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MebeComandini said about Megaman
hi I LOVE MEGA MAN NO PERSON LOVES ROCK LIKE AS I DO!!!!!!!!!! Know do you think that is weird for a girl to be crazily abbsused with mega man? because i get made fun of because of that. please help! thanks i love mega man! :-) Posted over a year ago
emeraldcoast55 commented…
Those people that make fun of you don't know what they're missing out on. You're not the only girl that likes Megaman games :) over a year ago
NagisaFurukawa- commented…
No its common for a girl to like MegaMan. If girls can like Marvel and DC boy stuff. Than tell everyone that and tell them that a girl is allowed to like MegaMan there is no law aginist it. if a girl can like Marvel and DC than a girl can like MegaMan. over a year ago
MebeComandini said …
MEGA MAN ROCKS!!! Posted over a year ago