Random Role Playing Territory Love

x-Yumi-x3 posted on Sep 07, 2014 at 09:14AM
(Anyone can join it's a lot of fun with a lot of people. c: )

You're in a city full of mystical creatures, Ghouls, Vampires, Fairy's, Demons, Zombies, Humans, anything you can think of. But there's a war going on between the creatures a territory war. Each creature must fight there way to earn that city, because that's the only place in the world that has not been claim. It's called No Mans Land.
The city is peaceful in the day time. but at night it's a hell whole. You're better of safe inside your house than outside in the war zone. The creatures will fight until the death, until they're the only ones left and they're the ones that owns No Mans Land.

This is were the RPING comes in, I don't want this RP to be full of fighting, I want there to be romance jealously, killing, and drama.
I need people who are good at RPing with two different people at once or more and also who are good a improving. Meaning if no one is RPing with you at the moment I still want your character to have there own life. Be creative.

I will not allow anyone's character to get killed but they can get hurt badly. You character is not the most powerful super villain in the world therefore do not make your character over powered I want them to actually get hurt. I want this RP to be realistic.
No one liners.
Sex is allowed not to detailed.
Profanity also.
Don't be afraid to be a human.
If you don't plan on staying in this RP DON'T JOIN. Simple.

Other info/Past:

Have fun, this rp isn't as serious as it sounds you're the one who controls your own life. If you don't like that there's a war going on find a way to change it!
My goal for this rp is for everyone to be creative, insanity is not a problem.
Oh and one more thing, falling in love with another spies is forbidden.
pursuers will be killed.
(Anyone can join it's a lot of fun with a lot of people. c: )

You're in a city full of mystical cr
last edited on Sep 26, 2014 at 12:56PM

Random Role Playing 421 replies

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over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire pointed to a direction. "She's there! I know she's there!" She ran to the direction she pointed earlier, only to find Eres get bitten by a vampire and another vampire surround her. Her instinct make her run into Akira at vampire speed and shoved him away from Eres. "Sorry messed up your plan but this girl wasn't in the menu."
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Akira quickly stood up and cracked his back, "mhp." He quickly jumped and attacked Sumire. "You wanna die too? No problem." He grabbed the girl by the hair and slung her into the wall. He glanced at Vincent he had Eres in his arms. "Vincent! She's mine!"
Vincent holding the girl in his arms ran into another direction.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres went in and out of consciousness, not sure how Akira managed to make her so weak, she hadn't lost that much blood had she? She looked up when she realized she was actually being carried now. "Kovu?" she asks, but then realized it was Vincent, and not her brother. She was not disappointed though. She closed her eyes, truly blacking out this time.

Kovu followed Sumire, and got there just in time to see Her being slung into the wall. "Hey!" he shouted at Akira, by now Vincent was out of his sight, and he was afraid the other vamire (Akira) would vanish too so he called out, hoping to get his attention.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire frowned as she tried to get up silently. This is … the real … vampire's strength … Sumire sighed and wondered if she could compare her half vampire strength with his ... Hey, now isn't the time to worry about it! The fight!, a voice echoed in her head. Sumire sighed, she almost forgot about the fight. She make sure she could stand before stand up straight.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Akira groaned, "who ate those people?...I guess I'll have to drain them as well." He looked in the direction of where Vincent was and turn to Sumire. "...I'll deal with him later." Then turn to Kovu, " You bitches wanna fight? ...then come on!" Akira dashed towards kovu.
Vincent made his way out of the old building and on to a next by roof. He sat Here's down and stared at her he ran his fingers across the fang makers in her neck." Mhmm.." He pulled out a cigarette and lit in.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Kovu only looked briefly to Sumire, hoping she was okay, and then easily dodged Akira's first attack, but he wanted to fight he wanted Akira to hit him and cause him pain so he had even more of a reason to want to beat him to a pulp. "What the hell did you do to my sister?!" he asks, his anger obvious as he went after Akira.

The smell of the smoke and someone touching made Eres flinch and eventually open her eyes with a groan. She felt so weak, didn't know if she could really even move, but when she saw Vincent she could help wanting to shrink away from him. "Where are we, what are you going to do to me?" she asks weakly. At first she had thought he was helping her, she still thought that, but she couldn't be totally sure.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
When Narissa got there she saw Sumire on the ground and Kovu fighting and ran over to Sumire, afraid she was seriously hurt or something.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire took a deep breath to calm her heartbeat. Then she saw Narissa approaching, true, she was leaving behind a while ago. Because she and Kovu went to beat the vampire guy. But, looks like she was the one who got beaten here. She just give a weak smile to Narissa.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
"Are you alright? I can maybe help you." she says, kneeling down, glacing to Kovu as he fought with the vampire. She hoped he would be okay, that nothing would happen to him.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire nodded weakly and give another weak smile. "I'm fine, Narissa. I'm just a bit weak after using my magic so much and having that vamp throw me to the wall." Sumire answered. She didn't want anyone worried about her.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Akira smirked, "Hopefully I killed her haha!" He watched Kovu has he ran up to him. "Hit me.'

Vincent blew out more smoke and stared at her for a second without saying a word. He jumped on top of her and held her arms to the ground. "You talk to much."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres gasped in suprise and tried to struggle uder his weight, but she couldn't especially with him pinning her arms down. She looked up at him, she didn't know what he was planning to do, but she wasn't necessarily afraid either. "And you still haven't answered my questions." she says with the tiniest hint of a smirk.

Kovu snarled as he lunged for Akira. He feigned with his left, aiming for Akira's face, and with his right he went for his stomach. He would see how long he could hold out like this, but he was just itching to use his fire.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
He turned his head and turned it back. "What if I told you I didn't know how to answer your questions, what would you do?" He lifted one of his hands and put out he cigarette.
Akira was irritated taking the punch, he grabbed Kovu's arm and quickly pulled him close to his chest. And bit into his shoulder.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire sighed. "For now, I could only used physical strength huh..." Before Akira managed to suck his blood, Sumire was behind him and used the vampire strength to punch him and throw him to a wall. "Annoying brat..."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres just sighed, rolling her eyes. "Well there isn't a whole lot I can do right now is there?" she says, even only having one free hand she couldn't do much. "The only thing I could do is make assumptions, and I don't think you would like some of those." she adds with a tiny hint of a smile. "Surely you have some sort of plan or idea at least." she looks at him, almost challenging him to do something, anything while he had her trapped like this.

Kovu let out a grunt of pain as Akira bit into his shoulder, by the time Sumire came over his hands were already engolfed in flame. He decided not to wait, his ability to control fire could make this much more fun.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa got to her feet the same time Sumire did, she could bring plants up, even from under the concrete and hold the Vampire down. She did just that but she didn't think it would hold him for very long, she knew vampires had incredible strength.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Merry Christmas!)
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
(Merry Christmas you guys! Yes I'm late I'm and happy new years. Early lol)

Vincent got off of her and moved to the side. His hand on the back of his head. "...I guess I acted carelessly..." He gave her a grin. " I don't have a plan."

As Akira got headled to the ground his fangs where still in his shouldler he yanked it out creating a huge gash on Kovu. "I'll kill both of you."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres looked to him and couldn't help smiling back. "Well I'm glad you did." she says and then blushes a little. "I-I mean for helping me." she adds quickly, not wanting to make the situation and stranger than it already was. She sighed, and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on top of them. "Would you answer me if I asked why you chose to help me? I mean don't get me wrong, I am grateful for it, and I don't meant to be questioning your motives, I'm just curious." she says after a moment.

Kovu let out a grunt of pain as the vampire tore away at his shoulder. "Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" he shouted at Akira, taking to heed to the vampire's threat.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire's eyes turned red slowly, letting her vampire side took over. As she did, her personality changes. She snorted. "Oh yeah? Prove it, Mr. Big Mouth." She glared at Akira. Venom dripping and the glare is the one who want to burn holes into your chest (not literally of course).
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Vincent stared at the stars in the sky. " I don't know..I guess I'm not as evil as I thought." He hesitated then spoke. "I wasn't born here in No mans Land, I wasn't born a killer like most vampires ..I'm a little different." Seeing people die for no reason..I can't stand it.
He stood up, " but don't get me wrong, I am a vampire. So I must kill to live."
Akira smirked and ran towards kovu and kicked him into Simire. "now what bitch."

over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire caught Kovu and put him back to his feet. " Don't call me bitch! That's annoying to hear it from your mouth, loser." She moved behind him in a second and her knife slashing some part to his body, leaving lots of wounds before moving to safe distance from Akira.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres just nods. "We all have to do what it takes to live. It's killing for the sake of being the top so no one gets in the way, killing for the sake of fun, all of that is wrong. I'm glad you're not like that." She says. "I told you the first time I met you that I could help you find food. Te offer still stands, especially because you just saved me." She says quietly, not sure what he would think of her offer or any of what she had said.

Kovu made an odd growling noise at the back of his throat as Akira threw him to te side. Once Sumire was away from him he summoned his fire. He had fire nearly engulfing him in flames. He shot twice at Akira, sending fire his way.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa used her ability to make strong vines come from the ground and wrap around Akira's wrists. She knew it would hold him for only so long, but it would hold him for a small time.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
" I don't need any help, but thanks...but I have a choice to make do I kill to fit in with my fellow vampires or not and possibly get killed for not doing what I should."

Akira tried to free himself pulling the vine from each other. While doimg so he quickly glanced at both of them. He knew he was strong but not that strong could he possibly beat both of them?
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres was silent for a moment. She didn't know why she liked him so much, but he was indeed the only vampire she liked. "Do what you should. From my point of view it's do what is right, but that means stop, don't do what you have to to fit in. But that does put you in danger." she was quiet for a moment, thinking. "Come with us. Me and my brother. There is strength in numbers and even if we may not be able to do much around Vampires in the very least we could be a cover if any other Vampires question where your allegiance lies." she suggests, sincerely hoping he would accept.

Kovu stopped in front of Akira, his flames hotter, brighter and overall more intense than they had been before. He looked at the vampire curiously. "You know, all I want to do is kill you, and yet there is something stopping me." he mutters, smiling cruelly. "Does fire burn you like the sun does?" he asks after a moment, making fire trail to Akira's arm and having wrap itself around his arm like a snake might do.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire chuckled slightly at how cruel Kovu was. She didn't know that before. She put her hand on her hip, watching until the fire crawled on Akira's arm. And if it did burn him like sun does, she guess that would be fun to watch him turned to ashes.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
"....that's something to think about." He stood up and walked to the edge of the roof. "Ya know...until I give you my answer what will you do?" He stared down at the street watching the cars fly by. "Because I'm letting you go..."

Akira laughed louder and louder. "Silly boy..the sun does not burn our skin..thats an old fairy tale, just like a silver bullet doesn't kill us instantly. We came from hell and there's a lot of fire there, you know." He blew the fire burning his flesh until it consumed both of his arms. And they both turned to ashes.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres was a little suprised, but then again what did she think he was going to do with her? "I don't know. I hadn't thought of that, because to be honest I thought I was going to be with you for a while depending on the circumstances." she sighed a little. "I suppose I should try to find my brother, he's going to be pissed off whenever I do though." she adds after a moment.

Kovu just shrugged, he was infuriated that the fire didn't do anything to this monster, but he wasn't going to give Akira the pleasure of seeing that he was frustrated. "That's too bad, I was looking forward to watching you burn. Oh well, I guess it's just back to fighting then." he says as if nothing in the world mattered to him. He desperately wanted to find his sister though and to kill this vampire.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire sighed as she saw the fire turned into ashes. "Not working huh? Then, I guess fighting you should be done with the real weapon." She sighed and pulled a katana out of nowhere. She played with the sharp thing before pointed it to Akira. "This one made from silver. That will kill you for sure."
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa stood beside Sumire and slightly behind Kovu, it was a shame the fire didn't work. She rejuvinated her plants holding Akira since the fire had gotten rid of the last batch. She just needed them to work for a little bit of time, but he was a vampire.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
".....you can't...I can promise you that you will get killed." he gently smiled and held out his hand and thought to himself I guess I do care about her. " Stay with me then."

He knew that he was strong but not enough to fight them all. Akira grinned and said something clever. " You know kovu and Sumire you can stand here and try to kill me or..go after your sister. Although I can't say she's alive now."
Akira reached his hand out and placed his hand on the blade, and pulled it down lowering it.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres hesitated a moment and then took his hand with a smile. "...Okay." she says simply, not sure if this was a wise choice but trusting her gut. She thought that just maybe she could trust him.

Kovu stared at him coldly. He was right, he should go find his sister, he could fight this vampire another time. He took a few steps back, the fire still surrounding his hands. He looked to Narissa and Sumire, he had to find his sister, but he knew they were stronger together, they had a chance.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire didn't fooled by Akira's words. "You think I'll believe what you say, vamp?" She hesitating a little to kill him or not, he was so close to her sword. But she considered Akira's words. "She still alive. I still could smell her. Kovu can go to his sister and Narissa could go with him as a back-up. I'll take you myself, pure breed."
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Vincent gave an honest smile and held on to her hand tight and jumped off the edge of the building. He says while floping to the ground. " So what do you fairy's eat? And do?"

Akira smirked, "Oh? You seem very confident Mrs. Sumire. Put those words into action babe." He jumped back away from the blade.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire raised her eyebrow when he call her 'babe'. He really trying to push her worst button. Like he challenge her to play with him. She grinned slightly. "Of course sweetheart." She stomped on the ground and the ground under Akira opened, making him fall downward and then the ground closed again, trapping him there.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres smiled a little an then shrugs. "It depends, my brother and I are hybrids and neither of us knows with what. The fairy side liked fruits and vegetables, but I have craved blood and meat - both raw and cooked. So if I'm being honest I guess everything. As for what I do? I try to survive. I haven't experiemented with fun activities to see what I like to do." She says, she looks to him. "What do you like to do?" She asks.

Kovu hesitated, he didn't want to leave Sumire alone with this vamp, but he had to find his sister. "I'm sorry Sumire, I'll come back to make sure you're still alive later." He says before running off to find his sister.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire give a thumb up as response to Kovu and then back focused to her battle here. Of course she'll stay alive, like she could get easily killed by a mere vampire. "Hn. I'll be fine. You be careful." She said simply.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
"Mhmm that doesn't seem like a nice life, how about I teach you how to live?
Like a vampire I'll show you how us vampires live." He said while still holding her hand.

"Oh, so much confidence. Then show me whatcha got." He grinned
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Her heart pounded in her chest. "O-okay." She says. The suggestion made her nervous, she didn't know what it entailed. Again a little bit of distrust arose, but she pushed it away. She was curious. "Let's go." She adds with a slight smile, not really bothered that he still held her hand.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire raised one eyebrow. "Wasn't you the one who challenge me? Let see what you made of, Akira." She put her hand on her hip and put the weight on one feet.
over a year ago fangfan7 said…
Narissa glanced back once at Sumire before following after Kovu. She hoped his sister was okay. And she hoped Sumire would be okay.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
(sorry i'm resonding slowly)
As he held her hand he could feel and hear the blood flow through her veins, that could be a problem but he continued to take her to his destination. It was getting pretty late the time read 10 pm. " Ill take you to a lounge, it's where most of my kind are...but try to stay clam your blood is very loud."

Akira rubbed his tongue over his teeth and said " I like you confidence." while running towards her, he quickly took the blade the girl had earlier and threw it across the room. " You certainly wont be needing that."
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
(It's okay)

"Sorry." Eres says. She closes her eyes as they walk, trusting him to lead her for a brief moment and calms her racing heart to a very slow rate. She hoped it was at least a little better. "Is it really safe to bring me to such a place when my 'blood is very loud'? Or do you have some alterior motive?" she asks the second part teasingly, not wanting him to think she did not trust him or anything.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire had to admit she's a bit surprised when he took her blade and throw it across the room. She chuckled and tapped her foot to the floor. "And why exactly I won't need it?" She took a step towards him.
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
" well you see, if I walk into a place of my kind and I bring some one who isn't it would mean that I own you or that your in my possession. So nothing would happen." He said while looking straight ahead. " but...if we where so get separated but I couldn't ensure your safely.."

Akira grinned, " because girls should hold sharp things, they could, hurt themselves....that's why other people do it for them." He took her hand and held it has tight has he could, until he could feel hear the bones in her hand star to pop.
over a year ago BlackSparrow said…
Eres nods her head in understanding. "Then I'll just have to make sure I stay with you and hold onto you tight." she says, smiling ever so slightly as she squeezed his hand a little when she talked about having to hold onto him tight. She was kind of excited to see what this would be like, most of her fear had ebbed away though she knew she would still have to be cautious and weary.
over a year ago Firiel said…
Sumire, while Akira hold her hand so tight, also holding his hand so tight with her angel power. She almost winced when the bones starting to pop, but she wouldn't give Akira the satisfaction seeing her in pain. She continue to squeeze his hand until she could feel something cracked. "And I think the boys should protect the girls, since girls couldn't hold sharp things, right?"
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
As they continued to walk Vincent thought about Akira. I wonder if he's killed them.
..I just can't see him dying. Soon they made it to their destination they turned into a dark ally.
Vincent knock on a strange door while still hold Eres's hand and if opened.
It was a Vampire Lounge it was a place where vampires came to hang and feed on their prey.
Vincent smiled at her to make her feel comfortable, and pointed at a table since we're here eats it.
(This is such an accurate picture)
As they continued to walk Vincent thought about Akira. I wonder if he's killed them.
..I just can't
over a year ago x-Yumi-x3 said…
Akira laughed, " Ah you think so? It's to bad you can't trust all boys......." He quickly snatched his hand from her and popped his hand back into place.
Using his powers made the knife Sumire hand earlier pop into his hand
"Because they'll break you heart.." He took the blade and stuck it into the girl's heart.