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Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Grey's, X-Files, TVD, Scandal, Flash, Once and More

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Grey’s Anatomy’: Is Owen’s Sister Nathan Riggs? Season 12 Transgender Twist | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Got a scoop request? An anonymous tip you’re dying to share? Send any/all of the above to 
Question: I’m so happy the TV season is resuming. I’m
happy about TGIT returning. Got anything for this 12-season 
Ausiello: If you’re expecting an immediate resolution to last November’s big ‘Japril’ cliffhanger, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. “We
find out what Jackson was going to say to April,” Sarah Drew confirms to me. “But not in the first episode back [on Feb. 11].” As Drew reminds, the brutal midseason premiere is “very Meredith-centric. And we’re really just absorbing that story.”
: Rumor has it we’ll find out what words were on the tip of Jackson’s tongue in the
episode back, which, curiously, is titled, “All I Want Is You.”
Grey’s Anatomy Video: We Need To Talk About Alex Kissing Meredith
Question: Is there any chance that Owen’s MIA sister on
is none other than Riggs himself? Transgender storylines are all the rage, after all. —Catherine
Ausiello: They are. But he’s not. Both Martin Henderson (aka Riggs) and Kevin McKidd ruled out such a twist when I spoke to them last week at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in Pasadena. “While it would be nice to have the opportunity to play such complexity on network TV, I sadly doubt it will be as controversial or topical as that,” Henderson shared. McKidd took things a step further, telling me, “That one’s off the table for sure.” The question regarding the whereabouts of Owen’s mysterious sibling will be resolved around Episode 14, McKidd went on to tease. And don’t assume she’s dead. “It’s more ambiguous than that,” McKidd hinted in our Winter Preview-Palooza. “There’s nothing definite about the fate of his sister.”
Ausiello: Not if we’re lucky, Ashley. According to executive producer Julie Plec, the hope is still to bring Nina Dobrev’s character back for the end of the series, so “unless something catastrophic happens” (Plec’s words) and this ends up becoming the final season, don’t expect to see Ms. Gilbert in 2016. “I basically committed to Ian [Somerhalder] and Paul [Wesley] that when they’re ready to be done, I’ll be done,” she adds. “They could be ready very soon, or they could really want to stick it out. Right now, that’s up to them. I’m with them as long as I feel like I can keep telling stories for them.” That said, “there is still a chapter of [Elena’s] story left to be told,” so Plec says she’ll “take [Dobrev] for whatever she’s willing to do to tell that story.”
Question: I’ve been a longtime fan of yours (since the
front, when Nyssa returns on Feb. 3, the League member “is going to take on Malcolm in a really ambitious and full-scale way, and she’s going to be asking Oliver to do some pretty dark things,” previews EP Wendy Mericle, who adds that the topic of Nyssa’s onetime lover Sara’s recent resurrection won’t come up in the “gangbusters” episode — partly because “she is off time traveling on
Ausiello: Aubrey Plaza is of the opinion that Cat Adams — the gun-toting, bomb-planting psychopath she played in last week’s change-of-pace episode — has some unfinished business with dinner companion Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler). “For me, it was a love story,” the actress opines. “And I don’t think it’s over. I think you’re going to see Spencer visiting me in jail, Hannibal Lecter style. I can’t speak for the writers or the producers, but I told them that this is not over. These people are soul mates.” In related news, Aubrey Plaza is a delusional, demented delight. I pray she never changes.
Question: Do you think Rachel Bloom’s recent awards victories will save
Ausiello: Although The CW’s official renewal decision is still months away, no one is more confident than Bloom herself about the chances of a second go-round. “It’s highly unlikely that we wouldn’t get a Season 2 at this point,” she tells TVLine. “I could eat those words and be disappointed and try to be shopping around this show next season and see who else will take it. But I think [the awards show success] bodes well for Season 2.”
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 last weekend, laughing the whole time. Please tell me anything you can! —Pia
Ausiello: As Rebecca finds herself torn between Josh and Greg, the relationship pendulum will begin to swing toward one of those guys in upcoming episodes. “Josh originally was meant to be a symbol and Greg was the guy she should go for. But as we’ve done the show, Josh and Rebecca complement each other,” series star Bloom teases. “In many ways, they give each other what the other person needs, and that has been a revelation to us on the writing staff. We’ll be playing with that tension.” Bonus scoop: Episode 16 will feature a hip-hop number that Bloom suspects will go viral.
Ausiello: Ever hear of a phoiler, Alex? Probably not, since I just invented it. It’s a spoiler that arrives in the form of a photograph. Scroll down and feast your eyes on an exclusive phoiler from Team OPA’s mysterious (and clearly shocking) case-of-the-week in 
competitors: I own the trademark for “phoiler,” so if I see that word pop up in any of your little spoiler columns you’ll be hearing from my heavy-hitter lawyer.)
Ausiello: Being the dearly departed ex of both Rumple and Hook, Milah “has a big connection to two of our main characters,”co-creator Eddy Kitsis reminds. As for how she folds into the heroes’ trip to the Underworld, “We don’t want to spoil anything, but… wouldn’t it be weird if she met Emma? She and Emma might be an awkward meeting.” Just as fun is the prospect of long-dead Milah getting the 411 on the fantastically twisted family tree that branched off of her. Hints co-creator Adam Horowitz, “I love the idea of Milah learning just how she is connected to all our characters!”
is one of the best shows on TV right now, especially due to recent performances by Aya Cash. However, the show has gotten really dark lately. What does the future hold for Jimmy and Gretchen, and will the show return to its sarcastic, funny roots anytime soon? Thanks! —Danielle
Ausiello: Series creator Stephen Falk is contemplating that very question as he writes Season 3. When it comes to handling Gretchen’s depression, Falk admits he has “a duty to portray it in a realistic way. It’s something that doesn’t just go away. We don’t want to get bogged down with it and have it overtake the show… but we’re not going to let it go away.” That said, star Chris Geere is hoping that brighter days are ahead for the show’s central couple. “Season 2 was very ‘Jimmy vs. Gretchen,\'” Geere says, “and I’m hoping that Season 3 will be ‘Jimmy and Gretchen vs. the world.\'”
Ausiello: Portrayer Steve Kazee tells us that his former-country-star character is old friends with Luke Wheeler, who “pulls me out of retirement.” So does that mean he’s Wheelin’ Dealin’ Records’ newest artist? “I don’t know about that,” Kazee says. “We’ll have to wait and see how that goes.”
Ausiello: Now that Zoom is in cahoots with Harry and has someone to talk to, more info about the Big Bad will come to light. “We get a little bit more of his personality,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg previews, “and a little bit more about what he wants and why he wants it. All that is going to come to a, hopefully, very exciting head.”
Any scoop on Empire to tide us over ’til it returns in March? —Lindy
Ausiello: If you’re wistful for those innocent days when Jamal wasn’t kissing girls and Michael wasn’t getting, um, serviced by creepy artists out on the balcony, here’s some good news from EP Ilene Chaiken on the estranged couple: Rafael de la Fuente’s time on the show is not yet finished. “We will see Michael again,” Chaiken says. “So far Michael has been the great love of Jamal’s life. And just because they hurt each other doesn’t mean they’re finished with each other.”
Question: Is the business with the male clones pretty much over with on
? —LaShawna Ausiello: Even though Rudy and several of his brothers died, executive producer Graeme Manson warns, “We’re not finished with our male clones. Mark’s still out there, and Ari Millen’s still in the cast for Season 4, I guarantee.” And with the last surviving Castor clone (that we know of) having earned Sarah’s trust, the question becomes, “If we can find our own cure, can we cure Mark? Is that a possibility for next season? Is Mark the one brother who’s earned the right to call himself a brother?”
Ausiello: I’m told sometime in the spring. When Season 11 does resume, Michaela Conlin promises “a lot of angst” for Angela and Hodgins in the wake of the latter’s paralysis. “There are different stages of adapting to a tragedy like this, and right now we’re in the stage of Hodgins giving up a little bit,” the actress previews. “[The writers] are really honoring those depths, which we’re really grateful for.” Conlin is also pleased to see “Angela fighting for” her man because “she always sort of has one foot out the door. But now she’s like, ‘I’m all in with you, I want this to work.\'”
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a sequel to the show’s seminal, celebrated Season 4 outing “Home,” series creator Chris Carter confirms. Despite the title similarities and the fact that they were the brainchild of exec producer Glen Morgan, Carter tells me that the two installments are not connected. So, what’s up with the title then? “You’d have to ask Glen Morgan about that,” he instructs me. “I know why he named it ‘Home Again,’ but you’d have to ask him.” Thanks for bupkis, CC!
‘s Bellamy Young covets the ABC drama’s fictional Oval Office almost as much as her alter ego Mellie Grant. “I definitely think about how fun it would be to play the President,” the actress shares. “I’d love to get to be the first woman that Shonda Rhimes wrote presidential material for, and take on all the issues through that prism. What an honor that would be.”
That’s a wrap! Please send questions, comments and anonymous tips to (
Additional reporting by Michael Slezak, Kim Roots, Andy Swift, Vlada Gelman and Rebecca Iannucci
Finally something on Bones! thanks! Glad to know Angela is by Hodgins’ side. Looking forward to seeing Tj and Michaela work with this storyline.
I’m willing to wait because I trust Rachel but I didn’t see so far how Josh complements Rebecca in any way… Of course we only saw 8 episodes, but it seems to me like Greg is more right for her. Excited about the show coming back and I hope CW renews this as soon as possible
Exactly. I read that and had no idea what she was talking about! Rebecca and Josh have all the chemistry.
Which is why its so icky now that theyve involved Greg and the neighbor girl. I wish they hadnt gone there. Thats the question I would have asked.
That wasnt a freudian anything, I swear. Josh is a simpleton, and while Rebecca and Greg are both neurotic, they have a great time together.
yes, i’ll say that i was a little disappointed to see him with her neighboor and i don’t understand why they’d do this, but i’m willing to wait. i wish they’d make josh and rebecca friends, because i really like him, but not as a romantic interest. she said in a time interview that the sam and diane dinamic of greg and rebecca isn’t healthy and while i agree i think that’s what character development is about. i think greg is good for rebecca, even if he has tons of issues he needs to work on (that’s ok, everyone has them). i hope she’s saying these things in a misleading way, to get us all surprised (if they’re not going to be a thing they really need to tell santino to downsize his heart eyes, because it’s too much)
Just because someone has “heart eyes” for you doesn’t mean you have to return them, or that you are truly worth them. There have been subtle hints from the beginning that Rebecca might be Greg’s Josh. Prepare yourself because, I suspect, if the show makes it to additional seasons there will be a lot of flippity floppity.
Ugh, this is my second time posting, but it didn’t seem to show up, so I apologize if it’s duplicated.
I am pro Rebecca and Greg, however I see what Rachel means. Greg is the yin to Rebecca’s yang. Rebecca and Josh are two sides of the same coin to varying degrees in that they are both happiest in their nostalgic dream worlds. Rachel experiences some grounding by helping Josh shape his dreams into something realistic. Heather, the seemingly disaffected neighbor, recognizes that Greg uses his cynicism as a security blanket, so I can see the pairing of the two as a good way to teach Greg to be a little more positive. I feel like if Rebecca and Greg got together now, or at least sooner rather than later, she would see her relationship with him as settling, even though they get along well. The closer Rebecca and Greg get to neutral emotional ground, the more likely they will appreciate what they have and how they compliment each other.
Neal first and now Milah….. two characters i do not like. But i actually am intrigued on them meeting her. But can we finally see Rumple admit he murdered Milah because he shifts the blame and never has admitted. Its about time.
As for Grey’s, i’m wondering if Owen’s sister went missing somehow and he blames Riggs for his sister’s disappearance.Maybe Riggs go into something shady and Owen’s sister got caught in the middle.
so plec has decided to end tvd when wesley and somerhalder want to leave but she was willing to continue on without nina dobrev who played the actual main character………..ok then……..
A more accurate assessment would be that she could continue the story without Nina, theoretically, and still cash checks. Without the last two of the original leads, the show can’t continue. Frankly, given the creative challenges, and ratings declines, don’t be shocked if its ended this year, or given a short season next year. And I’m not sure Dobrev will return, no matter what. The last scene could well be a stand in “waking” up as the screen goes black.
Michael, I just love your sense of humour. I laughed so loudly about the ‘Soaps in Depth era’ comment that I scared my poor dog who is now under the bed!
I did hear about Milah coming. Look at the answer it seems its been played as a comic thing.
Rumple murdering her better be addressed if she is coming back for an episode
The Empire writers have never given Jamal and Michael a storyline. After the first episode this season, Michael was pretty much just an extra. If Michael is coming back, I hope that he will actually have a story, and some character development.
agreed. I’ve been really disappointed by what they’ve done with Jamal this season, he was my favorite character during the first season but it really seems like the writers don’t know what to do with him anymore.
I question the Michael actor’s acting ability though. And Jamal and Ryan were a much better relationship. No one I know is missing Michael, so.
But I suppose its a relief at least it doesn’t sound like Jamal will be kissing any more women. As a gay man, I was beyond annoyed with that crap. I don’t see them having any of the straight male characters kissing other men.
I can only hope we see more verbal sparring between Spencer and Cat. I loved their interplay. Maybe later in the season since The Dirty Dozen arc appears to still be a thing.
I’ve always thought it’d be neat if the show did an episode where one of the team members visited some notable unsub we saw in a previous episode that they’d interacted with/connected with. And I could totally see Cat being interested in talking to Reid again, and Reid wanting to do more to try and help her or understand her further. So I’d be cool with that kind of a storyline :D.
Please give Scandal insight! None of what Olivia is doing makes sense. The character Shonda created wouldn’t make these decisions. Its like someone else entirely is writing her these days. Is there some bigger Shonda-esque reason or am I just not on the same page as everyone else?
I agree wholeheartedly! Olivia, who I used to enjoy rooting for has become a character I cannot stand, or make sense out of, getting her Dad out, not telling Fitz about being pregnant, blaming him for everything. I no longer enjoy what I’m watching so I think its time to stop.
Can’t wait to see Milah in Ouat and her death addressed properly as a murder. Of course it would be better in the presence of Belle but I’ll look forward to her meeting with Emma.
Milah’s resolution with Hook is long overdue.
Like Regina murdering Sheriff Graham was ever addressed?
I don’t think Belle cares anymore.God this girl is so brainless.
When she got told in season 2…. she swept it away like it didnt matter and Rumple acted like it didnt matter. But then again Rumple lied to his son about it, since Rumple loves lying to Belle… its not surprising
Normally I hate the trope of the girl not getting the guy she wants and instead ending up with the guy who wants her… but Greg is so much sharper, sweeter, and just a better match for Rebecca in every way! Greg just has so much more depth. But I love the show and at the end of the day it’s less about who Rebecca ends up with than that she finds happiness overall. With amazing musical numbers, of course.
I feel like Jamal and Michael’s story always gets short-changed, so I hope we actually get to see a real storyline for them! I was more invested before Michael hooked up with the shady photographer, but I hope they can make it work or find a new love interest for Jamal. He should have a dramatic, sexy love story just like the other characters do!
Is the crux of the “phoiler” that Olivia is wearing a bright red coat???
Oh, and I hope Aubrey Plaza does come back to Criminal Minds! She was awesome, and her character’s last words to Spencer were chilling.
Grey’s Anatomy already did a transgender sibling storyline with Ben’s brother revealing that she was actually a woman and transitioning to have that gender reassignment surgery. I don’t remember if this was last year or the year before but it definitely happened recently. So, I doubt they would do that exact same thing with Owen and Riggs.
I definitely need to see more Aubrey Plaza on Criminal Minds. I loved the interaction between Cat and Reid. This show is getting better every episode.
Thanks for the OUAT scoop, but can you ask about Robin and Regina scoop without anybody, especially not Zelena next time? We haven’t heard anything about them in a very long time.
Omg I really miss Orphan Black! Can’t wait for the new season!!
I fell in love with You’re the Worst binge watching the first season but the second season became so dark and depressing it became a show I stopped watching. I did come back and catch the season finale after they kind of resolved Gretchen’s depression for now. But here is the deal, I don’t tune into a sarcastic comedy to see real issues being dealt with, I watch it for the dark comedy. So, can we just move on?
I’m so sick of Michael, can’t they get Jamal a new boyfriend on empire
Its been a while since Ive been as nervous/excited for the fate of couple as I am for Jackson & April’s.. I REALLY hope they dont break up.. Patiently waiting for 12×11.
Love Hook and Emma pic you’ve used!<333 I am excited about Milah's return,can't wait to see her meeting with Hook and Emma.It's going to be Super Awkward!!! and I love it!
Thank you for something on Bones Hodgins and Angela can get thru this, this should be a good story for them
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