Thorin Oakenshield Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 14

Kammie-Darnold said …
There's always that one character that should exist in real life... Posted over a year ago
lilyZ said …
Oh, we're only 92, but we already have full club status ;)) Yay!!! Posted over a year ago
lilyZ said …
"The key to seeing into Thorin's heart is through his eyes." -Richard Armitage Posted over a year ago
flowerdrop commented…
When an actor such as Richard Armitage puts his heart and soul into creating a character.... over a year ago
lilyZ said …
“I remember having this obsession with wanting to know what it felt like to be there on the day that the dragon attacked. And so I was like, “What was he doing in the morning? What happened through the course of that day? And the wind changed, and then this hurricane happened. Where was his father? Where was his grandfather? What did it feel like to go through that day when, effectively, a holocaust struck, or a nuclear bomb hit Erebor?”
—     Richard Armitage about Thorin Posted over a year ago
lilyZ said …
“The difficulty with Thorin is that he enters the story on the edge of failure, but with everything to win. I remember thinking when I first read the scene for the casting, that here was a character who felt like a dying ember, yet with the energy and hope to reignite into the furnace that once powered this great warrior. But, he has all the potential to fail... Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
... I connect personally with that last sentiment. I was never really sure if I could pull this role off; I felt secretly that many others also felt the same and it’s one of the reasons I could never sit down on set (I am a pacer, apparently). I could never rest. ” — Richard Armitage, on his character Thorin over a year ago
fanfly said …
Love the new spot look! Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
Aww, thank you! <3 over a year ago
Sakkara98 commented…
Yeah,the new spot look is awesome !! over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
Thanks! :) over a year ago
lilyZ said …
“He’s [Bilbo] the beating heart of the story that you want to protect and you want to make sure survives. Thorin is the soul, really. He’s the experience, he’s the spirit of the dwarves and their kingdom and this whole bowl that holds the heart in their hands. And that’s how I see it. And they sit in harmony with each other, I think, and are changed by each other.”
—     Richard Armitage Posted over a year ago
RowanKat said …
Never thought there will be a moment for me to desire the impossible --- or is that really impossible?... I believe there's the way to do something to keep Thorin alive in the movie >< I'm going absolutely mad. One of the links above, about petition --- it vaguely stimulates me to do anything I can... Posted over a year ago
lilyZ said …
"The thing that I […] took further was this idea of this flawed character, somebody that had doubts and that had fears, and there was a gentle side to him and a very perhaps lonely side to him, which is less pompous than the character in the book."

- Richard Armitage Posted over a year ago
RinRinderua said …
So wonderfull image I haven't seen since youth! Thorin looks as a man who must be loved! And they are so different with Richard! Magestic transfiguration! Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
Yeah, Richard is the perfect Thorin <333 over a year ago
Sinna_Hime_chan said …
I am number 24~~ and a proud Tolkien fan! The movie mainly exceed my expectations and so did Thorin! Posted over a year ago
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
*EXCEEDED~ and WOO! <333333 over a year ago
big smile
lilyZ said …
“I was also a mad fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and watched the films over and over. I secretly wish I had been in them – in fact, not so secretly! The first time I was on set looking into the eyes of Ian McKellen, I was desperately trying to stay in character while something inside me kept saying ‘That’s Gandalf!’”
—     Richard Armitage is a huge fanboy (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Official Movie Guide) Posted over a year ago
drewjoana said …
I had to join this spot, I think Richard Armitage is a brilliant actor! Also he is a Gorgeous Man;) Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
I start liking this man XD over a year ago
drewjoana commented…
You have to like him! Its an Obligation!:) over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
XD over a year ago
lovebaltor said …
Hehe awesome spot! Glad to see how many new fans Richard has gotten thanks to this awesome role! ;) Posted over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
Glad to hear that, though I didn't have enough time to make a better banner/icon :) I really hope he'll get even more fans and of course he's amazing as Thorin ;D over a year ago
lovebaltor commented…
The icon and banner are fine! (The icon is adorable <33) Yes he is! :D over a year ago
lilyZ commented…
I'm going to make a new banner as soon as possible ;D over a year ago