reaction is heartbreaking. Its so hard to watch, yet I keep doing it haha Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Same. It stinks to be kind of a masochist doesn't it? I keep watching it, too. And other stuff that made me sad, like various stuff from Harry Potter movies or one of the last scenes in the Percy Jackson movie and other stuff. But Graham's death is always one of them. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
That scene still makes me cry or get teary eyed. You could tell just how much she really cared about him. And the part at the very end where's crying and she quietly says his name right before the scren goes black, ugh beyond heartbreaking. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
It still manages to make me cry! I even tear up just thinking about it! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Just wrote another Graham/Emma reunion fanfic. Please, check it out! link Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Read it this afternoon and just left a review lol. Love it! You gotta right more please! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Don't worry! I've gotten lots of reviews so I will certainly be writing another chapter. over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
awesome, I loved it! :-) over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Good Gremma, this song I found fits Emma about Graham perfectly! It's actually a deleted song from the Disney movie Hercules that Meg was supposed to sing. Do you guys want the link? Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Yes! Did you even have to ask? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
link Here it is. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
What's such a shame is there's only about 7-ish episodes worth of scenes between them so it's hard to make full length videos. In short, we need more senes! lol. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Oh, btw, I am now following both Jamie and Jen on twitter...soooo, if I get any great news, you guys will be the first to know. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yes! You are awesome! :D *dances* over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. I follow Jamie's but I check out Jen's as well. If you go back to December on Jen's timeline, she live tweeted during The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter. Had a lot of Gremma stuff lol over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate said …
Once Upon A Time has just started in Australia and I love it :-) I love Emma and Graham and I was horrified when he died, so much potential! With these writers and the fact that it is, afterall a fairytale story, I don't think anyone but the writers know what they have in store for us so I'm hoping they find a way to bring him back to Emma and to us. The look on her face before she kissed him.....her walls were completley down for once and you could see how much she cared about him. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I agree and there are many of us who still hold a lot of hope for these two reuniting at some point. Graham's character is still well loved and missed, and I think the writers know that so hopefully he can come back. Feel free to hang around her and chat about them if you want, we can always use more Emma & Graham fans lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Welcome to the Gremma fan club! And don't worry, the writers have been dropping a lot of hints for a possible return for Graham. So keep on hoping! over a year ago
tinkerbell_cate commented…
*definatly over a year ago
afirewiel said …
As grateful as I am for all the news we've been getting for season 2, I only want to hear for words: "Graham is coming back." Those four words would make my day...my week...my month! If he does come back, do you think they'll tell us in advance or just spring it on us as a surprise...like, we're watching an episode and suddenly there he is...with no warning? Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
When/if he does come back, they'll probably hint at it like everything else they've spilled to us in advance. (like who August was; that hint was really obvious). over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know! I am definitely looking forward to getting the DVDs. The deleted Graham & Emma footage is the primary (if not the only) reason I'm getting them. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Oh, we'd be getting it anyway, but that is a huge contributing factor for me and my sister. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Just thought of something. Did they ever come out and say that Emma's romance in season 2 will be in Storybrooke? I know we're all assuming that as is Jennifer Morrison, but what if it isn't? We've also been told that we'll see more of Emma's past, so what if the romance is just her fling with Henry's father? I mean, I hope it is because Graham comes back to life, but if we can't have that, then I'd rather it be the time she spent with Henry's father. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
That's an interesting idea. I'd personally rather it be with someone in Storybrooke (for some reason my mind has labeled Henry's father the paragon of evil or something), but that would be cool to find out what happened. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Well, it has to happen sometime. The writers said that they will reveal the identity of Henry's father and that it will be an "ah ha!" moment...which is one reason I think it might be Bae. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
And the trauma of losing his father to power might shake him from wanting to be a father, so he didn't do the same thing by mistake. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
They have to bring Graham back! If they don't, it doesn't seem right that he wouldn't get a happy ending while Rumple (who IMO is just as bad as EQ) does. Does that seem fair to you guys? Yes, I know life isn't always fair, but in a show about happy endings? It would just be wrong! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Agreed! If Rumpel (who, although I like him and do ship him with Belle, hasn't been a very good person) gets one, then shouldn't they have one, too? I really hope Emma's season 2 love interest is Graham! If it's not then we'll be starting the rollercoaster all over again. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Graham has to get his happy ending! After all he's done to help people, especially Emma and her family he totally deserves it! And to me his happy ending will always be Emma. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Definitely. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
An idea that I love is that if there were no Graham, there'd be no Emma. Their lifelines are connected. If he weren't around, someone would have killed Snow or someone wouldn't have rescued Charming and hence no Emma. But since he did those things, Emma exists. No Graham, no Emma. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
You know, I think your right. And I love that they've always had this connection there between them even before Emma was even born. What's even crazier is the fact that without the curse they wouldn't even had a chance to be together. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Lol. Yep. It's like the Once Upon A Time verision of "Where's Waldo?" over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Lol! Except the jacket is far easier to find. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Darn it! I was thinking that when Graham kissed Emma in the beginning of The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, that that was the first kiss in Storybrooke which would mean Gremma has the first kiss of any Storybrooke couple, but it turns out that Ashley/Sean has the first one as they kiss in the hospital in The Price of Gold. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Aw, man. They were second, though D: No wait...agh, Kathryn and David! Dang it, third! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
At least they kissed before Mary Margerate and David though. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Now that I think about Emma and Graham were essentially the first and really only true new couple in the show during season 1. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I'm totally going with Gremma withdrawal with no new scenes between them to watch :( Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I know how you feel. Atleast when the DVD comes out we'll get some new stuff for sure. I so can't wait for that car scene in the Pilot! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Eep! Excited! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I feel kind of cheated out of a really good scene in 1x05. After their conversation at the beginning, you see them driving up to the wreckage in the sheriff's cruiser and see them walking after they get out. I want to see their conversation on the ride there! Aww! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Hopefully that will be one of the deleted scenes on the DVD. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I doubt it, but we can always hope! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Lol. I feel like she'd tease him about how he drives or how he could ever think she'd wear that uniform with the tie lol. Then he'd probably have a corny joke too. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
It seems like there are some people out there who will find any excuse not to ship Gremma. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
No kidding. I was just reading a thread about whether or not Graham and Emma has True Love, and while "Emma is the product of True Love" or "she's the only one to break the curse" are true, I'm not going to buy into them not having True Love. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've thought about that, and I love it! <3 *Gremma squee* over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yay for true love's kiss! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
That ironic moment when you're listening to A Thousand Years while looking at Graham/Emma fan art, and the line 'heart beats fast' comes up while you're looking at Graham in particular. Hm...more like 'heart is gone'. :( Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
So sad! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Aw that song. Or the line "Time has brought your heart to me." *Sniffle* over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Well, A Thousand Years and Safe and Sound aren't sad per se, they're just not happy in particular. xD over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Oh, Gremma...how you make me want to smile, cry, laugh, yell at Regina, hug you both, keep an eye on August, write the best fanfiction ever, scream, and keeping hoping...all at the same time! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
The Gremma ship is essentially the rollercoaster of every emotion known to man. Lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
That's okay. Thanks for trying though. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
You guys should check out this fic: linkThere isn't any Emma & Graham/The Huntsman stuff til chapter 2 but it's really interestign so far. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
How anyone can watch "The Heart is A Lonely Hunter" and then not ship Graham & Emma... it is beyond me! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I know, right? I've seen Emma shipped with pretty much every character besides the children on the show, and Graham with a considerable amount of others, too. The Gremma's still seem to be going strong but there are a lot of people shipping other things, which I just don't get. Graham is the only one who Emma ever actually fell for and one episode (non-romantic, too) with Jefferson and brotherly/sisterly scenes with August can't change that. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
XD August and Archie? Just no... lmao. Gives a whole knew meaning to the line "Let your conscience be your guide.". Lol! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yes! No kidding! Crackship if I ever saw one. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I just read a fanfic that took place after his death, and Emma was trying to act like he never existed.
Oh, Emma.
Thinking about someone that's gone is far less painful than pretending they were never there. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
So true!...and it's painful for the audience as well! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
That.Must.Happen. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Yes! Make it happen, writers! Please! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Confession time: I almost stopped watching OUAT when Graham died, but the thought that he might magically return is what kept me going. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I would've kept going anyway but it definitely made me wonder if I should stop. Graham is too epic to die. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^But only because people keep shipping August/Emma. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^^My feelings exactly. It's not so much his character as it is the threat he poses to Gremma. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter is still my favorite episode because of them, and I really can't see that changing.
On a side note, does it strike anyone else as weird that I started to ship them during episode six when we were supposed to be mad at him? Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Not really. I never realized I was shipping Graham & Emma until Heart is a Lonely Hunter, but afterwards I realized I had been shipping them all along! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I started shipping them during episode 2 (I didn't realize in the Pilot that Graham was a major character we'd see again. lol) But they went OTP for me during episode 4, even after we learned what was happening with him and Regina. Lol go figure. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I started to ship them at episode 6, then episode 8 broke my heart because he was gone, then I was sort of shipping them the rest of the way through though quietly because I'd kinda forgotten about him, then after episode 17 I realized, "Wait. Hat Trick can't be my favorite. There's no Graham in it." Then I found this awesome Gremma art and then I got obsessed again. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I'm keeping an eye out of any Graham/Emma news for season 2 as well as any hints that might give us more reason to hope...but so far...nada :( Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Let us know if you find anything! I don't expect much news on the show til probably July but it's be great if something about them came out sooner. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Oh, don't worry! If I do, you lot will be the first to know! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've been looking, too. So far, no such luck. over a year ago