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mia444 gave me props for my answers
hey girl will you please join my new club? link. If you do join please let me knoe so I can give you your props for joining I'm trying to get as many fans as possible so it doesn't get deleted. I'd really appreciate it! have a great day! Love, Mia Posted over a year ago
mia444 commented…
by the way if you do you join please feel free to add whatever you like. have you read breaking Dawn Part 1&2? Or seen the movies? Cuz my favorite book/movie is Breaking Dawn part 1!!! it's soooo good ;-) anyways I just thought I would tell u incase u hadn't read/watched them over a year ago
eclipserosalie said …
r u team edward of jacodo Posted over a year ago
kaitijo commented…
Definitely Edward. But oddly my favorite book was New Moon over a year ago
Janni gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Great quizes on the Twilight spot:D Posted over a year ago
IcelandGirl812 gave me props for my images
Oif! I forgot to mention this down there! Where did you get the drawing of Edward and Bella in the meadow? I really love it because I always had a hard time imagining how he could have his one hand in hers, but she's still on the opposite side of him...If I'm making any sense about that...Anyway, it's a cool picture!!! Posted over a year ago
IcelandGirl812 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Thanks for all the awesome questions you make/have made!!!! I love answering trivia questions and you help by creating the actual questions on here!!! =D Posted over a year ago