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Got unanswered movie/book questions they might be answered here

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called J.K. Rowling's Q&A Resolved a Lot of Unanswered Questions Fans Had About the Series |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
J.K. Rowling\'s Q&A Resolved a Lot of Unanswered Questions Fans Had About the Series
Bloomsbury Q&A with J.K. Rowling is an oldie - from all the way back in 2007, after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released - but man, it\'s a goodie! While many of the questions she answered have been revealed in one way or another over the years, this Q&A is probably one of my favorites. I decided to pick some of my favorite answers (some of which aren\'t quite as well-known) and put them all in one convenient place.
If you\'ve ever wondered what happened to Winky the House Elf or what song Dumbledore would want playing at his funeral, you\'ve come to the right place! And, of course, there is tons more information that has been released after the Harry Potter books concluded (generous woman, that J.K. Rowling), but these are just from this one, quite lengthy, Q&A.
How did the wizarding world change after Voldemort was defeated?
Rowling: The Ministry of Magic was de-corrupted, and with Kingsley at the helm the discrimination that was always latent there was eradicated.
Rowling: Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk.
She then moved (despite her jibe to Scrimgeour) to the Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement. where she was a progressive voice who ensured the eradication of oppressive, pro-pureblood laws.
Kingsley became permanent Minister for Magic, [with] the new improved Percy ended up as a high-ranking official under [him], and naturally he wanted Harry to head up his new Auror department. Harry did so (just because Voldemort was gone, it didn\'t mean that there would not be other Dark witches and wizards in the coming years).
Ron joined George at Weasleys\' Wizarding Wheezes, which became an enormous money-spinner.
After a few years as a celebrated player for the Holyhead Harpies, Ginny retired to have her family and to become the Senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet!
*Author\'s note: Just to clarify, Ron did work in the Auror department briefly with Harry before deciding to join George as a partner at WWW.
Rowling: Well, I don\'t think that George would ever get over losing Fred, which makes me feel so sad. However, he names his first child and son Fred, and he goes on to have a very successful career, helped by good old Ron.
Rowling: No, the Malfoys weaseled their way out of trouble (again) due to the fact that they colluded (albeit out of self-interest) with Harry at the end of the battle.
What happened to Winky? Does she still drink a lot of Butterbeer?
Rowling: She\'s still at Hogwarts, and she was one of the oncoming house-elves who attacked the Death Eaters in the final battle. And She\'s dried out a bit now.
Rowling: Yes, Harry and Voldemort are distantly related through the Peverells. Of course, nearly all wizarding families are related if you trace them back through the centuries. As was made clear in \'Deathly hallows\', Peverell blood would run through many wizarding families.
Rowling: I think that when Dudley was attacked by the Dementors he saw himself, for the first time, as he really was. This was an extremely painful, but ultimately salutory lesson, and began the transformation in him.
What did Petunia want to tell Harry when the Dursleys were leaving Privet Drive?
Rowling: I think that for one moment she trembled on the verge of wishing Harry luck; that she almost acknowledged that her loathing of his world, and of him, was born out of jealousy.
But she couldn\'t do it; years of pretending that \'normal\' was best had hardened her too much.
Which Death Eaters killed Remus Lupin and Tonks?
Rowling: Remus was killed by Dolohov and Tonks by Bellatrix.
Rowling: Snape had effectively abandoned his post before dying, so he had not merited inclusion in these august circles. However, I like to think that Harry would be instrumental in ensuring that Snape\'s portrait would appear there in due course.
Did the wizarding world ever learn of Snape\'s alliance with Dumbledore?
Rowling: Harry would ensure that Snape\'s heroism was known. Of course, that would not stop Rita Skeeter writing \'Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?\'
Rowling: Yes. She might even have grown to love him romantically (she certainly loved him as a friend) if he had not loved Dark Magic so much, and been drawn to such loathesome people and acts.
How did Umbridge conjure a Patronus if she was wearing Voldemort\'s locket when even Harry couldn\'t?
Rowling: Because she is a very nasty piece of work. She has an affinity for this horrible object, which would help rather than hinder her.
Were the divisions between houses after the war as strong as they were when Harry was at Hogwarts?
Rowling: Slytherin has become diluted. It is no longer the pureblood bastion it once was. Nevertheless, its dark reputation lingers, hence Albus Potter\'s fears.
What does the Hufflepuff common room look like?
Rowling: The Hufflepuff common room is accessed through a portrait near the kitchens, as I am sure you have deduced. Sorry - I should say \'painting\' rather than portrait, because it is a still-life.
It is a very cosy and welcoming place, as dissimilar as possible from Snape\'s dungeon. Lots of yellow hangings, and fat armchairs, and little underground tunnels leading to the dormitories, all of which have perfectly round doors, like barrel tops.
Why is Harry\'s scar shaped like a lightening bolt?
Rowling: To be honest, because it\'s a cool shape. I couldn\'t have my hero sport a doughnut-shaped scar.
*Author\'s note: I had always wondered this! Would his scar have had the same effect if it was just shaped like a blob? He\'d probably be more difficult to identify that way.
What Muggle song would Dumbledore want to play at his funeral?
I couldn\'t imagine a better or more appropriate Muggle sendoff for this celebrated wizard.
While some of you die-hard Harry Potter fans probably knew a few of these fun facts already, but I hope that even if you didn\'t learn anything new, you still had a good time reading these answers in J.K. Rowling\'s own words. I mean, who can say it better than the author who created this magical world for us?
What\'s your favorite thing you\'ve learned about the wizarding world since the conclusion of the series? Are there any other questions you have that still haven\'t been answered? Let me know in the comments section!
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