Peter Pan Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 130

Sniseia said …
It's raining where I am. I sang from my window. I know Peter is here. If I left from my window, I would fly. Posted 11 months ago
deepsea commented…
good luck with your adventures with peter pan in neverland. 11 months ago
Sniseia said …
Last night I left a flower and chocolates out on my window sill for Peter. This morning they were still there, but I left my room for about an hour and when I came back the flower was gone. I looked all around my room to confirm it, and it wasn't there. It wasn't in the gutter of my roof or in the front yard below. Never stop believing! Posted 11 months ago
DhanviP commented…
Any more experiences after that? 11 months ago
Sniseia said …
Is anybody still here? I sometimes feel like I'm talking to the void. Posted 11 months ago
DhanviP commented…
Hi 11 months ago
YannCookie said …
Y'all remember when the Pandom was a thing? 😆 Posted over a year ago
PrueFever said …
Is your favorite Disney Movie Peter Pan? Then come vote for it as YOUR Favorite Disney Movie here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote in my poll, so if you haven't already, please cast your vote :) Posted over a year ago
neverland_home said …
I made a new account since I haven’t been on here in so long and forgot my password, but I’m kinda disappointed that it’s not as active. But I still believe. I tell stories out my window every night… Just because I know that Neverland is only real because we believe it is. Otherwise, it wouldn’t exist. Posted over a year ago
ratouille commented…
Thank u dear , you are right. over a year ago
mylifeisaplay said …
Weird question but would Peter hate someone for molesting me... Posted over a year ago
Realpeterpan said …
"To die would be an awfully big adventure" -Peter pan Posted over a year ago
Trinity_looman1 commented…
I've been believing in you since I was 10 and you still haven't came to get me i don't like my home well I do like it but my grandmother never let's me be free or do what I want the only thing she let's me do is stay home watch TV go to school and whenever I'm sick she still makes me go to school and I hate my school its my principle and he is a a hole and I have very bad anxiety and sometimes I get anxiety attacks and I have social anxiety but its not that bad I feel I'm in a prison and the only thing to do is do what my grandmother says and she is abt to have a surgery and she is gonna need me but she is gonna be rude because she has had this surgery before but I still feel like I need to be free. over a year ago
Fairylovers said …
It has been 4 years since I joined this club, I'm 16 now, I might have
Grown physically but I know I'm still a child at heart haha. This place
And Peter gave me such wonderful childhood. To all my friends here,
Don't stop believing, and embrace your childhood as much as you
Can. Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
I haven't been active in this club, let alone this website, since forever, but I wanted to say thank you for the medal. I've been wanting one since I joined in 2016 and it meant the world to log on again and see I finally have one about 4 years later. Posted over a year ago
ashley_corinne commented…
Hey! <3 over a year ago
OneLastWish commented…
miss u :') over a year ago
Daaryl123 said …
I am 18 and believe in peterpan! I know he exists and will continue to believe in him! The only memory i have of him is him and the lost boys and I getting on boats and sailing on neverland waters! The sky was so beautiful! It was orange and pink and had clouds! My other memory is being with tinkerbell. She is tiny and a glowing light. I believe i was in the lost boys hut. It was dim in the room and tinkerbell was on some sort of stump table. I had to squint past her light to see her figure! Posted over a year ago
Daaryl123 commented…
Me and tink talked but I can't remember about what! We talked for a while though! Anyways neverland is real and I'm really happy that I have seen it! Don't guve up the faith! :) over a year ago
pangirl16 commented…
Ooh!!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!! And awe tink sounds so adorable!! over a year ago
iva_ts said …
Hey!So...I was fan of Peter Pan ,but I’m now in some kind of depression and I don’t do anything but sleeping and listening to music.Recently I’ve been dreaming about Peter Pan but he’s now nice and kind in my dreams...he’s more the sassy type,and the isn’t 8years old he’s like older than 16.If you know something please share because I’m really confused.Thanks Posted over a year ago
pangirl16 commented…
He could of been showing you a sign? over a year ago
iva_ts commented…
(0) It’s possible ,but because of the dreams I can’t sleep at all and recently I hear noises from our baisment and I don’t know if it’s a mouse or a rat but full bottles fall from the shelves maybe I have some paranormal problems? over a year ago
neverlandgirl12 said …
Hey! i am new to fan pop but i have believed in Peter pan all my life. I am 12 now soon to be thirteen but i don't want to be. When i was eight years old my cousin pranked me pretending she could hear Peter. After talking i went to kitchen to get some water. I saw a golden light with a yellow dress, hair in a bun, and golden wings. But the light was gone back on the roof. I was startled and ran back to my room. Two weeks later when i found out she was lying i ask her about glow. She saw nothin. Posted over a year ago
fran444 said …
It's time to believe again visit WWW.THELANDOFFOREVER.COM Posted over a year ago
I_Believe1234 said …
I believe still! Posted over a year ago
JayEvans said …
I still believe I just have been busy Posted over a year ago
pedi said …
Absolutely people are not interested in Peter Pan fanpop anymore , it's ok let it be they have better things to do. Posted over a year ago
holoauras said …
Aw this wall isn't really as active anymore. Posted over a year ago
pedi commented…
Yes, this wall is not good anymore and people are not interested in Peter Pan fanpop anymore, they have better things to do, it's ok let it be . over a year ago
pedi commented…
Don't worry about it , it's bound to happen. over a year ago
pedi commented…
Bye and take care . over a year ago
ber said …
Maybe your friends have seen Peter before that is how they know he is watching them dear. Posted over a year ago
LostGirl_An said …
How do you know if Peter Pan is looking out for you? Posted over a year ago
ber commented…
People have known Peter since they were young. over a year ago
singing said …
that is a good sign that u wished for peter to come visit u and take u to neverland, must be a good sign dear. and i will tell u what peter looks like, he has golden black and auburn hair, and he wears leaves and he has tanned white skin and he flies like superman.
thats all i could remember , hope this helped u dear. Posted over a year ago
jeaccabalan said …
Hello, I am Jea I am 13 years old turning 14 this month and I am a fan of Peter Pan since I was a few years younger. I am going to tell the truth that I stopped being a fan of Peter. Please believe of what I will say, when I start to kind of left the fandom I will always dream about him. I was dreaming about him that he take me to Neverland. I'm not lying I saw his face but I forgot how he looks. If I start to be a crazy fan of him again it always ends up that I will never dream about him. Posted over a year ago
jeaccabalan said …
This night we were stuck in a blackout which means that I can see many stars outside. It was evening by the way. Then what I did was just using my phone listening to songs. I went outside then asked for a sign [ I'm not going to tell you what I asked since its private] Few minutes passed, I saw a shooting star I'm not kidding a SHOOTING STARRRRR. I even say " I believe" a lot. When I say i believe I close my eyes and when i open my eyes I will always feel nervous,excited,happy,scared,etc. Posted over a year ago
Fairylovers commented…
Congrats that might be a sign ^^ over a year ago
carpet said …
Sweet dreams dear friends. Posted over a year ago
carpet said …
Goodnight dear friends sleep well. Posted over a year ago
SoulEaterFan100 said …
Dang. I remember I always wanted to go to Neverland when I was 6 right to 12 years old. Good times. Posted over a year ago
carpet commented…
Wow u went to neverland for dreams and for real dear, well that's good news dear. over a year ago
PYRUS4EVR said …
Good in KH 1 Not Good in KH 2 Posted over a year ago
Windrises said …
i have been to neverland with him in dreams when i am sleeping. Posted over a year ago
ppf123 said …
I have studied peter pan, turns out, neverland exists in dreams, either that or peter will help you get there. I know this because I have bean to neverland and have had a little help. Posted over a year ago
OneLostGirl commented…
neverland exists in real life, you only see it in your dreams because you're tired when you go. over a year ago
ppf123 said …
lol Posted over a year ago
PrueFever said …
Is your favorite Disney Movie Peter Pan? Then come vote for it as YOUR Favorite Disney Movie here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote in my poll, so if you haven't already, please cast your vote :) Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl said …
hey guys! I hope you're all still here and believing! :) Posted over a year ago
AlwaysABeliever said …
my dog keeps barking and looking out of our windows, when we go to look at what he's barking at there's nobody there, that my parents can see at least. But when we leave, the dog starts barking again. i think (and hope) it could be peter or a lost boy Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
It probably is! That used to happen to me in one of my past houses. I wish you the best of luck x over a year ago
25wendy01 said …
how can I go to neverland I really don't wanna grow up Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
You can sing, play an instrument, read stories (Peter loves hearing stories!), leave your window open, leave notes, leave presents and talk to him either in your head or through the window. He should come eventually and give you lots of signs along the way. over a year ago
AlwaysABeliever said …
I need to know, is it possible to stay in neverland forever? Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer commented…
From what I heard, no, even if you're there, you keep growing old and will need to leave someday. However, that's just what other believers told me, I never heard Peter himself talk about it. over a year ago
AlwaysABeliever commented…
thanks for replying, that sucks but i hope he can still take me to neverland for a little while over a year ago
PeterPanXSammie said …
Okay. Question and I know that's crazy. But when I look out my window and talk to him every night, will he come when I still believe him with all my heart? Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
Yes, of course! He will come if you believe. That's pretty much the biggest thing you can do to make him come. It might take a while, but the wait is worth it. over a year ago
FaunSirenity said …
How can I join this club? Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
If you're on an iPhone it might not appear but laptop/iPad should work. Go to the home and there should be a big gren button near the left of the screen saying something along the lines of 'join this club' over a year ago
pp1324 said …
peter pan i love you Posted over a year ago
pp1324 said …
i love you peter pan Posted over a year ago
pp1324 said …
i love peter pan and wendy can never have him Posted over a year ago
pp1324 said …
Hey everyone i am new to this site still Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
Welcome ! Glad to have you here over a year ago
pp1324 said …
i heard something walking on my roof? Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
It may be Peter! Congratulations. :) over a year ago
pp1324 said …
i heard someone on my roof last night Posted over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
Maybe Peter or a lost boy over a year ago
pp1324 said …
HEY everyone i love peter pan but when i leave my window open he is never there why? Posted over a year ago
freelikewind commented…
He have lot of child to visit, sometimes fix problems in Neverland etc.. And he need time for "know" and understand people so it's can take time for see him 😌 over a year ago
pp1324 commented…
thanks over a year ago
SecondStarGirl said …
Hi! I'm a huge fan of Peter Pan and I really want to go to Neverland. I leave my window open every night I can and I wish on a star every night for him to go and take me to Neverland but he doesn't come. Am I doing something wrong? I would like some advice please thanks! Posted over a year ago
freelikewind commented…
Hello you can try to tell him story, sing, to talk every night by you're window for "create connection" ^^ over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
Hey!! I was searching for some new songs and I found an awesome one: link I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG! And yup, it's about Peter :) Posted over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
Which songs u like ? over a year ago
ElisaFlemer commented…
Wow I like hundreds of songs, I can't write them all here XDXD over a year ago
OneLostGirl commented…
i love that song! over a year ago
allthingsbae said …
Hey can I have some help please?!?!?!? I want to go to neverland and I have belived since I can remember how do I get to see him and talk to him I try calling but nothing ever really happens. :( so can anyone message me to help I don't want to be kidnapped by captin hook!!! Also my name is Kate please tell him to look for me!! I really need help my summer is ending very soon and I want to go before school gets in the way! Thanks for the help! Always belive in him. Posted over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
Try wishing upon a star . over a year ago
peterslostgirl commented…
Hook barely kidnaps people unless he steals some of the pixie dust which is rarely. And Peter will always save you, I promise! As long as Peter is here, Hook can't do anything. He just takes a bit of time to get used to you. He's very shy.. Keep believing and he'll come. If you have any questions you can message me or post it in the "answers" section of this club. Stay safe x over a year ago
allthingsbae said …
Hi, Im wanting to talk to Peter and go to Neverland because he has been knocking on my window at night plz give me advice!! Also if you have been tell me your experiences there!! Please help me! :) Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 commented…
Feel fee to message me for some advice, or if you want to hear about my adventures! :) over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
How was your adventures? over a year ago
pp1324 commented…
so peter do you still love wendy? over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
What's the point of going to your cousin's house if he doesn't want to play with you at 2:44am? That's not fair! Let's play something, not waste time watching silly videos on Youtube cus we got nothing better to do DX I. WANT. TO. PLAY. Preferably outside, sneak out the house would be awesome... :D Cmon, dear cousin, you're only a 12 year old boy, you gotta play with me! Posted over a year ago
MarleyRaePan said …
Just wondering.. What's the age where you're too "grown up" to go to Neverland?? And how old is Peter, if anybody knows? Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 commented…
Peter looks about 14 to me, although others have said he is 13 or 15. 18 is the age where you are too old to go to Neverland, but Peter can still visit on the mainland no matter what age you are :) over a year ago
MarleyRaePan commented…
Thanks! :D Yeah, I've heard from others that Peter is 13, but it's good to know that I still have some time to go :P over a year ago
pp1324 commented…
i say peter pan is 13 that is his real age over a year ago
_Dreamer_ said …
Hi everyone if u see Peter do you mind telling him to bring my notebook back? xD he is so funny Posted over a year ago
OneLastWish commented…
He's not really the "take-sies-back-sies " kind of one at least I hope not. But tonight I have a free time alone so (finally) I'll ask the stars/wind if they've seen him over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 commented…
If I see him tonight, I'll ask him. If he doesn't, though, it's somewhere in Neverland over a year ago
OneLastWish said …
New article! Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
Do you guys mind all the polls/images/videos I've been posting lately? I know I've been posting A LOT Posted over a year ago
OneLastWish commented…
It's cool, more creativity ~[^-^]~ over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
New forum! Posted over a year ago
pp1324 commented…
i love your profile photo over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
Hey guys! :) Posted over a year ago
Ibelive123Peter said …
Wow exciting Posted over a year ago
Believer04 said …
I see a glowing ball come in and it's Tinkerbell and we have telepathy chat! Posted over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
You saw her. over a year ago
foofoobunny1 said …
Anyone seen Peter Pan around??? Posted over a year ago
OneMoreBeliever commented…
yeah :) over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
Cool +OneMoreBeliever over a year ago
mattlanglois said …
Peter Pan Can You Bring Me To Neverland Love Alexander Langlois Posted over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
Are u telling truth or making it up. over a year ago
savemepeterpan said …
I want Peter Pan to take me to Neverland so bad. I'm 15 years old and have believed in him and fairies for as long as I could remember. I'm very unhappy at school and at home because I'm so different from everyone. I still love my family very much but all I do is cause trouble for them. I'm so glad to hear that there's more people who believe in Peter Pan and Neverland as well. Never stop believing and wishing. He WILL come sooner or later. Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
New Forums! :) Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
New forum^^ Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a playlist and I can't stop listening to it, and thinking of magic. "Neverland" from Zendaya, "Anywhere but here" Christina Aguilera, "Lost Boy" Ruth B, "I Believe" Christina Perri... 4 songs that are making me smile without stopping!!! :) These songs are magical! Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
Yesterday, the power went off and there were a lot of fireflies... Almost magical! My garden seemed made of glitter! SO MUCH BEAUTY! I felt magic in the air! Posted over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
Probably saw fairies there too! over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
Tonight is such a beautiful night! There are so many stars... I went outside and walked in circles looking above... I didn't know what to say to them, I just wanted to stay there and watch... And more of them started to appear... I kept saying: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! And well, I'm usually afraid of the dark, but tonight I felt so protected... And then I started telling a story about two sisters who become fairies and create Wonderland... and a fairy who become a star... and the moon... :) Posted over a year ago
OneLastWish said …
Any signs from Peter or Oncan right now? Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer commented…
I saw a shadow last night! :D over a year ago
DevynnArmani commented…
Remember Oncan is probably mot the lost boy watching you. It ,ay be Peter, or Ome of the other hundreds of boys. over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said …
Guys, this is so amazing! I haven't known anyone who truly believed in Peter Pan. My family and friends always laughed at me, and I thought there wasn't anybody else like me. So when I found this club, I got really really happy. And when I found out that it wasn't just plans and wishes to meet Peter, that some of you really saw, talked and flew with him... I couldn't explain my excitment! He really really exists. He comes to our house! Magic does exist! The only thing I ever prayed for exists! Posted over a year ago
OneLastWish commented…
Yes, I too had been laughed at and teased for i thought/believed was true. All the boys and girls at school laugh at me all these days but I never gave up. After i watched the movie (Peter Pan 2003) I thought what if...So i found this by then and it regained my beliefe in him and all sorts of magical things :). Its good to know that there are people who understand the setting of your experince. And just think theres more to life than just Reality! over a year ago
ElisaFlemer commented…
Thank you for the support, OneLastWish!!!! over a year ago
OneMoreBeliever said …
Guys, I'm going to a Peter Pan play: Peter Pan and Tinker Bell: A Christmas;))) Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 commented…
Sounds cool. Have fun :) over a year ago
OneMoreBeliever commented…
Awe thank you! XD over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 said …
Have you guys read any other Peter Pan books? Peter and Wendy, the Little White Dove, etc.??? I've only read a bit of J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, but I hope to get the other books for Christmas :) Posted over a year ago
Spikefan74 said …
There's a new book that just came out called, "Wendy Darling: A Novel" By Colleen Oakes. It's a retelling of Peter Pan from Wendy's Point of view. Both Peter and Wendy are 16 in the book. Just wanted to recommend it. It's really good! Posted over a year ago
Peterwishes said …
How did everyone like the new Peter Pan movie, PAN?✨
I thought it was pretty good!!! I haven't seen Neverland really closely... I wonder if it looks just like that in the movie. Anyone body see anything from the movie that caught your eye for looking just the same in Neverland or Peter? Posted over a year ago
0YouCanFly0 commented…
It was alright. Honestly, not my favorite, though, but I liked how it was a different interpretation of Neverland. over a year ago
peterpan11 commented…
thats not how neverland looks at all really! It looks more like the 2003 peterpan and the 1991 movie hook! over a year ago
OneMoreBeliever said …
Just making sure people know, there is a new lost boy thats been visiting children more often: His name is Oncan, he has red hair with a slight up-do. Do not mistake him for Peter, but do not be frightened either. Sometimes, it's hard to bring all the kids from around the world. Posted over a year ago
IneedPeterPan commented…
Thank you so much! I'll know when and if he visits me xx and thank you for your positivity and strength! You make me believe so much more than I realised I ever could so thank you a lot x over a year ago
believer_101 said …
can people please answer my questions i check the website very night Posted over a year ago
penguinwolf356 said …
can someone please answer my question it is night time here and i am freaking out it is called omg omg omg omg!!!!!! thanks Posted over a year ago
penguinwolf356 said …
is anyone answering any questions Posted over a year ago
penguinwolf356 said …
why isn't anyone answering any questions Posted over a year ago
Lost_Boys said …
Is anyone on? Posted over a year ago
neverneverland said …
The other day me and a few friends were wandering around the forest, and something hit my head, like it fell from above me, my friend Sam said something fell, he said an acorn, I said there are no acorns around its not the right time of year. He bent down and picked up an acorn. This was at twilight time. Strange right? Do you think its Peter? Posted over a year ago
jessie627 commented…
Something like that happened to me yesterday!!! over a year ago
neverneverland said …
Where's everyone Posted over a year ago
peterpan11 commented…
I'm here:) over a year ago
jessicam13 said …
can anyone help me get a visit from peter through my life ive been believing and sometimes i feel alone like nobody understands me.i started believing at the age of two after seeing the film i loved the idea of never growing up.i got bullied alot in school and was quiet talking to nobody.soon i went to middle school where i found two friends that turned out to pretend i was year seven i started eating alone and always feeling alone but i liked being alone.please help me meet peter . Posted over a year ago
iminabook454 commented…
I can help message me I'll tell you my story and I can help big time ! over a year ago
YannCookie said …
Is the Pandom still a thing or nah? Posted over a year ago
hanhclubbl02 said …
Hi all, i'm new member. Add Fan me ^^ Posted over a year ago
bunnybear2002 said …
I really want Peter to come through my window and take me to Neverland. But he hasn't. People have reported seeing balls of light and a boy outside there window. How do I get him to come and why hasn't he come? Posted over a year ago
supernova2000 commented…
you and me both sista over a year ago
Cool66 said …
I believe in them.They're my childhood memories. Posted over a year ago
JanePan1702 said …
Hi, I've asked myself for a long time. I sleep naked...could it be the reason why peter don't visit me? Or what should I do when he comes? Is there enough time to pack my bag? I'm so sorry for my english I hope you all know what I mean:) Posted over a year ago
kindakelsea commented…
that's what I've always wondered too. over a year ago
jai_19 said …
Ok so I really need someone to talk to about this , I really don't know how I feel about Peter Pan , I used to believe with all my heart but now I'm not so sure I've only had one ironic sign and I just need someone to talk to . Has anybody experienced Peter Pan ? I'd love to hear about it . Posted over a year ago
supernova2000 commented…
Ikr over a year ago
Scaltagi commented…
Please message me - I need someone to talk about it to as well over a year ago
wendydarling17 said …
Hi, I'm new here. I believe in Peter Pan with all my heart. I have some experiences with him and I wanted to hear some other people stories. And I want to make some friends who are also Peter Pan believers :) Thank you and never grow up! Posted over a year ago
wendydarling99 commented…
welcome here x over a year ago
smileeee21 said …
someone pls tell me what to do Peter to come to me i'm so sad i want just to get away from here i want to go to Neverland and to be happy Posted over a year ago
__bookaddict__ said …
If someone with experience in meeting Peter please message me or something because I have been trying to get him to visit me but with no prevail. What signs should I look for? What are the steps that I should do? Should I go into the backyard or just in my room? Please message me thanks :) Posted over a year ago
Petpanluv said …
Please help me find a wat to Nederland. My parents and friends are
all saying that I need to grow up and I cant I wont.
I dont want to. I need Peter to come and save me. I pray and do
everything I can but.... it hasnt worked... please please help me. Posted over a year ago
wannaflyaway commented…
I would recommend messaging peterpan11 or neverneverland. over a year ago
peterpanfan11 said …
Someone who has been visited by peter recently please message me asap!? So many people have unanswered questions as do i, come on, open up your fanpops and help everyone!!please:( Posted over a year ago
Dreamergirl16 said …
Hey,Last night i've recentley had a dream where peter came to my house and visited me. He was "flirting" with me in some sorts if ways but other then that he made my dream feel real. It felt as if he was actually there with me last night and he was there to make me feel happy again. So,what i'm asking is what does it mean if you dream about peter pan visiting your house and hanging out with you,But not being able to go with him because of school? Posted over a year ago
fairytales101 commented…
your crazy, school or no school if he asked me to go with him i sure as hell would! over a year ago
wendydarling99 said …
Guys, why you dont open fanpop anymore ? Did u lost faith .does peter visit any of you ? ..:( Posted over a year ago
iheartfantasies commented…
I open fanpop every day and I have not lost faith and I will never lose faith. He doesn't visit me peterpan11 said he visits her every night over a year ago
fairytales101 commented…
im with u i open my fanpop everyday hoing someone has anwers over a year ago
peterpan11 said …
Message me anybody:) look at my story! Peter comes to me every night:) Posted over a year ago
helloellie commented…
Just messaged you please read! :) over a year ago
ilovepeterpan1 commented…
Lucky girl! :D over a year ago
peterpanlover5 commented…
lucky over a year ago
wendydarling99 commented…
message me over a year ago
wendydarling99 said …
Can peter take boys who believe to never land ? Posted over a year ago
GillyBelieves13 said …
An lucky ducks get visited by Peter last night? Posted over a year ago
GillyBelieves13 commented…
*any over a year ago
ilovepeterpan1 commented…
Nope :'( over a year ago
FanOfNeverland said …
I'll tell you what you need if you want Peter to meet you,Sing songs about him sitting near your window, OR tell stories to your brother\sister or even your cat! while your sitting near your window. Keep your blinds open when you sleep and keep a rose at your bedside,and if its alive for 1 week,it means Peter changes it! Its the proof that Peter comes to your house! Glad if i could help,I know everything about Peter because i've met him :) Posted over a year ago
ilovepeterpan1 said …
Hi! I believe in Peter Pan. I pray and wish and tell stories at night but he hasn't come. Can someone please help? I REAAALLY don't wanna grow up. Plz I'm desperate :( Posted over a year ago
FanOfNeverland commented…
I'll tell you what you need if you want Peter to meet you,Sing songs about him sitting near your window, OR tell stories to your brother\sister or even your cat! while your sitting near your window. Keep your blinds open when you sleep and keep a rose at your bedside,and if its alive for 1 week,it means Peter changes it! Its the proof that Peter comes to your house! Glad if i could help,I know everything about Peter because i've met him :) over a year ago
ilovepeterpan1 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
YannCookie said …
I saw a shadowy figure of Peter once but he appeared so suddenly at my window that he made me jump and I screamed. That scared him away and I haven't seen him since. True story! Posted over a year ago
wendydarling99 commented…
amazing but why did you scream :D over a year ago
YannCookie commented…
I didn't mean to. He made me jump! He flys really quick that Peter Pan! over a year ago
FanOfNeverland commented…
I'll tell you what you need if you want Peter to meet you,Sing songs about him sitting near your window, OR tell stories to your brother\sister or even your cat! while your sitting near your window. Keep your blinds open when you sleep and keep a rose at your bedside,and if its alive for 1 week,it means Peter changes it! Its the proof that Peter comes to your house! Glad if i could help,I know everything about Peter because i've met him :) over a year ago
neverneverland said …
Someone get peter to take me away to neverland Posted over a year ago
ILovePeterPan commented…
I did and your welcome!!! over a year ago
FanOfNeverland commented…
I'll tell you what you need if you want Peter to meet you,Sing songs about him sitting near your window, OR tell stories to your brother\sister or even your cat! while your sitting near your window. Keep your blinds open when you sleep and keep a rose at your bedside,and if its alive for 1 week,it means Peter changes it! Its the proof that Peter comes to your house! Glad if i could help,I know everything about Peter because i've met him :) over a year ago