Mauserfan1910 Edit - Exit historical view

Known to many as Enya Ernest-Kilroy, to others as Tiger Lily, to others as boss, and to you as something along the lines of, my queen

Born 18ish years ago on a desert ranch, Enya is also tougher and stronger than you after nearly two decades centered around labor, trucks, and guns.

She has a legit personality disorder, but don't let that fool you, she is kind, and forgiving. She will always grant you a chance to redeem yourself when you step out of line

I know what you're thinking, how can I get the chance to sleep with such a stunning, kind, and strong woman? Well, you're a couple years too late. She is married to the single most handsome man in the galaxy, Kalispel Kilroy. Don't let his alien body scare you, I assure you that he is quite human.

She drives a 1956 Ford F-100 with the Y block engine, which makes her also classier than you. Try not to mind the cum stains on the seats, or the cattle manure on the mud flaps. I assure you she is quite classy

Don't fight or argue with her - or rather, please do, she enjoys putting the peasants in their place.