Fantasy The University of Dreams RP

MagicUnicorns16 posted on Aug 18, 2011 at 07:43PM
This is the school. The school of outcasts, and those who have powers that they have bound up all their lives.
Now, my friends, is the time to unwind those powers, to let them shine through the world as though you were the sun.
There are hard times, but the good will overcome them.
There is grief, but happiness will overcome it.
There is death, but life with rule supreme.
Do you need to show your power?
Do you want to be appreciated?
Then this school is the place for you.

**Info & Such**



Appearance (Add Picture if Wanted/Needed):


Special Ability:

Other Facts/Ability Info:

Please Do NOT Be Overpowering, Rude, Hateful, Ect., To Any Other Characters/Fanpop Users. If This Event Occurs, The Roleplay WILL BE DELETED And Will NOT Be Put Back Up.
last edited on Aug 19, 2011 at 01:32AM

Fantasy 736 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 736

over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I tear the dear apart limb by limb and eat its meat
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i was just about full when i noticed the moon was setting. i howled then ran back to the university, shifting to human in my rooms. i fall asleep on my bed not even bothering to take a bath. that could be done in the morning.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I see the moon setting,I give a big howl and jump all the way into University,shifting human along the way.I take a quick shower and go to sleep
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i woke up. man my jaw hurt.i lifted my hand to massage it and noticed it was covered in blood. i looked down at my hands. they had dirt and red stuff. i sniffed it.blood. i looked into my bedside mirror. my mouth was coated in dried blood. god, what did i do last night?
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I wake up with my shoulders hurting.My whole body was covered in blood.MY whole body ached in pain.I get up and almost fall down
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
I wake up, my head pounded. I was outside...? Then I remembered. I got punched in the head by a girl... Ouch. I enter the school.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I took another shower then walk down to the school
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
whoa whoa, i thought he too a shower before he went to bed?^^

i took a quick shower and comb my hair. i through on a random outfit-which happens to be leather-and run to get some breakfast. i grabbed an omelet and sat at a small table and rubbed my eyes, trying to remember what happened yesterday. i look up when someone sits at the table.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
((He completely soaked in blood,...somehow))

I eat a quick-breakfast and go to my first class,early
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
slightly disturbing.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I start to glow and I change clothes to
A brown shirt

A black leather jacket

A black leather belt that connects in the middle with a sliver trident

Black jeans

Green,Sliver,and Blue nikes.

I sit at my desk and fumble with my memory of what happened last night
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
....gosh. will someone come on and sit at shadow's table? or knowitall, can the people we had discussed sit down? probably not.
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
On a mobilephone can t post gonna die
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
now, is that a yes or a no?
over a year ago Xenok15 said…
(is it too late to join?)
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
((I don't know.))
I walk slowly down to breakfast and sit at the one empty table. I'm alone, just the way I like it.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I sit next to Shadow
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
That s a be patient (dam you phone) will be abel to post in 2 days

over a year ago greekgirlA said…

"hello. how has your day been so far?" i asked him.(i totally forgot his name)

[by the way, it is never too late for anything]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
((His name is Alvin))

"Not fine at all,I woke up with a layer of blood on me"
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(how original.)

i snapped my head up and said, "you too?" then i mentally kicked myself in the butt for saying that.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Yeah"I kick my foot on the ground
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
"i woke up with dries blood on my mouth, think that's freaky? i can't remember last night." i said then finished my food. "later." said and headed to my locker.
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
*****************************************­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*I ran ...
thousands of scents, thousands of sounds, thousands of pictures, thousands of thoughts going through my head and I ignored them all.
The only thing that mattered was running away as the Dunkle gebrochenes guards followed me a pack of shapeshifters brainwashed to follow orders since birth and all of them after me.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(brainwashed? that was not in what we talked about.)

i grabbed my books and sat in my next class, for the first time ever, early.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
((can i make another person??))
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
my guess is yes. act first, then ask. ask forgiveness, not permission.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I go to my first class,early.Just to play with the teacher I make his worst fear appear
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Name: May Duza


Appearance: Dark green hair with a life of it's own, no one knows her eye-color because she always wears sunglasses, even at night. She has darkish skin and is tall. She is also very thin

Personality: Really nice unless you take her sunglasses(she will go off on you)

Special Ability: Can turn people to stone

Other Facts/Ability Info: She hate her ability
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
right. dose she perhaps call herself, Auntie "M"?

i hold tight in class, hoping my head wouldn't explode. then i ran out of class two minutes early. i just barely made t to the bathroom in time.
i literately jumped out of my skin and into a new one. for a hole minute i sat in wolf form in the first stall. then i shifted out and i heard a knock on the stall door. "you ok?"
"fine." i called. who would be concerned about me?
"i saw you run out, do you need and help?"
"could you get my books?"
"already did. what happened?"
i made up a lie. "puked." i head an intake of breath. "stomach flue?" again i lied. "ya. mind if tell the principle i am sick?"
"why not go to the nurses office?" now i was caught. if i shifted to wolf in the office i was screwed. they knew i was a shape shifter but they thought it was dog and that i had control over it.
i sighed."i don't think it's the flue."
"oh." then i realized how it must of sounded and said, "no! no! not like that! it's my power acting up." decided to lie by telling the truth. i opened the door and saw________.
(who wants to be in the bathroom?)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I stay in the classroom,my head buzzing like crazy,itching to use my power
over a year ago Sara_the_best said…
Name: Sarah Ross


Appearance : Picture

Personality:Quirky, Cute, Funny, Caring, Sweet, Nice, will give anybody a chance

Special Ability:can control fire,water,earth and air

Other Facts:is good with fire and water but not so good with earth and air
Name: Sarah Ross


Appearance : Picture 

Personality:Quirky, Cute, Funny, Caring, Sweet, Nice
over a year ago Sara_the_best said…
I follow Shadow to the bathroom
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
um, no, she doesn't. Just May.
over a year ago emoboycry said…
big smile
(Hello im new to this and i like to join <(^-^<) )
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
?????i am confused, who is in the bathroom with shadow? ok, that sounded weird.
over a year ago Sara_the_best said…
I am
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i see a new girl and smile. i take my books and wave bey. then i head to my room to lay down. stupid wolf stomach, puking up food.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i lay down on my ed and fall asleep. then i wake up and head to lunch.
(since no one posted assumed i could fast forward.)
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
I could hear my pursuers coming closer and closer, step by step and then ...
I could hear the sound of battle.I glanced back.Behind me was chaos, I assumed some of the shapeshifters started a riot ,but I didn`t see the point until two of them broke of and ran away from the others.They were the ones that started it and then used the confusion to distract the others and give them selves a head start .Brilliant ,but when they ran past me I realized I had no idea where I was going so I did what a wolf would do I followed them.

(she is following a leopard and a cheetah)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
The teacher faints by the time I'm done and I eat lunch and go to my dorm
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(perfect.) woops. sorry emoboycry i forgot about that post, ya sure, join in.
after eating lunch i head to the work out room and spend some time on the tread mill. then i start on the weird inflatable ball thing. then i work out on the bench for a bit before starting off for my room. i run into may on my way-hey look, i'm a poet and i didn't even now it!
"oh, hey may. how is you life?"
"ya, mine too. i think i'll be kicked out of this school n the next month or maybe two."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Well, that's not very good." I push my sunglasses higher up on my nose. Kronia rounds the corner.

"Hey May, and hi, Shadow." I say, smiling.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I charge through the halls
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
"hey kronia. how long do you thik I'll last in this school if i-" i cut off to tun toward the next corner, someone was barreling right down it.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"If what?? You start running like a mentally unstable person?"
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
" or a complete wacko. or a dingo. or a diseased maniac. not Maniac Maggie though."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"In that case, I'd say probably about a week or so."

I laugh. "Not to be rude, but that's kinda true."
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
I couldn`t see them any more ,I thought I lost them when something launched itself from the tree behind me.It was the leopard ,"and what do we have here?" He said pinning me against the ground "Take it easy " someone else replied.I looked at the direction the sound came from.It was the cheetah
"why should I?" asked the leopard
"Because they were after her ,if she was on their side we wouldn`t have escaped "
"Because of her we almost didn`t escape "
While they were fighting I noticed the leopard didn`t pay so much attention to me and I saw my chance ,within a second I was back at my feet and running.As I looked at there shocked faces I shouted "Are you going to waste your energy on fighting or running away?" a smile went across the cheetahs face within seconds he was next to me.I was impressed
"So what`s your name wolfy?" he asked
"Which name do you want?" I replied ,He grinned
"The real one"
" Emily yours ?"
" I said your real name"
" That is my real name and that behind us is Stealth"
" Well then Stalker do you know where`re heeded too ?"
"Yes, we`re heeded to the university of dreams "
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…

My enhanced hearing picks up the conversion between Stalker and Emily.My feet make cracks in the ground as I bolt through the hallways