Maggie Maria

Fanpopping since December 2006

  • Female, 33 years old
  • United Kingdom
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Dedicated Fan in 15 clubs Dedicated (15) Die-Hard Fan in 2 clubs Die-Hard (2)

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toechana gave me props for my videos
hello Posted over a year ago
matvanbur gave me props for my videos
Hi there!

I am totally new here and just recently discovered Torchwood and of course quickly became addicted. . I live in Pittsburgh and was hoping to make it to San Diego to see the big Comic Con show, but cannot, then I came across this video offer, link.

Do fans like this stuff? Do people sign up?? I did, I would love to see what happens when it gets to 1000!! Posted over a year ago
peace_flower gave me props for my polls
love your pics!!!!! Posted over a year ago
portia072402 commented…
hey whats up? over a year ago