Random Role Playing Territory Love

x-Yumi-x3 posted on Sep 07, 2014 at 09:14AM
(Anyone can join it's a lot of fun with a lot of people. c: )

You're in a city full of mystical creatures, Ghouls, Vampires, Fairy's, Demons, Zombies, Humans, anything you can think of. But there's a war going on between the creatures a territory war. Each creature must fight there way to earn that city, because that's the only place in the world that has not been claim. It's called No Mans Land.
The city is peaceful in the day time. but at night it's a hell whole. You're better of safe inside your house than outside in the war zone. The creatures will fight until the death, until they're the only ones left and they're the ones that owns No Mans Land.

This is were the RPING comes in, I don't want this RP to be full of fighting, I want there to be romance jealously, killing, and drama.
I need people who are good at RPing with two different people at once or more and also who are good a improving. Meaning if no one is RPing with you at the moment I still want your character to have there own life. Be creative.

I will not allow anyone's character to get killed but they can get hurt badly. You character is not the most powerful super villain in the world therefore do not make your character over powered I want them to actually get hurt. I want this RP to be realistic.
No one liners.
Sex is allowed not to detailed.
Profanity also.
Don't be afraid to be a human.
If you don't plan on staying in this RP DON'T JOIN. Simple.

Other info/Past:

Have fun, this rp isn't as serious as it sounds you're the one who controls your own life. If you don't like that there's a war going on find a way to change it!
My goal for this rp is for everyone to be creative, insanity is not a problem.
Oh and one more thing, falling in love with another spies is forbidden.
pursuers will be killed.
(Anyone can join it's a lot of fun with a lot of people. c: )

You're in a city full of mystical cr
last edited on Sep 26, 2014 at 12:56PM

Random Role Playing 421 replies

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over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres shakily got to her feet. She was thankful he true to mask the scent of her blood, but she wouldn't say so. She looked at him once before leaving his house, wondering why she thought any of that had been a good idea. Now she just had to find a spot to be where nothing would find her, just until her wound healed. She staggered slightly, still light headed from the blood loss, but then managed to find a little cut out in a wall and she sat down. This was going to be a long day.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
He watched her as she left, then put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. He laid on his bed and blew out smoke. " Vincent!" Akira called, "mhmm?" Vincent replied. "Would it be okay if I went and found that fairy and killed her, after the meeting?" he asked. Vincent looked at the window and answered softly. "Why are you asking me....the little fairy is nothing to me." Well he guess, he wasn't sure how he felt about her or why he even helped her in the first place.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
Genesis turned her head back with a glare. "You dare try to stop me from leaving? Or are you just so arrogant that you expect every girl you meet to fall over at your feet." She turned back away from him and kept walking. "You creatures are all the same, no sense at all..."

James' eyes flickered back and forth from between the shadows. If whoever this was was trying to kill him, he had next to nothing in means of defending himself. Growling, he stepped forward and grabbed towards the darkness, his hand closing on someone's shoulder. He jumped back in surprise. "Alright, get out here already!"
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin threw his door open and headed straight to the kitchen. He pulled a plastic water bottle filled with blood out of the fridge and took a large drink from it. "I needed that."

"What you need is some manners," Ava grumbled under her breath as she stalked to her bedroom.

Collin chuckled and tossed a wadded up towel at her back. "And what you need is to lighten up a bit. You know I would never hurt you, Ava. We've been a duo for too long for me to turn on you now."

Ava rolled her eyes and shut her door behind her before checking the blinds to make sure they were shut. She then flopped down onto her bed and was out within seconds.

Collin listened to her soft snoring, a smile on his face. He finished his bottle of blood and went to the couch. The bottled blood wasn't enough to quench his thirst; it never was. The pretense was for Ava's sake. If he wasn't in a place where the Fireflies were active, he would have gone hunting hours ago. But the sun is out now. There's no way in hell I'm going now, he thought to himself.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres found a little spot a little less than a block from Vincent's place and curled up. She hadn't been tired before, but after that she was exhausted, her boddy needing to heal. She had found herself strangely fascinated with him. He had been both kind – which was rare in itself – and yet not and it drove her crazy, and drew her attention even more.


Kovu just nodded at her response. "Well I haven't slept in a long time, and I haven't eaten. So first I'm gonna get some shut eye and if you're still here we'll find food, if you're not then it doesn't matter." he says, stretching out by the fire.
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin groaned as he felt his fangs pierce his lips, the stinging pain shot straight to his head. Damn, he thought to himself, I need blood. There's no way to escape it now- I let myself get too thirsty. Collin bent over himself, another groan escaping, and his claws digging into the palms of his hands as he clenched them into fists. He stumbled towards the door, his lip bleeding slightly. There had to be somebody in the building that wouldn't be missed. He caught a scent-a homeless woman in the back alleyway- and felt himself lose control of the monster; his eyes glowed, and his body guided him to his prey. The woman was digging through the trash bins for food when he arrived. Naturally, she was overcome with his beauty, and terrified of his presence. He was on her within moments, and she was drained of all life before she could register what was going on. Collin grinned, his face and shirt covered in her blood. The feeling of blood pulsing through his mouth was better than heaven- he decided that long ago. Not surprisingly, his fangs didn't retract. The thirst remained unquenched. He followed his nose to another homeless person, this time a man. Collin wasted decided to take his time with this one; it made the experience more enjoyable. The man clawed at Collin's back and tried desperately to break free from him, his fight slowly leaving him as his energy and lifeblood were drained. Collin laughed loudly, dropping the body and wearing a massive grin. The beast had been quenched, but now he needed something more human. He thought about returning to Ava, knowing she couldn't refuse his advances because of the whole 'sired' thing, but decided against it, and headed towards the strip bar on the corner.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Josh raised his eyebrow. "I'm not stopping you from leaving. But just note, the world out there is cruel, lady. And to found someone as sweet as me is rare that you shouldn't have waste it. However, I don't care." Josh headed to opposite direction of Genesis while muttered. "Why one human girl could be so annoying....."

Sumire felt someone touched her shoulder and she jumped in surprise, shrieked. She is someone who always easily get surprised. She jumped backwards, her back hit the wall behind her. She slid down on the wall, rubbed her upper arm. Her body glowed slightly, drive the shadow away from her. She sat down with her back against the wall, winced. "Aww...."
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Akira walked off smirking, "that's what I thought you'd say." Vincent laid there for a few minutes and got up. He took his phone and played one of his favourite songs, while he took his clothes off and stepped in the shower. As he washed himself he wondered if the fairy made it back safely or not but every time he did he'd catch himself and thought about other things.
Akira yelled at Vincent, "I'm gone!" He didn't care if he actually heard him or not and left out the door.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres had fallen into a half asleep-half awake state. Everytime she sensed something she would immediately be awake, and she wouldn't go back to sleep until she had confirmed that whatever it was wasn't coming to her. She needed to find a place like her last one, but for now she just needed another hour or so and ten she could be off. Since it was daylight she would have a harder time getting around without being noticed, but it would also be slightly safer. She jumped again as something came too close for comfort, and then it passed. She shut her eyes again. Just one more hour. She thought distantly.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Vincent got out the shower and put on a pair of dark skinny jeans some converse and a t shirt and left out his house. He had to walk because it was morning and he could be spotted by Doves. That was fine and all but that's not something he'd want to get into right now. Vincent stared up into the sky it was more sunny than usual and he got sun burnt very easily so he went into the Jazz Hut to cool off.
x-Yumi-x3 commented…
Oops not Doves, *fireflies over a year ago
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin tumbled to the ground, landing on his butt, as he was kicked out of the bar. "Your women weren't even that hot, anyway," he muttered. He looked up in time to see Vincent going into the Jazz Hut and decided to follow. Maybe they've got better beer in there, her thought, Better looking women too.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa wasn't going anywhere. Mostly because this place was safe. Unlike Kovu, she ha slept the night before, and so now she just waited patiently. Keeping the fire going, sometimes getting up and walking around. She even fell asleep for a little while with nothing better to do anyway. After a couple of hours še was getting close to going and waking Kovu up, only to stop and remind herself she could leave whenever she wanted.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Vincent walked in and sat at the bar, there weren't many people in there because most vampires were sleep during the day. He went and order a drink called Plasma, which was of course humam blood but by keeping there well being a serect they changed the name. It was secretly a vampire own place after all.
He sat there drinking while staring at the TV above him.
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Ava growled as she watched Collin enter the Jazz Hut from her window. The sun was byrning her eyes and she could already feel the all too familiar stinf of a sunburn. But she couldn't let Collin wander around town with the Fireflies skulking around every street corner. You're going to owe my big time for saving your ass, she thought as she pushed a pair of sunglasses upbher nose, preparing to retrieve him before he got himself into trouble. She walked out of the building and out in to the burning sun, cursing it and Collin as she hurried to the hut.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Kovu woke up a few hours later. Surprised that Narissa was still there. "well, well...I honestly didn't expect ya to stay around." he says, getting up and stretching. "Well come on then, let's go find some food, I'm starved and there's a place not far from here." he says. Making to leave the building they were in.


Eres woke up exactly an hour later, she was relieved no one else had come around. She got up and found herself walking to where she ha been earlier, where she ran into Vincent. There was more in that area and she might find some of the things she needed.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
Genesis continued walking, muttering under her breath. "Annoying little... Some people..." She turned a corner and tried to push the thoughts of the man from her mind. She wasn't about to be deterred from her duty by one measly creature. 'I still don't know what he is...' she thought. She started to walk past a row of apartments, occasionally glancing up at the empty windows. "I wonder how many who live there are actually human," she murmured to herself.

James tripped over a soda can and hit his head on the wall behind him. "Son of a..." he muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "Dammit, enough screwing around! Get out here already!" He really needed to do something about his vision. He stood up, arms crossed. Whatever was hiding back there was either a girl or a little kid, so he wasn't all that worried.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
He sat there drinking his drink while looking at the screen above him, TV: In today's news the Fireflies have caught over 12,000 creatures in the past year. If we continue we should be able to get all of them killed and caught by 2016. News girl talks to a Firefly agent, which just so happen to be Zero.
Zero: Yes by 2016 they should be gone, so night you..animals be watch out. Or break a leg which ever you'd prefer or I'll do it for you of course. He smirks.
Vincent rolls his eyes at the television, "Psh."
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin scoffed loudly. "Oh, my. Twelve thousand in the past year? Every year, no, every day more and more creatures are created; 2016 my arse."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
Josh was jumping from the roof to roof, going to nowhere. He didn't know where to stay tonight. Maybe he will end up on the road again, just like last night. He was jumping lightly, not too fast, not too slow. He looked down, when he saw James in another dark alley.

Sumire stepped out of the darkness, pouting and facing James. "What do you want?! Don't surprise me like that!" Her hand still rubbed her bruised arm from hitting the wall earlier. She looked to James, annoyed expression at her face.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
He glanced at the girl and chuckled, " Ha you're right, they 're idiots." He takes another sips finishing it. "Actually I don't think they know how many of us there is, in the end I'd say the number of humans is what is decreasing."
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin shook his head. "A world without humans? Sounds like a world I don't want to live in. "
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres found herself approaching the Jazz Hut and a market ace just a little further down. She wa going to keep walking and then decided a drink would be nice. She walked into the Jazz Hut and was about to go find a table in a corner when she saw Vincent. "Shit..." she mutters, not even understanding how she manage to go to the same place. She turned to leave, hoping she left before he smell made it to people who's unwanted attention she would get.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa followed after him. Not trusting him still, she didn't even know his name. "Where ate we going?" she asks him.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Kovu smiled slightly. "A place called the jazz hut, good drinks, okay food." he says. "If you drink blood, or need flesh I'll let you figure that out yourself." he says, leading her inside. He was all smiles, until he saw her. She was so famine that it stopped him in his tracks. "Eres...?" he practically whispers as he watches the outline of a girl trying to leave the bar. She looked like she was in a hurry, but something was off.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
Genesis sighed, turning another corner. She made it to her apartment complex and went upstairs, unlocking her door. She closed her eyes and locked the door behind her with a sigh. "Such a long night..." she murmured. Gen walked to her couch and flopped down, unstrapping her sword and laying it down next to her. She sighed and fell into a semi-sleep.

James rolled his eyes. "Whatever. How about you don't go sneaking around dark alley ways like an assassin, huh?" He looked at her, annoyance in his face. He didn't recognize her as the girl from before; faces tended not to stick with him unless he had gotten into a fight with the person. "What the hell are you even doing out here?"
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
"Oh really? I really don't care if they re alive or not. .although their blood does taste best." He flicked his hand up for another glass. Vincent glanced over to the door and turned back around not noticing who it was.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa looked to Kovu questioningly. "Who? Wait what's wrong?" she asks noticing his sudden change of attitude from cocky to...well she didn't even know how to describe it.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
"Eres..." he says again, still quiet before he pushes his way past people to the girl he saw. He grabbed her arm an spun her around so she was facing him.
When someone grabbed her arm Eres was ready to hit them hard, but she froze when she saw who it was. "Kovu?" she asks before wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging he brother close to her. "Oh my god I can't believe it's you." she says, trying no to cry. They had been seperated so long ago...
"I thought you were dead." Kovu says, gently stroking her hair in a comforting motion.
"I know. I know. I was so...I was afraid, I hated being alone, especially after losing mom and dad." she says, a few tears escaping.
"I just can't believe you're here." he says quietly, hugging her tighter. "Come, let's get a drink and celebrate." he says, leading her further in to a table in the back. He turned back. "I said you could come disnt I?" he says to Narissa, before continuing with Eres.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa hesitated. She didn't know who this girl was, and she wasn't very comfortable intruding. But at Kovu's urging, she decided to follow. She followed them to a back table, sitting down awkwardly. "You know this is like a strictly vampire bar right?" she asks Kovu and Eres.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Different scents of different creatures roamed around the restaurant, "mhmm.." he scanned the room while taking a sip of his drink. "I never knew other. Creatures came in here." He said to the bartender.
The bartender's eyes looked around, "mhp I didn't either at least not without an escort(vampire) along with." He pressed a button under the table and started mixing drinks.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
Josh slowly smirked and then sat down on the roof, careful not to making any sound that could make someone suspicious. He looked down at them, Sumire and James. The girl from before and the boy from before. He wants to know what will happen next, so leaned his head on the palm of his hand, elbow rested on his thigh.

Sumire raised one eyebrow, she used to act like one innocent girl but this man make she want to gone crazy. She crossed her arms, ignoring the pain of the bruise at her upper arm. "What am I doing here? And what are you doing here, Mr. Troublemaker?" The annoyance still existed at her face and it was clearly showing at her face.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
A waiter walked over to therr table, "Hi may I take your order?"
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Kovu grinned. "Sure do, that's why I come here. I can cause up a hell of a lot of trouble here." he says. Eres just sighs exasperatedly.
"You haven't changed. Come on we're leaving." She says, grabbing his arm and pulling him behind her. She looked to Narissa. "You can come, but I'm not staying here." she adds before trying to leave with Kovu who just smiled again. Sometimes Eres definitely acted like the older sibling.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
The waitress took a step back and stared at them, "Well If you need anything please don't hesitate to call me."
Vincent still talking to the bartender in front of him finished his drink, and watched the news. "God humans are stupid. "
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa followed them, not sure why she was tagging along with them. What was their relation again? Did they say? There wasn't a soppy reunion so she assumed they were family, but still. She ran after them to catch up, running past Vincent just as he was saying how stupid humans were, and then she was outside again.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
"That wasn't an answer," James said, his annoyance heightening. "And I wasn't the one sneaking around in the shadows. I was taking a walk; you're the one acting suspicious here, sister." He glared at her. "So you either answer me now or leave before I get pissed." He really didn't define between genders when it came to his anger; there was only those who got in his way.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
As Vincent looked at the clock, he noticed he was going to be late he had an important meeting to go too. He said goodbye to the waiter and was about to leave.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire frowned, this guy was either so arrogant or stupid. He always messed up with someone who wasn't at his level. First, that guy from before. He wasn't a demon but at least he was not at his level. And then herself, a vampire+Angel. This guy was so.... ugh!! "And what will you do if I don't do either of them? What? You'll kill me?"

Josh chuckled at their conversation. This going to be interesting. He smirked.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
(Waiting on you guys before I respond)
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Once they wet out of the Jazz Hut, Kovu wrapped his arm around Eres and turned to Narissa. "So what would you ladies like to do?" he asks them. "Considering you don't appreciate my mode of fun." he adds with a grin.
"Fun? That's more like a suicide game. How are you even older than me when you act so immature?" Eres says, but behind the accusatory tone there was also teasing in her voice. "Any way, I don't know. I've been trying to lie low but that didn't work so well after my run in with a vampire." she says.
"Wait? What?! Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" Kovu asks, all joking suddenly gone.
"I'm fine, he only took blood from me twice, but he sort of saved my life. Besides he was cute." she adds. Kovu just glares at her.
"Don't get involved with their kind." he says warningly.
"Do you see him here beside me? No." she retorts. She then turns her gaze to Narissa. "I don't believe we've been introduced. I'm Eres." she says, holding out a hand for the other girl to shake.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
James felt his temper flare. This girl... He clenched a fist. "Sister... you know how to say the right things to piss a guy off." He gritted his teeth and glanced around to the alleyway. "First that pink-haired jackass and now you? You people really seem to have a thing for getting under my skin." He found what he wanted. A broken, lead pipe. He walked over and picked it up, looking at her evenly. "I'll take back my earlier statement; just leave. I'm sick and tired of dealing with you."

(I'll bring Gen back next post.)
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire gasped. She didn't thought that this guy would go this far. She slowly looked down for a moment to think about what she would do next. She didn't want to hurt anyone, especially human. After one minute, she looked up, at James' direction. She sighed while shook her head. "I don't want to have any problem with you, Mister. I just walking in this alley in my way home. I didn't mean to start this argument with you. This is very late in the evening, so I suggest that we both forget this matter and go home. I start to feel unsafe here." She would be very grateful if someone could accompany her to her house but she couldn't expect this guy to do it because of the matter they both just had.

Josh sighed. "Think now no entertainment here anymore.. I'll just take my leave now.." He muttered softly.
over a year ago teamsalvatore98 said…
Collin brought his drink to his lips and pretended to drink it, making a face of disgust as the smell reached his nose. I thought I ordered a glass of lager, he thought to himself as he wrinkled his nose, this smells like lemonade.

Ava growled as she entered the Jazz Hut, bumping past Vincent as she shoved towards Collin. "Sorry, sir," she muttered. Maybe you shouldn't stand right in front of the door, dumb ass. She rolled her eyes.

(I hope profanity is allowed. If not I'll edit that out >__> )
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa hesitated and then shook Eres's hand. "My name is Narissa." she says. She felt a little better. Eres seems kind and her brother seems more at ease now that she was around.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres smiled kindly. "Well, now that's settled. Let's get out of this area, I can feel my skin practically crawling with the amount of vampires and other things that are around." she says. Kovu nods.
"Fine, but before we get to far out of this area, I still want a drink and there's a liquor store not far from here."
"What is it with you and your alcohol?" Eres asks her older brother. He just shrugs.
"What is it with you and being kind to everyone?" he retorts. Eres just snorts in annoyance.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
( ...my bad I'm late, @team course it is )

Vincent shifted his eyes at the girl. "How about you look before you walk. MIS" He lit himself a cigarette and walked out the door. He smelt a familiar scent and but ignored it and kept walking.
" Vincent! " Akira yelled. "VINCENT! I know you fucking hear me ya dumb fuck!" But Vincent kept walking.
over a year ago AnimeAvarice said…
(I'm sorry, I've been really busy...)

James raised an eyebrow, his anger ebbing away. So... he may have overreacted. But so what? That wasn't a sin. Well, to an extent. He tossed the pipe down and stretched his arms, walking past her like nothing happened. "I'm glad to see that you're not stupid enough to pick a fight with me. And if you feel 'unsafe', here's a tip: don't go walking around in goddamn alleyways at night." He rolled his eyes and walked out, not glancing back at her. She seemed nice; what was someone like that doing in this city?

Genesis yawned and opened her eyes, dazed for a moment. Oh yeah. She fell asleep... Gen sat bolt upright- not her best idea, as her blood-pressure now was in a roller-coaster. Regaining her vision and balance, she shook her head and stood up, mentally berating herself for falling asleep. She'd just meant to rest a bit; not lose the entire night! What if something happened? She locked the door behind her and took the stairs two at a time, getting back to the main city.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire sighed and then walked away as well. But not so far then, a figure formed in the dark. She frowned, feeling something bad. Maybe this is why she felt unsafe...
The figure smirked and looked up. The moon is almost full... tomorrow will be a full moon night.. and she will took advantage on it. "Well hello my dear.." She said in elderly voice.
Sumire frowned, she known this voice. "Ka-Kaori?"
The figure gave an evil smile and darkness aura spreads, giving aura of fear and hatred.

Josh felt the dark aura as if it pulling him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the figure. He frowned, this night not going to be very well. He didn't said anything, just scooted closer to the figure. He have to survive... tonight...
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Never been so busy in my life, I'm sure it's the same for you guys. So it's okay if you only reply once a day.)

Akira got angry, "damn it Vincent!! Answer me." Vincent stopped walking. " what idiot?" Akira ignored that last comment and caught up to Vincent. " are you heading to the meeting? I heard he has something wonderful planned. " Vincent glared at Akira. "What do you mean?" Akira smiled, " Us Vampires are gonna take No Mans Land this place is going to be ours!" Vincent started back walking, "mhm is that so?"
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa follows cautiously behind the bickering siblings. It was such a normal thing that it was abnormal inthe world they lived in. She could her yelling, but not distinct words. She just wanted to get off the street. "Hey are we going back to your hideaway?" She asks Kovu, her eyes roaming over everything, as if waiting for some monster to jump out. And honestly, that was a possibility.