Fantasy Gifted Academy:) RP

YellowCow posted on Aug 02, 2011 at 02:37AM
Props To Greeny For Helping Me Make This!

Gifted Academy Is The Nicest Academy In The Entire World For Teenagers. Everyone That Attends Seems To Get Into Harvard, Juliard Or Yales. You Have To Be Rich, Or Get A Scholarship. Being Musically Talented, Smart or Artistic Gets Scholarships. But There's A Secret. Hidden Away, Under A Floor Board In The Girl's Bathroom, Is A Book, A Charmed Book That Whatever You Write In It Comes True. A Book Club, That Only The Scholarship Students HAVE To Join, Find The Book And All Read The Oath. The Oath...Oddly....Gives Them Each ONE Ability. And The Knowledge That They Are Now The Guardians And Protectors Of This Book. They Must Protect It From Anyone Who Tries To Get It. This Book Can Kill. This Book Can Destroy. This Book Can Bring Life. And This Book Is Under Your Protection.

Required Info Below ^_^



Scholarship Or Rich?:(If Scholarship Name Gift)



* Pic If Wanted^_^ *

Again:) Thanks Greeny!!


Caroline, Plays Electric Guitar, Has The Best Singing Voice, Dances Awesomely- YellowCow (Me)
Zoe Damien, Really Good In English- Greenstergirl
Zane Damien, Plays The Drums & Is Way Good- Greenstergirl
Isabella Marcus, Rich, Has A Scholarship, & Has A Talent For Singing-Rapunzeleah123
Alexon, Artistic, Can Draw Future Without Knowing- Alex13126
Levi Summers, Dancer- POPclogger216
Ella, Scholarship-she's a prodigy actress with a great voice-ArtemisDiana
Joe Kolsby, Scholarship, Sketching and painting-Demititan
Stella, Scholarship Or Rich?: Scholarship- Has a mesmerizing voice, with wicked dance moves, & some electric guitar!!- percyLover101
Alice James, Scholarship, very flexible- monkey0502
Portgaz D. Ace, Amazing author & illusionist- sonoboreas
Tiara Carter, scholarship for her great skills in writing and is pretty good at singing but can't dance- pink-bookworm
last edited on Aug 04, 2011 at 07:53PM

Fantasy 353 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 353

over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"That makes sense. We have to protect it with our lives. In the wrong hands..." I shuddered at the thought.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
"Bad things would happen..."
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Really bad things....... Who's going first?"
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I stepped forward. "If nobody else wants to, I will. I never lose stuff."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Okay.... Here.." I handed her the book,"Guard it with your life! And I'll take the next one..."
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"And I after..."
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"And so the cycle goes on...."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"With my life?" I laughed. "I hope nobody at this school tries to kill me."
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Name: Abbigale "Abby" Clarkson

Age: 15

Scholarship Or Rich?: Scholorship, She is Prodigy in Violin and Piano

Personality: Shy, Kind, Gentle, Happy, Kind to freinds, Protective, Independent, Loyal

Looks: Picture
last edited over a year ago
Name: Abbigale "Abby" Clarkson

Age: 15

Scholarship Or Rich?: Scholorship, She is Prodigy in Violin
over a year ago POPclogger216 said…
"I'll go next, after Stella," I said.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
i laughed, but went back to serious,"Then again... If someone knew about this book..... They could kill to get to it..."
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
"They probably would. I have an idea...can I see the book real quick?"
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I handed it to her.
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
(Where r u guys?)
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"What are yah doing?" i asked looking over her shoulder.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
(We're in the bathroom i think...)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I bit my bottom lip then took out my pencil. Quickly I drew the book in my notebook. I laid the book on top of the drawing. The book disappeared.
"It worked." I breathed. "The book's now in the notebook."
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
(k thanks!)

I walked into the bathroom and my eyes widened. "Ah, hell, I'm so sorry!" I saif my face red. "I didn't mean to-- I'm new and I was looking for the math room and ..." I trailed off.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"no it's fine...... And Whoa!! That was a great idea!!"
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I closed my notebook and gave it to Isabella. "Careful it has some of my drawings in it." I whispered under my breath. I turned towards the new girl.
"It's fine."
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
I put my violin case behind my back. "Still, I didn't mean to-- I'll just go..." I opened my mouth then closed it. I hurried to the door.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"She didn't have to leave......" I said to the everyone staring after the girl who Erna out the door.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"No, wait!" I said, smiling. "What's your name?"
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
I turned around. "Abby Clarkson." I said looking at the floor embarrassed.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Hey Abby..... I'm Stella... Stella Johnson..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"I'm Isabella Marcus."
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
"Nice to meet you..." I trailed off. "I have to go. Violin Lessons. Fame never stops. Bye." I hurried back towards the door.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"Bye," I said.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Bye?' i said watching the girl leave the room...
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"I don't always hang out in the girls bathroom!" I called after she left, not wanting to give the wrong impression.
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
"Wait a minute", I said. I had the marker that had came with the book. I had an idea.
I wrote in my sketch pad, "someone get me out of here".
In the notepad the book opened on a page that spelled out, "Someone get me out of here", in tiny scrawly writing.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Well... You about to start..... okay guys lets meet here everyday to trade off the book Okay?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"Sounds good." I gently grabbed the book and a pencil and wrote:'There is a safe place to hide this book.'
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Okay..... Isabella take the book meet back here tomorrow at like... i don't know... 2:00?"
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I looked up at Isabella. "If you want you can keep the book in the notebook. Just make sure you don't lose it. Also if you want you can look at my drawings." I blushed knowing they weren't very good. To me anyway.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
"UGH", I yelled and snapped the marker in half in frustration.
The notepad gave a small shudder in (sonoboreas's) hand
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
"Okay...... Well.... i gotta get to class... Meet you guys back here tomorrow..."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
(I'm holding it now)
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
My characters name is Ace haha.

"Are you alright there?" I asked.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I grabbed my backpack. "I better go too."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled, putting the notebook in my backpack. "And thanks, Alexon. Yeah let's catch class."
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"Me too I guess, I think I have Geometry next."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I checked my schedule. "Same."
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
I drew a picture of the Gifted Academy and ripped it out.
I folded it up into a paper airplane and muttered, "find you way home", and threw it where it flew off into the distance.
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
"Awesome." I replied,"I'm not really sure where anything here is though."
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
(is no one gonna remember that I FELL THROUGH THE BOOK INTO ENGLAND)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I ran off to my History class.