Random Role Playing GOTHAM: Arkham's Finest [[OPEN]]

Hades_Shadow posted on Nov 30, 2015 at 12:43AM
Gotham City, the City of Nightmares. Where those inside the justice department are just as corrupt as the criminals. Its history is a long and bloody tale of crime, corruption, and death. It has the highest homicide rate of any city in North America. It has suffered disasters both man-made and natural. It has been home to both villains and vigilantes. This is their story.

You have the Decision of what path you will take, will you stand up against crime or commit it? will you help then downtrodden or take advantage of them? Will you be the hero Gotham needs or the one it deserves?


NOTE: This is based off of the TV Series GOTHAM. Bruce Wayne and other select Characters are at the age of 12, others are a bit older, this takes place a month or so after the Murdering of the Wayne's

Now basic RULES for both sides is as follows:

1. Have fun!
2. No Godmodding. No one in Gotham has really had a Super Power, but they can be allowed when Metropolis, Star City, and Central City are introduced.
3. Swearing is permitted, but excessive swearing will be called out.
4. OC Characters are the Suggestion, but message me if you want to play as an already designed hero or villain
5. Romance is allowed, but remember No Sex.
6. Have fun!


Secret Identity Name:
Physical Appearance:
Good, Evil, or Neutral?
Lawful, Chaotic, or Neutral?

Undercover Name:
Costume (if any):
Weapons (if any):

Gotham City, the City of Nightmares. Where those inside the justice department are just as corrupt as
last edited on Jan 04, 2016 at 04:10PM

Random Role Playing 171 replies

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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I watch bruce for a while before Alfred escorts him telling me to leave them alone. I head over to the champagne table and see the girl from last night, "don't think I've ever seen you in a dress" I say before grabbing a glass and sipping on it.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav- I shake the hand of the head executive of the healthcare. "Sir, thank you again for letting me know about today" to which he promptly says "no worries sir, none at all" after some small talk and he has quite a bit of wine I ask, "so how are you so successful at the healthcare industry? How do you find your motivation?" He slurs the slightest bit as he answers, "just find your prize, keep it straight ahead in your sights, and you will never go wrong." Thank him for his time, then I head to drop off his well used glass and hop in the staff elevator, using my new activated badge to open it and select the roof.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I smile, amused, and take another sip of champagne. "I'm a bit more of a leather jacket sort of a girl to say the least, but I can play the part okay for an event like this." Suddenly remembering I ask "Shouldn't you be off watching young Mr Wayne?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - "He is going to talk to the heads of the industry about something, Alfred said he can take a corporate man or two down." I say with a chuckle as I go for another sip. His military career proved he could probably take on Don Maroni in a fight. I slyly start again, "You should consider these parties more often, leather jackets aren't the only thing working in your favor"

Keshav - once I reach the roof I head to the upper closet, clean the charcoal out of my hair, change into my Snow Tiger gear, and prep all of my equipment. As I leave and start setting up a security guard comes through the staff elevator. I hid where I am until the right moment to strike.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
"That boy is quite the future prodigy." I say. After your comment, I blush just slightly and give you playful smack on the shoulder, "Stop it." I say but I smile. "Perhaps you've had more champagne than I'd thought."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I smile, "it's true, do you want me to lie? and bruce is. He will do some great things for this city one day. Just like his parents did." I then start thinking about Crow, how could I find that man?
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Snow Tiger - when the man starts inspecting the closet, I push him in, remove his radio and alarm button, then I zip tie his arms and legs and lock the door, "you have become my clean getaway." I say, then I hook up my climbing gear and descend to the executive office, I put a specialized suction cup on the glass, then use my clawed gauntlets to cut around it and make a hole big enough for me. It releases and I pull it out. I hook the suction cup to my climbing gear. I walk in the office and look around for a safe.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I smile sadly. "The Waynes were good people." I say. I notice you seem a bit distracted but I of course just assume talking about your late employers has upset you so I change the topic. "So how have you been lately?" I ask touching your shoulder in a subtle gesture of comfort.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I slightly tense up, then relax when I notice what she is doing, "I've been better" I joke lifting up my arm in the sling. "I still want to make a difference in this god forsaken town"

Snow Tiger - I have scavenged the office and taken the valuables, this man has an exquisite taste, easily a 6 figure payday. I remember his words and sit at his desk. I look directly ahead and see a small picture of his family, I remove it from the wall and a safe is there. I pry the small safe from the wall, and bag it for later. I put my bag on my back and re-ascend to the top of the building. I pull the man out and cut the zip ties, he draws his gun and points it at me. "Your going to regret putting me in the closet." I then grab his arm, and buckle his elbow when he pull this trigger, the bullet shattered his jawbone, but did not hit his brain. I respond "Suicide attempt 1 failed" I then push him off the 25 foot building, "attempt 2 successful" i head to the fire escape, and get to a different rooftop by the time his body hits concrete.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
"How did that happen, anyway?" I ask, curiously. "How long does the sling stay on? I imagine a broken arm would make it hard to be the most effective body guard."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - "you only need one hand to fire a pistol" I say when a soft mysterious bang is heard. "What in the ... " I look out as I see a man fall on the sidewalk, hitting it with great velocity. There is no way he survived.

Snow Tiger - I start sprinting on the roof tops, bringing home my score and the only evidence left behind to my existence there was a hole in the glass, and missing items.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I too turn my head as I see the mans body hit the ground after the several story drop. My eyes widen with shock and I put a hand over my mouth. Many of the other guests who have nitice scream as I turn back to Cyrus before I realize I have nothing to say.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
((Noticed I'll edit that later))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I immediately walk out and start inspecting the body while everyone else is panicking, I see all evidence of a suicide, but something feels off. it was a security guard from the building, so I try to find the executives or president to inform them.

Keshav - I finally get to my apartment and start to take inventory of my bounty. I check it all and it was about half a million in value, I then start working on opening the safe to see what it may contain.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
"Cyrus!?" I call following you out to the scene of the body. My movements a bit awkward in the dress and heels, I kneel down next to the body. I'm surprised to see the uniform but I'm even more surprised when I notice his jaw. It would be logical to assume that it was simply shattered on impact, but when I consider the position in which he fell, the bruises beginning to show on his mouth, and other simple details, suicide starts to seem less likely. "Cyrus," I say as he turns to leave, "his jaw..."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I examine where she pointed out, I take out a pen and slide it on the groove, it comes out the other side of his head, I grab it and toss it out. "Bullet entry, it seems odd placed if suicide. I think this was staged." I then see police start to come, I head back inside and inform the executive again, he heads to his office to talk with bruce, and I join them.

Keshav - I take time to examine the safe and I start hammering the pins out of place, a two to three hour process to get to the undamaged goods inside.
over a year ago mcterra said…
((Sorry for the late reply. I've been really busy lately. I'll just try to hop in right about now.))

A moment later, a grappling hook pinned itself on a wall of the Healthcare and Crow zipped himself to the roof of the building.
Crow adjusted his suit and flattened any fold on it. He then looked around. There was no one up there with him. Crow walked to the edge of the roof and looked down. He immediately spotted Cyrus. Without a word, Crow turned and vanished into the building.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( hold on, I said no evidence was left that includes witnesses. It seems like you are at every secret event that takes place, and it is considered a god mod until superpowers are introduced, I just want this clear ))
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I decide to leave Cyrus to change into Black Sparrow. I return to the Health Care building, and manage to climb up to the fire escape to the roof and look for any more clues as to the conditions of the man's death.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I head with bruce to the elevator, when we arrive at the executives office, we see items moved and taken. I mentally take all of this to see if I can see any evidences of who had done it, but find nothing right off of the bat. I then start looking for Celeste and notice she did not follow, strange, "Bruce I want to check with someone real quick, permission to temporarily leave?" "yes Cyrus, go ahead"
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I walk around for a few minutes looking for the weapon that could've busted the mans jaw. I decide perhaps that if there was another person involved, as I suspect, they woukdve taken the weapon with them, I head directly above where the man fell and look for any evidence of struggle.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I head out to take my call and see the policeman inspecting the body, they look under it and find the mans firearm. "Excuse me sir can I help you?" I hear behind me. "Just wondering what the GCPD are ruling this as" he responds to that, "potentiàl suicide, one attempt with his gun then he jumped, now I need you to leave" I take a sign "ok thank you officer ... " "Gordon, Detective Jim Gordon" "thank you" I say heading back up as I call sparky.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I hear a familiar voice talking with the police so I look down where the police are moving the body. I curse under my breath as I see that the firearm fell with the man, meaning there is no evidence to suggest a murder rather than a suicide, yet I'm still convinced that it was in fact a murder. The man was a security guard, right. He would know well enough to how to properly end his life with a gun. It would be simple enough with no one to stop him. I can't shake the feeling that there's something more going on here.
over a year ago mcterra said…
((Wellllll, I guess you're right. I'm really, really sorry about that. Seems like I just overexagerated Crow's abilities. I promise to moderate things from now on.

So...er...can I go on with that post as it is or should I edit it?))
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
((Hey I noticed that some of the people here were also involved in a rp I stumbled upon called the academy. It is amazing! I will be submitting a profile and would love to get it active again))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Mcterra, just edit the part about Keshav, and I'll be ok, he can be there and seeing Cyrus. I could see that.

Firebird I will comment on that one momentarily ))
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav - after hours of labor I finally open the safe, inside are six bars of gold, weighing 10 pounds a piece, but they are all marked with the Wayne Industries logo. I will need to find a way to sell it without raising suspicion, being over a million dollars in value. Their is also a locked high impact case in the safe as well. I crack it open and inside is 6 viles of liquid, each a different color, and the chemical code of each liquid is in a matching color envelope. I slowly start to read what they are and how I could market it to someone.
over a year ago mcterra said…
A while later, Crow was walking through the corridors of the Wayne Healthcare building. He had to find a way to get downstairs without attracting too much attention.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps. Crow looked around. There was no door or window anywhere around him. He couldn't hide. He was trapped.
The guard that had been approaching rounded the corner leading to the corridor and went though it. He thought he had heard footsteps too but he was seemingly wrong since there was no one there. The guard continued and disappeared round another corner.
Crow hadn't finished. He was just hanging up from the cieling using blades in his wrists and shoes. The blades retracted and he dropped to the ground as silently as a ninja. He looked around one more time before he continued.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I slowly and quietly climb from the roof into the building itself, looking around several times before my feet carefully and silently hit the floor and I quietly close the door that leads back up to the roof.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - after talking with Detective Gordon, I pull out my phone and call sparky, "Duuude, ditching before payment is not cool" "Sorry sparky, something really bad happened, and I was able to help because of the new tech, I'll head over to pay you but I also need you to do two more things for me" " alright tell me bird man" "first the suit is bulletproof, but knives and other blades are a problem, you go something for that?" "Of Course, it will take a day to three though. Second thing" "I'll need to vamp up the pepper balls to go through gas masks, finer powder or something." "Ok you got it drop of the suit later today and I'll get to work, but this time you pay me up front." "Deal, see ya sparks" I say getting off the phone then heading back up to be with Bruce.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Crow continued down the corridor. All his sense were alert. He didn't want to be seen. He couldn't afford to attract unwanted attention. He had a target. All he had to do was find him, waste him and disappear, like he always did.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I wait in the elevator, as it gradually brings me back to the executive office floor, I feel much better now that sparky is no longer pissed at me, one bright gem in a great line of disappointments.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I decide that it would me be official to learn as much as I can about the security guard, so I climb a few flights of stairs to the head of security's office hoping that I can help myself and download a few files.
over a year ago mcterra said…
Crow rounded a corner and continued down another corridor. The corridor happened to lead to the head of security's office. Crow told himself he could use the security camera's to locate his target, hence making things easier for him. Due to the previous alert, all the guards had rushed down so Crow was convinced he wouldn't find anyone in there. Crow walked to the office and opened the door but froze when he saw someone.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav - I take the gold bars and start heating them up and melting them down to smaller sizes. this will remove any evidence that they ever belonged to the Wayne family, so I can actually sell them for their gold price.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I whip my head around just after plugging in my USB port to download the computers files, when someone enters the room. I was watching the security cameras the whole time, so I know whoever is here was sneaking around. I raise my arm straight out in front of me, aiming my bracelet, which is set to stun, at the stranger's chest. "What are you doing?" I ask, or perhaps rather, demand to know.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav - once I have melted them down and cooled the bars, I head to a Pawn shop, sell a small bar, leave, repeat the process until I have sold all of the gold for money.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago mcterra said…
Crow didn't reply. Rather, he did the first thing his mind was 'programmed' to do in such situations. In one fluid move, he whipped a short dagger out from his sleeve and hurled straight at the stranger, aiming straight for her forehead.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
When the stranger gets close enough, I jump sideways out of the and the knife sticks solid in the wall. Getting to my feet in a single swift motion I point my bracelet to the strangers back this time. Checking it's only set to stun, I prepare myself to shoot.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - when the elevator reaches the correct floor, I head back into the executive office, it's time Bruce headed home, and so I will take him there personally. "Cmon el Jefe, your limo is waiting."
over a year ago mcterra said…
Seeing the stranger getting in a shooting stance, Crow quickly ducked behind a nearby computer. As he did, he took out another dagger and hurled it at her.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Cyrus - I lead Bruce to his Limosine and ride with him to Wayne Manor. I think about what has happened and how I can bring this man to justice. He stole from Wayne enterprises, and that means stealing from me. I will find this man or die trying.

Keshav - I finish selling my gold, and meet with the real estate agent to buy a speakeasy, I find one with three floors, the bottom has a great open space which could be easily converted into a Barber Parlor. The second floor has the Bar and theatre aspect. And the top is a penthouse suite for the owner. I buy it and start its renovation, switching all floor tiles on the first two floors to a zebra marble. I also get contractors to add water valves and more electric sockets for the barber parlor, to sand down all the wood in the building and wood stain it ebony, replace the bar top with a zebra granite counter, and to paint the walls pure white. I also have the penthouse added a nice carpet, and get movers to put in my things for now until I can upgrade to more appropriate furniture for a penthouse.
over a year ago Firebird06721 said…
I lean to the left easily dodging, but the knife sinks itself into the wall behind me. That's evidence I can't hide, I think. Someone will know that we've been here now. I've taken every precaution, hacked every computer, camera, and alarm to make it as if I was never here, but now, even if it can't be traced to me, someone will know. All I wanted to do was get the evidence that could help me stop that murderer. Could the man who did it? I wondered.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav - I allow all the different workers to get busy in making my place great, and head to pick out decor for the barber shop and for the lounge part of the speakeasy. I see a limo pass by as I hail a cab to the best furniture store in Gotham.
over a year ago 666demon said…
Secret Identity Name: Nick Isaak Corbett
Age: 24
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 110 lbs
Physical Appearance:
Apparel: "Jeans and a T-shirt?"
Good, Evil, or Neutral? neutral
Lawful, Chaotic, or Neutral? chaotic.

Undercover Name: "Yo, whats with this undercover crap? You really think everybody cares what you did or not? You actin' like you don't wanna be put on the spot, not wantin' the cops to tie that last final knot. Wanna be kept in the blind spot, ya big shots? Guess not."

Weapons: Colt .22

Background: NIC came from a poor mom that used to live in a ghetto and a wealthy no show dad. His dad hated him, every second of the day. From how his views were to what he stood for. The same feelings went to the 'man of the household' since the day he turned 10. Nick started hanging out with 'the wrong kind of people' and listening to 'the wrong kind of noise' and not dressing the way 'he was supposed to dress'. 4 years later, his mom died from a heart attack, The hatred just turned abusive, they would yell and scream at each other but never once laid a hand on each other. It got so bad, Nick walked out, and his friend threw on rap records. Thats when he just started flowing out rhymes and spitting out lyrics. Rap became an outlet for him and then some guy brought him into a booth and just told him to freestyle. He eventually became famous as his dad became broke and he started begging Nick for money. And Nick was all like "F*ck you, bi*ch!"

((Keep in mind I can't rap for shit.))
Secret Identity Name: Nick Isaak Corbett
Age: 24
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 110 lbs 
Physical Appearan
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((That could really work out well, I could have Keshav bring Nick in through an event I was thinking about.))
over a year ago 666demon said…

Nick swore to God he was running faster than a cheetah at the moment, pushing people away. He was running from cops who thought he killed someone, but he didn't kill her. He walked in on her suicide and he tried helping her but the cops came in at the wrong time. "M-MOVE MAN!" He yelled as he shoved a guy in a pretty expensive suit.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Keshav - I see the man running, and when he pushes me aside I act quickly, "where do you think you are going nephew?" I say giving him a wink. The police catch up to us, "do you know this man, sir?" "Yes, he is my nephew, and I have been worried sick about him"
over a year ago 666demon said…
Nick just stood there, with his hands shoved into his pockets with a defiant look on his face as he let this guy talk. Once they left, he smiled at the guy. "Aye, thanks for savin' my back man." He held up his fist for a few seconds, waiting for the guy to bump but then realized the guy wasn't going to so he dropped it. "Girl committed suicide, Thought I'd call police and an ambulance and help slow down the bleeding for her. Like went flat and the cops came in at the wrong moment." He said as he tried explaining his side of the story.