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Supernatural Stars, Boss Drop Season 10 Spoilers, Talk Series' Endless Future

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Supernatural’ Season 10 Spoilers — Series Finale Rumors | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki and executive producer Jeremy Carver did not seem ready to hang up their demon-hunting hats on Friday at the Television Critics Assoc. summer press tour in Beverly Hills.
“There’s so much story left to tell,” Carver said, giving props to the cast and crew. “It remains the hardest-working bunch I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. There’s no quit in anybody.”
For his part, Padalecki is on board to stick with the show as long as the quality remains up to par, and he has no doubt that it will under Carver’s direction, he noted.
“I truly do deeply care about this show and about Sam Winchester,” Padalecki said. “I don’t want him to be broken down, beaten down into something I don’t respect. And I respect this show. … We know the show enough and our characters, if there’s an end coming, we’ll all see it and won’t have to push it. When it’s time to hang up the Sam Winchester hat, I’ll welcome that chapter.”
Added Ackles: “I think we’re all on the same page. We still get excited about it. That hasn’t tarnished in 10 years.” In fact, after the reading the Season 9 cliffhanger, he “got all giddy about it. As long as there’s that fulfillment, that excitement, then we’ll keep going.”
So what does the upcoming season have in store to keep the actors giddy? There will be some new characters — demons, angels, ghosts, werewolves — and of course, “a side of Dean we’ve never seen,” Carver teased.
“We’ll be staying with Demon Dean for more than one episode,” the EP revealed. And it’ll be a “different type of Demon Dean then you might expect.”
Elsewhere, “while Sam is on the hunt for his brother, there is another mysterious character who is on the same hunt” and causes complications for the brothers, continued Carver. On the heavenly front, “Castiel is very much in the picture at the beginning of Season 10,” although he’s “in danger of dying” due to his fading grace.
might one day wrap, Carver admitted it’s tricky because “I know that [creator] Eric Kripke always had an ending in mind.”
“I have an image…but I always want to keep room for happy accidents as well,” he added. “The show is continuing on beyond any of our wildest dreams, so I don’t think I want to limit ourselves. … All the writers, we have images in our heads, but our minds are wide open.”
Personally I can see the show easily getting an 11th and 12th season. Its end will likely depend on how expensive it is to keep on the network, every show reaches that point, but while it’s one of the top performing shows on the network, I think it’s pretty safe.
Well, the entire CW network may very well fold in 2016, so I think 12 seasons is pretty likely.
I wouldn’t worry about that, just about everything important on the CW will continue. Things will work out.
It might fold as a network but I wouldn’t be surprised to see CW programming purchased by a big streaming player like Hulu, Amazon or Netflix for original first-run streaming. It might be more lucrative for them. And though I see The CW becoming the first to drop out of the network game, I think the other networks won’t be far behind when it comes to scripted programming. Only news, sports, live events and reality tv will be left on network dockets.
PLEASE stick with Kripke’s preferred ending (years from now). Jeremy Carver was a great writer for SPN in previous seasons, but he’s a terrible showrunner.
Okay so wrong all the way around. By sticking with an ending Kripke had in mind back when the show started you aren’t allowing for character or story growth and you end up with a crappy ending like HIMYM’s ending. The show’s ratings went up this past season – which shows that the showrunner is clearly on the right track most of the time.
Absolutely agree with this. HIMYM’s ending was crap… I get it, I just didn’t like it. And Kripke already told his story. Seasons 1-5 were what he planned for and he stuck with it and left the show. It was Sera Gamble that screwed up the storyline.
Nope, try again. Sera had a storyline, it was the (then) network execs that did not want it and made her bring back that g.d. angel.
She had Kripke’s ear back then too, before he left for Revolution.
Ugh. I hate when TPTB refuse to let a show end.
Supernatural shouldn’t end. It’s one of those rare shows that is still addictively entertaining as it ages.
This. I gave up on this show 5 years ago.
“We’ll be staying with Demon Dean for more than one episode,”
Soulless Sam took 10 episodes. Demon Dean is a fun change, I hope it takes a few episodes to resolve.
Angel Sam for more. I feel like Sam gets a lot of the poop—demon blood, soulless, possessed by an angel. Yes both brothers have gone to hell and purgatory and back, but Sam seems to be the one that they pin the long, heavy arcs on. Dean’s huge problems usually start on a series finale and resolve on the following premiere, so I too hope we go to at least sweeps with Demon Dean
I expected sth around half season, but by Carver’s comment, “more than one”, just one, I’m kinda worried they rush it.
Me too. I’m betting that Dean will be back to his usual, cagey self by the end of episode two or three. I hope not, tho. I’d love to explore that side of Dean since you would expect him to be pretty ruthless as a demon – yet they say we’ll be surprised.
It still may be longer. The more than one comment may be in response to criticism the received to have the huge cliffhanger of Castiel becoming God and then resolving it after one episode. It felt like such a waste.
Me too as long as it doesn’t get dragged on too long which this show has a tendency to do. It’s better to leave people wanting more than frustrating the audience with a storyline that wears out its welcome.
“I have an image…but I always want to keep room for happy accidents as well,” he added. “The show is continuing on beyond any of our wildest dreams, so I don’t think I want to limit ourselves. … All the writers, we have images in our heads, but our minds are wide open.”
Please dont end at season 10 on supernatural! Keep going ask fans for ideals too.
Wasn’t Kripke’s ending what we got at the end of season 5, but without the return of Sam?
I’m inclined to agree except I think that it’d have been a full downer ending where Dean and Sam go into the pit to save the world and end an apocalypse. There isn’t any room for that kind of self sacrifice for the greater good anymore in the show since the tone has changed completely.
Wish it could stay on forever… i just love sam, dean, misha and mark.
Same! Can’t imagine the show without those four. Great chemistry between the whole cast.
Yes, I’m so very happy to hear that Dean won’t be cured in the first episode! I’m so looking forward to this story! Hope it lasts at least half a season! with the Mark, it should last forever!
I view Supernatural as a series of “books”… Seasons 1-5 were one book, telling one story from beginning to end. Season 6 was its own stand-alone book. Season 7… I’d like to forget. Season 8 started a new book that is spanning multiple seasons. I don’t know where Carver’s planned arc ends, but the end of that story doesn’t necessarily mean the end of the show. They don’t have to keep building on top of what came before and going bigger and bigger. The next arc could be completely unrelated to demons and angels, and I would welcome that.
In fact, I’m kinda bummed to hear that angels are still in play. Last season wrapped up the angel war arc nicely and the angels went home. I would have been fine leaving it there and moving on with Castiel as a somewhat normal person, helping Sam hunt while Dean is away.
Yeah, I’d love it if they kept Cas until the end (maybe he’ll go back to being human this season to avoid his grace burning out) and kept him with Sam and Dean, hunting – he’s part of the family now, after all.
As long as we have Jensen, Jared, and Misha until they decide to finally end the show, I’ll be happy and keep watching. Those three absolutely make it for me and I can’t imagine watching SPN without all three members of Team Free Will.
As much as I love Castiel, I think that there will come a day when he will die and not come back. Bobby was vital to the cause too, but I always knew that his days were numbered. I think Cas is kinda the same. Hopefully his death won’t be ruined as much as Bobby’s was by that silly, pointless ghost arc.
As long as Jared and Jensen continue being Sam and Dean Winchester, I’ll watch. They are who I tune into watch so I’ll be sticking around for till the end.
Yup. As long as the two leads want to continue and still enjoy it, then a few more years wouldn’t bother me.
totally agree! plz no more angel and sya enough with the angel drama!
I really like supernatural and the actors I hope it goes on and on maybe beyond that.
I love this show and I to think it could go on for several more seasons. I hope they do more than one episode with demon Dean. And I love Castiel to.. WAY TO GO SUPER NATURAL!! Keep up the great work..
Ive been watching since season 1. My sister got me into it way back when. Still watch it even though some story lines dont appeal to me. The angels for one. The dynamic between Sam & Dean is always what keeps me watching first. The humour second. Mark Sheppard has been a great recurring character that has lightened up the mood. I look forward to Dean and Crowley working together next and future seasons. Glad both Jensen & Jared still enjoy making the show. They could move on to movies or other network shows to get bigger paydays.
Supernatural will have many more seasons after s10! and i just hope they done with the angel drama…its boring and shifting the focus about what this show should be! This show is about the brothers and always will be, u cant just give all 28/30 min in castiel and then rest of the 10 min on the boys! come ON!~! i want more dean and more winchesters! SPN rocks! plz keep it this way..dnt over explode with the boring angel storylines..
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